

Prashant_pandey007 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


As Shekhar and Akio emerged from the secret tunnel, they found themselves inside the old and broken post office. The abandoned building had been closed for a long time, its walls covered in layers of dust and neglect.

Akio, brushing off his clothes, turned to Shekhar and asked, "Sir, do you think Meck Ohara could have survived the blast?"

Shekhar's expression turned grave as he replied, "The blast we triggered was powerful, and the destruction was immense. It's highly unlikely that anyone could have survived such an explosion."

Akio nodded in agreement. "You're right, Sir. The force of the blast was overwhelming. It seems Meck Ohara's reign has come to an end."Looking around the deserted post office, Shekhar and Akio realized they needed to leave discreetly. They made their way through the rubble and out onto the streets, where a large crowd had gathered and went out slightly from there.

Outside the pub, the fire brigade officers battled relentlessly to extinguish the raging flames. The Commissioner, a stern and authoritative figure, arrived at the scene, his presence commanding attention.

"Get the situation under control! We need a thorough investigation," the Commissioner ordered, his voice laced with urgency.

A group of determined police officers accompanied the Commissioner as they climbed the stairs, making their way to the top floor of Mec Ohara's office. The room was a scene of devastation, with lifeless bodies strewn across the floor and remnants of the explosion scattered about.

As the officers carefully stepped over the fallen bodies, their eyes caught sight of blood droplets staining the floor, leading to a broken door concealed behind a bookshelf. The sight piqued their curiosity, and they readied their firearms, prepared for any imminent danger.

One officer, filled with determination, approached the door and cautiously opened it, revealing a hidden tunnel that descended into darkness. The trail of blood continued along the tunnel's floor, enticing them to venture further.

Descending into the depths of the tunnel, the officers braced themselves for what lay ahead. The air grew colder, and a sense of foreboding settled upon them. They followed the winding path of the tunnel, guided by the trail of blood.

At last, they arrived at the tunnel's end, where Mec Ohara's lifeless body lay sprawled on the floor. Two officers exchanged grim glances, their voices filled with conviction. "This was no accident," one whispered. "It was definitely a pre-planned murder," the other added, their words laden with certainty.

Officer Shu, renowned for his sharp observations, noticed something peculiar as he knelt beside Mec Ohara's body. With delicate precision, he pried open the clenched fist, revealing a concealed trigger within. His eyes widened in disbelief. "Look here! A bomb trigger! This couldn't have been an accident," he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency.

The Commissioner, overhearing Shu's revelation, swiftly intervened. "I have already made my judgment," he declared firmly, his tone brooking no argument. "It was an accident, likely caused by an overload at the power station. Mec Ohara was merely trying to escape."

However, Shu's discovery cast doubt on the Commissioner's explanation. Unyielding in his pursuit of the truth, Shu spoke up, his voice resolute. "Sir, this trigger suggests foul play. There is more to this than meets the eye. We need to investigate further."

The Commissioner's expression hardened, his resolve unwavering. "I stand by my assessment. It was an accident, and there will be no further discussion on the matter," he declared firmly, shutting down any dissent.

Reluctantly, the Commissioner ordered Shu to call for laborers to retrieve Mec Ohara's body and bring it to the surface. The investigation, it seemed, had taken an unexpected turn, leaving lingering questions unanswered.

As Shekhar and Akio reached the main road, they spotted a taxi waiting by the curb. The driver, a middle-aged man, was engaged in a kind act of feeding a beggar. Akio approached the driver and politely asked, "Sir, can you take us to Blue Chain Road?" The driver turned to them with a smile and replied, "Yes, sir, I can. However, I have a couple more stops to make before reaching your destination."

Curious about the empty backseat, Akio questioned, "But there's no one else in your taxi." The driver chuckled and explained, "I deliver noodles to two more needy individuals along the way. It's my small way of helping those less fortunate." Akio nodded appreciatively and said, "That's commendable. We don't mind waiting."

Shekhar and Akio entered the taxi, and as the vehicle began to move, they engaged in a lighthearted conversation in Japanese, showcasing their camaraderie and sense of humor. The driver listened attentively, enjoying the friendly banter between the two.

After some time, Shekhar, intrigued by the driver's story, leaned forward and asked, "Hey, dude, do you live in this city or did you come here solely for work?" The driver's expression turned somber, and he replied, "I came here for work, sir, but things haven't gone as planned." Shekhar encouraged him to share his story, saying, "We have some time. We'd love to hear what happened."

With a heavy sigh, the driver began, "This city is an expensive place, and I came here with dreams of starting a large-scale import-export business. However, as you may know, this city is under the control of ruthless gangsters. They came with police officers and took control of all my ports." He paused, his voice filled with frustration. "They ruined my life, sir."

Akio sympathized with the driver's predicament and asked, "Why didn't you consider starting over in another city?" The driver's eyes filled with sadness as he replied, "I lacked the funds, sir. They drained me of everything I had, leaving me with nothing to rebuild."

