
run away with me

Kimberly Westwood is a vampire hunter but not just any, she's one of the best and the future heir to the family's business. She always does as she's told and when she's told to do so. Everyone trusts her to finish a job within a timely manner without fail. Well, until she fails to kill a vampire of a high status and instead runs off with his wife. Now she's on the run from both this psycho vampire and vampire hunters who all want her dead. But hey, at least she's not alone as she tries to get away from everything and everyone.

chxoswriter · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter eight

Ronald's eyes go wide as he rises to his feet, staggering backwards. "The V-- Vampire Queen! Weren't you told to kill her? What is she doing here alive?"

Kimberly tries to smile but it's forced and awkward. "I kinda... failed that... Oopsies?"

"Oopsies?! Kimberly Westwood, this is no oopsies!" It looks like Ronald is going to faint, which he could do, after he lets them into the rest of the building. They really need to get going.

"Ronald, Ronald, buddy, pal--" Wren says, trying to ease the receptionist's nerves, it doesn't help since he only glares at the other. "Come on, we need to see them. Just call Mr. Smith and tell him the situation. Tell him that we're willing to wait to see the council but we absolutely have to see them today."

Ronald looks between the four of them. He glares at Wren and Kimberly, a questioning look at Kristina, and fear when he attempts to look at Yeong-Ja. The vampire doesn't react and that stillness and coolness makes Ronald shake even more. He finally looks away and picks up the landline phone. "Alright, fine. But there's no guarantee that they'll agree to meeting with you."

"You never know unless you try."

He eyes Wren before focusing on his phone. He taps in a phone number and waits as it rings. After three rings, someone picks up. "Hello, Mr. Smith, I hope that I'm not bothering you," Ronald says, voice sweet and smooth. Kimberly is surprised that he's able to hide his fear right now, though she wonders if the all so amazing Mr. Smith could tell that one of his employees is shaking in his boots in this very moment. "Two of our hunters are here and would like to meet with the council... It's Hunter Kimberly, Hunter Wren, and former Hunter Kristina-- Yes, sir! She's with them too, isn't that strange?" Ronald laughs which causes Kristina to roll her eyes. Kimberly almost does the same. "Well, the three of them said that it's an urgent matter-- Yes, sir, I told them that even though they're our best hunters, that it would be impossible for them to meet with the council... Oh, well, they insisted that I called you a-and I agreed with them! ... Mr. Smith, please, just listen to me, it's truly an urgent matter." Then there's the desperation, Ronald's eyes laying back on Yeong-Ja. "They've brought her here, the Vampire Queen."

Everything goes silent and still, Kimberly wishes that she could hear what Mr. Smith was saying, or to at least see the expression on his face. Finally, Ronald reacts to whatever is said and he splutters out a bunch of "Yes sir!" and "Thank you, sir!" before he finally hangs up the phone. "Mr. Smith said that the four of you can meet with the council, though, he said that you would have to wait a few hours before you can meet with them. S-so, go ahead and enter the building, there'll be other hunters waiting to escort you."

Extra protection, smart, it shows that even Mr. Smith can't trust the fact that the three of them could handle Yeong-Ja if she decides to break free. "Thanks, Ronald, I knew that we could count on you!" Wren says, leading the other three to the entrance. "You have a good day, alright? Tell the misses that I said hi and that I would love to eat some of her lemon bars again."

"Just get out of here, Wren. Mr. Smith is waiting for you."

Wren says nothing else, just smiles and nods as he slips his hands into his pants pockets. Kristina waves bye and Kimberly nods her head, while Yeong-Ja... she doesn't do anything. Which is probably for the best, mostly for Ronald who does not want to be in the same room as her any longer. The door to the entrance slides open and the once peaceful and quiet receptionist room is filled with chatter and bustling life of the association's headquarters.

The inside of the headquarters differs greatly from the waiting room. While the waiting room is completely white and silent, the actual headquarters bustles with life and futuristic technology. There are hunters and ordinary headquarters employees who walk around, either talking with each other or heading off to complete their assigned missions. There's even hunters walking in with their assigned targets, either handcuffed or knocked out, being transported around on a hoverboard. Kimberly is sure that if the association hadn't told her to kill Yeong-Ja and to keep her alive, the Vampire Queen would've been flying on a hoverboard after being knocked out. Because she's sure that the other would try to attack if brought to the association as an enemy. They're lucky now that she's helping them or else this mission would've been horrible.

The building is a large dome with fifteen different tunnels. Some tunnels lead to other parts of the headquarters, others to transportation stations and waiting rooms. The tunnel straight ahead leads to where the four of them are heading to, the council. The simple thought of seeing the council causes Kimberly to shiver. Being inside and so close, it just reminds her of how nervous she is to speak before the council about Yeong-Ja's Sire and husband.

