
run away with me

Kimberly Westwood is a vampire hunter but not just any, she's one of the best and the future heir to the family's business. She always does as she's told and when she's told to do so. Everyone trusts her to finish a job within a timely manner without fail. Well, until she fails to kill a vampire of a high status and instead runs off with his wife. Now she's on the run from both this psycho vampire and vampire hunters who all want her dead. But hey, at least she's not alone as she tries to get away from everything and everyone.

chxoswriter · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter seven

"Wait, is that even possible?" Kristina asks, looking between Kimberly and Wren. "There's no way for a vampire to control all species. Maybe humans but they can't control the others like werewolves and witches... Right?"

Wren shakes his head. "If it was possible then all hunters would know of it, just to prepare themselves for a scenario like this," he explains. "But we haven't been taught this, if it was possible, the council would've told us. They would've at least told the two us." He gestures between himself and Kimberly.

And he's right. If it was possible then both Kimberly and Wren would've known about it, or at least their families would know and tell them. The privilege of being the best: you're always guaranteed information, including the super secret stuff.

Yeong-Ja doesn't react, she just twirls a strand of her hair. "Has it ever crossed your minds that your council is hiding this from you? Just because you're their favorite hunters does not mean they have to be one hundred percent honest with you."

"They wouldn't hide anything from us," Wren argues.

"That's what they want you to think. I'm sure there's a lot that they're keeping from you."

He glares at her. "What, like how your Sire and husband are keeping things from you?"

Yeong-Ja stops twirling her hair. She looks as if she wants to say something, or maybe pounce and finally take a bite out of Wren, but she doesn't. She just sits there, glaring at him as he glares at her. Kristina and Kimberly share a look with each other before Kristina drives her elbow into Wren's side. He winces in pain and looks at her in confusion. "I get that you guys are enemies or whatever but can you chill for five minutes? We need to talk about this and why Yeong-Ja's Sire wants to control everyone."

Wren makes a face but says nothing else, he just leans back into the couch with his arms crossed. "Thank you," Kristina says. She turns to Yeong-Ja. "Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if the council members are hiding stuff from us. Though, I only say that because I'm their biggest hater."

"But then that makes me wonder if our parents know, or maybe Wren's grandfather." Kimberly looks Wren as she says this. Even if he tries to act nonchalant about everything, she can notice the slight signs of tension.

"I can... reach out to him if you want."

"No," she says. "I wouldn't want you to do something uncomfortable like that." She's aware of his relationship with his grandfather, she wouldn't force him to do anything uncomfortable like that. "Instead, call your parents and ask them. Don't tell them why you're doing this, just... test and see if they know anything."

"What if they do know but lie to me?"

"That's fine because we're going to see a second source for answers."

Kristina tilts her head. "You gonna call mom and dad?"

Kimberly shakes her head, smiling nervously. "Nah, we're going to the council to ask them ourselves."

. . .

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?"

The four of them are sitting inside Wren's car, the owner in the driver's seat, Kimberly in the passenger seat, and Kristina and Yeong-Ja in the back. While the four try not to show it on their faces, they're all tensed and nervous. Kimberly doesn't worry two much about Kristina and Wren's nervousness, their nervousness matches her. Nervous to see what the council will say and of who they'll be bringing inside. The Vampire Queen herself, Yeong-Ja. It was her mission to kill the woman and yet... she snuck her out instead in attempts to rescue her. Though, she's happy that she did rescue her. Because there's a bigger issue at hand other than the Vampire Queen.

She slowly looks over at Yeong-Ja. The vampire refuses to look at any of them, she stares out the window with furrowed eyebrows and her hands resting on her lap. Her handcuffed hands to be exact.

"Is this truly necessary?" She asks them for the hundredth time.

"We've told you already, you need to keep these on," Kristina says. "The association won't let a vampire easily walk around their headquarters with no problem--"

"Much less the Vampire Queen--" Wren interjects.

"-- That's why we have to handcuff you," she finishes. "It'll only be while we're inside, after that, we'll unlock you. Promise."

Yeong-Ja turns, her eyes on Kristina, who smiles gently in her direction. Finally, Yeong-Ja sighs deeply, sinking into her seat. "Alright, fine, let's get this over with already."

Kimberly nods her head as she gets out first, the other three follow alongside her. The all stood side by side, staring at their destination. Yeong-Ja follows their eyes, though, hers are filled with more confusion than before. "So... where's the association?"

"In front of you," Wren says, leading the pack. Kristina follows after him and Kimberly gestures for Yeong-Ja to go next. She's their prisoner, if they're going to keep this skit up, it has to look believable. Which means Kimberly has to walk behind Yeong-Ja in order to make sure she doesn't run away.

Kimberly can understand Yeong-Ja's confusion, if she was new like her, she would've been the same way. When most think of the association's building, they imagine a towering building, something like what would you expect from a superhero movie. Tall, made of mostly glass panels, and people walking in and out every minute. But that would be too obvious, their enemies would be able to pinpoint them and attack, thus causing problems for everyone around. So instead, the association settled for something that no one would ever expect.

A burger joint.

Burger & Co. was the name, a red and white building with a large sign and six metal tables sitting outside of it. The parking lot isn't too packed, which is good for them. It'll make things easier for them as they entire the establishment.

The inside is what you would expect from a burger joint. The vintage appeal, bright red booths, a bar and stools, a jukebox, and a staff getting around on roller blades. It's the perfect place for families and teenagers to come and chill, honestly, Kimberly, Kristina, and Wren would always stop by for lunch whenever they were free. And technically, they are doing the same now because it is nearing lunch time, but Kimberly isn't too sure if Wren would allow it and if Yeong-Ja can take being handcuffed longer than necessary.