Kristina is the first to notice Yeong-Ja's wondering eyes. "Impressed?" She asks.

"Very," Yeong-Ja answers, head tilted upwards. "Are we... underwater? The ocean is under the diner?"

"Uh--" Kristina looks at Kimberly and Wes. The two nod their heads, giving her permission to explain. "The elevator is more of a teleportation device! We teleported here."

"To the ocean?"

"The Pacific to be specific."

"Ah." Kimberly looks up too. As a child, knowing that the headquarters is underwater always frightened her. The thought of a whale or a shark crashing into the glass, shattering it, and flooding the entire place ran rampant in her mind. But as the years went by, the fear slowly transformed into admiration and awe of the creativity and beauty of it all. "A smart move on the association's part, I'll give them that."

"Very smart! Though, we have to give full credit to the Witches. It's because of their magic that any of this is possible."

"Witches can be useful when they want to be."

"You ever met a Witch?"

"Many in my lifetime and every single one I've hated."

"I'm sure they hated you too," Wren says. "Enough talking, we need to see the council."

Just as he says that, two hunters in white suits head straight for them. Kimberly doesn't remember their names but recognizes their faces instantly. Two of the top hunters in the world who work directly under Mr. Smith's jurisdiction. How lovely. "Good evening," says the one with a scar over his left eye. "Mr. Smith has sent us to escort you to his office." The two stare dead at Yeong-Ja. Neither say anything to her but Kimberly is sure that they're swearing and murdering her with their eyes. "Let's go."

Without a moment of waiting, scarface takes the lead by walking ahead. The second hunter, a man with a rainbow mullet, walks behind Kristina. One in the front and one in the back, following the same formation that Wes told them. But unlike the three of them, these two look ready to pull out their weapons and attack if need be. There's no trust between them and Yeong-Ja, if they need to, they'll kill her on the spot.

Kristina takes the other spot next to Yeong-Ja, her eyes meeting with Kimberly. No words needed to be said, they gotta keep Yeong-Ja in check or else their ultimate plan is a failure. Hopefully the Vampire Queen knows to keep it cool or else she's done for.

The walk is quiet at first, if anyone looks their way or greets them, the hunters will return the greeting before focusing on getting to the council and Mr. Smith. But the silence is soon broken by the man walking behind Kimberly.

"I'm shocked, Void." Kimberly looks back at Rainbow Mullet. "You're one of the best hunters of your generation, you always do as you're told. A clean and easy kill each time. I thought this mission would've been your best one yet. But--" His eyes flicker between her and Yeong-Ja, corner of his lips twisting into a smirk. "-- You failed to kill the biggest and baddest vamp yet. What, realized that you couldn't do it and needed the professionals to take care of it?"

Kimberly breathes in and out heavily, though her expression is as cool as it can get. "I didn't fail--" Well, she did, he just didn't need to know that. "-- I just realized that we could save more lives if we kept her alive."

He barks a laugh, Kimberly hates the way it rattles her physically and emotionally. "You've gotta be kidding me! Don't tell me this bitch gave you some stupid excuse and you actually believed it? Man! Women really are too weak to handle this stuff."

Her blood boils, fists clench, and breathing grows more erratic as the seconds pass. Kimberly almost blows, she wants to whip around and curse him, or to even punch him. She wants to do something and yet... she does nothing. She never does, even if someone taunts or pushes her down, Kimberly just takes it all without a word. He'll stop if I ignore him, she thinks, hoping that shes right. She also prays that neither Kristina or Wren say anything, it'll just switch his attention to them and she doesn't want that.

Luckily for her, neither say anything, instead, it's Yeong-Ja who stops, almost causing Rainbow Mullet to bump into her. Kimberly goes still and Rainbow Mullet glares down at the vampire. "The hell you stopping for? Keep walking."

"Are you jealous of Hunter Kimberly?"


Rainbow Mullet's go wide, Yeong-Ja is completely unfazed. "I asked if you're jealous of Hunter Kimberly? You have to be if you're to make comments like that about her."

They all stop and freeze. Kimberly and Kristina's eyes go wide, Wren stands stiff, and Scarface and Rainbow Mullet are glaring at Yeong-Ja. But Rainbow Mullet looks like he wants to attack the vampire. "You really think I'm jealous of a girl like her?"

"Yes," she says. "You're jealous that a woman was given the mission to kill me, the Vampire Queen. That the council believes that she's more capable than you are to handle such a high level mission. And honestly, I do understand your frustration, I too would be upset if I was indirectly told by the council that I'm pathetic and weak. Ashamed even."