Wren turns to the left, leading the three of them to their usual spot. It's a booth in the far corner, hidden by a wall that separates the establishment into two seating areas. There are more people who sit on the right side of the building, where it's closer to the jukebox and easier access to the wait staff, versus the left side that barely has anyone sitting there. Or anyone literally except for the four of them, which is perfect. Makes it easier for them.

They all slide into the booth just as a waitress skates over to them, smile big. "Well, well, well! Isn't it my favorite trio! Plus a new friend, hello there." She stares down at Yeong-Ja who hides her handcuffs under the table, though Kimberly wants to tell her there's no need to do so but remains silent. Yeong-Ja gives her a nod as a greeting, the waitress takes it. "So what are we having today?"

"I'll have the number seven with a diet coke," says Kristina.

Wren doesn't look at his menu, just nods his head. "The number two for me with a sprite."

"I'll also have a number two with a sprite." Kimberly then looks at Yeong-Ja who stares down at the menu. "And she'll have the fries with ketchup on the side and a sprite."

Yeong-Ja gives her a look but she ignores it. The waitress writes it all down with a smile. "Alright then, I'll have those out for you in a bit."

She walks away as Yeong-Ja continues to stare at Kimberly. There's no need for the vampire to ask her anything because she can practically guess what she wants to say. Why did you order for me? Aren't we going to your association? When are you going to take these handcuffs off of me? If Kimberly could, she would answer them but from the way Wren is looking at her, he's telling her to keep it a secret. They're partners for now but Yeong-Ja is still the enemy, the Vampire Queen, puppet or not. They couldn't give away top secret information like that to her, no matter how beautiful she is.

Seconds later, Kimberly hears the familiar click below them. Yeong-Ja hears it, the vampire staring down at the bright red seat, whole body tensing because of it. She almost gets up but Kimberly places her hand on top of her's, hoping to both keep her down and to ease her nerves. It does keep Yeong-Ja in place but she's not sure if she eases her nerves.

"Might wanna keep still," Kristina says to Yeong-Ja. "You don't want to lose a hand."

"Excuse me--"

Yeong-Ja couldn't even finish her sentence as their booth sinks into the ground. Well, saying sink would mean that the ride is a very smooth and slow one, when really it's the complete opposite. It's a literal drop, like a Rollercoaster at their local amusement park. There's no warning of it happening, no one that tells them to make sure they're buckled in and keep hands on their laps, hell, there isn't any sort of seat belt in sight! Kimberly remembers the first time they took this method down to the association, how terrified she felt, the way her stomach dropped, and how she thought she was going to die. At the age of twelve, she couldn't bring herself to trust the association with such a faulty way of getting to their base. But after much discussion with her parents, she learned that it wasn't actually faulty and that the association did actually care. Hidden away from view were gravitational devices that kept whomever down, apparently a lot safer than seat belts. "You just gotta get used to it, that's all!" Her mom told her. "And if it makes you feel better, at least this method is a lot better than what we had to go through."

Which was apparently was a hidden vacuum that suck them into a giant slide. Honestly, Kimberly would take the drop over the slide any day.

The drop doesn't last long, only a few seconds before it comes to a slow drop and then finally stops. Kristina and Wren are the same as her, not as bothered but their hair is a mess (a win for shaved head Kimberly!). She turns to look at Yeong-Ja who sits there stiffly. The vampire might present herself as regal and posh but in this moment, Kimberly can see that the drop caught her off guard. From her tighten jaw to her red eyes to her sharp fingernails that left a trail of scratch marks on the table-- Kimberly sees it all and feels guilty for not warning her. Just a bit that is.

The room that they dropped into resembles an elevator, completely white all around them, though, it's missing the buttons for them to press and a screen that tells them what floor they're on. But it's not needed because it's not ones typical elevator, just resembles one for the specific location they were at. The door slides open quickly next to Kristina and Kimberly, the twin sisters stepping out first and Wren and Yeong-Ja following after. Just like the white elevator, they're met with a white receptionist room, where there's the four of them and one guy sitting behind the desk. "Kristina to the back, Kimberly walk beside Yeong-Ja and keep a close eye on her," Wren tells them, the twins nodding their heads, getting into their positions.

Unlike in the elevator, Yeong-Ja walks with her head high and perfect posture. She's truly the Vampire Queen as she walks with such pose and confidence, it sends a shiver down Kimberly's spine, just like the night she first met the Vampire.

Wren stops first at the receptionist desk, the guy behind it barely looking up from his computer. He placed an elbow on top of the desk, leaning forward a bit and smiling sweetly. "Afternoon, Ronald! Ya missed me at all?"

"Not one bit, Mr. Nishikawa," Ronald says. "Why are you here today?"

"Need to see the council, immediately. We have something to discuss with them. Something important."

Ronald looks up from his computer, just a tad, eyeing, first, Wren and then the three women behind him. Kimberly nods as a greeting and Kristina waves. He knows them, it should be expected that whenever Wren says "we" either one or both of the twins are with him. But then there's a fourth member of their party that messes with that routine and Ronald doesn't take his eyes off of her. "Is she the important thing? A... vampire?"

"Oh, not just any vampire. You're looking at Yeong-Ja, the Vampire Queen."

Hello, I'm back!! I haven't been doing so well mentally and it was really messing with my writing. Instead of just sitting around and letting my depression win, I'm pushing myself to write a chapter each day. So yeah, thank you for waiting for me to update! It really means a lot to me

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