Kimberly can see it in Rainbow Mullet's face that Yeong-Ja's words are getting to him. She can see his vein bulging out and the murderous intent in his eyes. She even catches sight of Rainbow Mullet reaching for his weapon at his hip, a gun most likely. It's not uncommon for a hunter to kill a vampire within the building, the council allows it if the hunter believes the vampire is acting out and trying to kill those around. Kimberly has seen it happen more than once that at this point, it's to expected for something like that to happen once a day. But not here with Yeong-Ja, a vampire who has done nothing to Rainbow Mullet or anyone. It would be a cruel and unjust murder.

He fully has his gun out and the barrel pressed to Yeong-Ja's head... just as Kimberly directs her own towards his stomach. Rainbow Mullet doesn't miss what she does. "What are you doing?"

"Put your weapon down," Kimberly says, voice steady despite her racing heartbeat. "You are not to kill her."

"The mission was to kill her, was it not? Who cares who does it as long as it's been done."

He's right but she refuses to admit it out loud. "Put your gun down, you are not to kill her. Mr. Smith is expecting her."

"My partner is right." The cool touch of metal against her neck sends a shiver down her spine. She doesn't need to see to know that Scarface is ready to strike when she attacks his partner. "Your mission was to kill the Vampire Queen and you failed to do so. You put everyone at risk by bringing her here, though, we can just as easily turn it into a public showing of her murder. Allow the entire association to see the death of the Vampire Queen."

Kimberly is so focused on the blade to her neck and making sure that Rainbow Mullet doesn't shoot Yeong-Ja, to notice how people have stopped walking and are looking at them. She doesn't need to see it, she can feel their eyes, hear their whispers, and taste the judgement that is thrown her way. It's the first time that a crowd is watching her in a negative way. Always so perfect and the star child, any attention that is ever on her has always been positive attention. Applause, smiles, pride for the young hunter, the complete opposite of this very moment.

It feels as though minutes have passed by, or that time has gone still, until someone claps loudly. "I was wondering what was going on. Thought you all got lost."

It's Mr. Smith, she doesn't need to look behind herself to know this. She can already picture him staring the group down with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. "All of you, put your weapons down. You're causing a crowd to form."

They all listen, they have to, it's Mr. Smith, he's a powerful man that strikes fear into all hunters' hearts. Kimberly puts her gun away just as Rainbow Mullet does the same. There's no longer a blade at her neck, she can now breathe easy without worrying about being cut. She even sees Kristina putting her own knives away and Wren who has yet to move from his spot. Kimberly would've guessed that he would have her back too but it seemed like that wasn't the case. Maybe because she was protecting Yeong-Ja, maybe because he knew Mr. Smith would show up. Either way, it left Kimberly nauseous and embarrassed that her own best friend didn't try to protect her.

Mr. Smith steps closer to all of them and the four hunters and Kristina all stood up straight. "If you want to fight each other, take it to the basement and during your own time. Not during mine or the council, not when we're being gracious with this request."

"Yes sir, Mr. Smith," they all say.

His eyes fall onto Yeong-Ja who has finally turned to look at him. "You must be the Vampire Queen, it's pleasure to finally meet you."

Yeong-Ja says nothing, just nods her head. Mr. Smith takes it, not caring to push her anymore as he turns around. "Let's go, the council is in a meeting right now but I would like to hear from the four of you first." He looks at Scarface and Rainbow Mullet. "You'll continue escorting us and act as a guard during both meetings. And I'll turn a blind eye to what just happened but understand that if it happens again, I'll be the one to punish all of you. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Smith."

Mr. Smith doesn't say anything again, he just turns forward and leads the group. Scarface and Rainbow Mullet move next, the pair walking directly behind Mr. Smith, Rainbow Mullet even bumps roughly into Kimberly. She does nothing but rub her arm and glare at his head. Wren walks next, not saying a single word to either of the women or sparing them a glance. Kristina speaks up. "Are you two okay?"

"I'm fine," Kimberly says. Yeong-Ja nods. Her attention is on the vampire. "Yeong-Ja, look... thanks for having my back, and you too, Kris. But let's try not to do anything to piss anyone off, okay? We can't screw up and get ourselves killed, not when this plan is on the line, okay?"

"Right, sorry, sis."

"It's fine." Kimberly smiles at Kristina and looks to Yeong-Ja, waiting for her to say something. The vampire scoffs.

"I didn't do that for you, I just can't stand cocky men who think / women."

"Of course." Kimberly nods, not pushing the conversation any further, for both of their sakes. She just focuses on following the group and preparing herself for what's to come.