As they reached their destination, Shekhar approached the driver and asked in a cheerful tone, "What's your good name, sir?" The driver smiled and responded, "Sunio Shin!" Shekhar took out his Black American Express Card and said, "Well, Mr. Sunio, do you have a credit card machine?"

The driver handed over the machine and said,"it's 50yen/- sir.", and Shekhar made the payment. They thanked the driver and proceeded toward a Shopping mall.

However, just as they were about to enter the store, a voice called out from behind, "Sir, please stop!" It was the taxi driver.

He approached them and said, "Sir, you only needed to pay 50 yen, but you gave me 1 million yen." Shekhar smiled warmly and replied, "It's for your kind service."

The driver, overwhelmed with gratitude, grasped Shekhar's foot and tears of joy glistened in his eyes. He said, "Sir, it's too much for me." Shekhar lifted him up gently and said, "Look, brother, there are only a few people left on earth like you. I admired that you didn't hesitate to help the needy even when you had nothing. So, if I can give you something, it would be my pleasure." The driver handed Shekhar a card and said, "Sir, here's my contact information. Whenever, wherever, and whatever help you need, then  please contact me."

After their heartfelt exchange, the driver bid them farewell, and Shekhar and Akio continued on their way to the Shopping mall, their hearts warmed by the unexpected encounter with such a compassionate soul.

Akio couldn't help but voice his curiosity, "Sir, aren't we going to a party?"

Shekhar glanced at him, a mischievous smile forming on his face. "No, my boy," he replied teasing him, "We have just accomplished a brutal murder. Look at your clothes, the beautifully designed patches of blood",

Akio nodded, understanding the importance of maintaining their appearances. "So, we should look like rich gangsters," he remarked.

Shekhar smiled and retrieved three blinking diodes from his pocket. He handed one to Akio and strategically placed one inside his bag and another in his own coat pocket. The diodes would help create the illusion of wealth and power, deflecting any suspicion.

As they entered the shopping mall, they noticed that the crowd was relatively sparse compared to Indian malls. The guards diligently checked them with metal detectors and inspected their bags. However, due to the concealed diodes, nothing suspicious was detected, and they were allowed to proceed.

Making their way to the lift, they reached the second floor, determined to find clothes befitting their desired image.

In the men's section, Akio's eyes widened as he spotted a sleek black shirt, perfectly tailored black pants, and premium-quality black shoes. He felt an air of power and sophistication emanating from the ensemble. Alongside his clothing choices, Akio picked up a boxing strap, symbolizing his strength, and a Rolex 2019 edition Nightfall watch, signifying his status.

Shekhar, with his discerning eye, opted for a striking scarlet red blazer, paired with impeccably tailored black pants. Completing his look, he selected a stylish black T-shirt, matching black shoes, an exquisite Amber stone ring, and a pair of sleek goggles that exuded mystery. Content with their selections, they proceeded to the counter, where they handed over their chosen items.

As Akio confidently presented his Platinum American Express Card for payment, the counter lady couldn't help but compliment their impeccable style. "You both look incredibly stylish. Going to a special event?" she inquired curiously.

Shekhar, maintaining his composure, replied with a charming smile, "Indeed, we are attending an important gathering. We want to make a lasting impression, wouldn't you agree?"

The counter lady nodded approvingly, acknowledging their sartorial choices. "I must say, you've certainly succeeded in that regard. Best of luck with your event. I'm sure you'll turn heads wherever you go," she added with a warm smile.

With the transaction completed, Shekhar and Akio expressed their gratitude and made their way towards the trial rooms.

As Shekhar and Akio entered the trial room, Akio wasted no time in removing his coat. However, Shekhar's sharp eyes immediately caught sight of a fresh injury on Akio's stomach, causing his gray shirt to turn a reddish hue.

Concerned, Shekhar quickly approached him, his voice filled with worry, Is this your blood, Akio? Are you injured?

Akio nodded, acknowledging the pain he was experiencing, Yes, sir.

Sensing the urgency, Shekhar swiftly reached into his coat pocket, retrieving a small spray bottle designed for medical purposes. Without hesitation, he sprayed the liquid over Akio's injury, aiming to provide relief.

Akio winced in pain as the spray made contact with his wound, Ouch! It pains, sir.

Shekhar couldn't help but tease him, his voice laced with humor, Oh my, you're an MMA fighter, and yet you're hurt by a mere spray?

Akio let out a chuckle, his voice tinged with amusement, Sir, this spray is really strong. It stings!

Shekhar nodded knowingly, his eyes twinkling with mischief, That's precisely why it works so quickly, my friend. It means it's doing its job.

Satisfied with the treatment, Shekhar allowed Akio some time to recover before they proceeded with their plan.

After a while, both Shekhar and Akio changed into their newly purchased attire, transforming their appearance to match their desired image of rich gangsters. Stepping out of the trial room, they examined their reflection in the full-length mirror.

Shekhar: Looking sharp, Akio. We mustn't let anyone doubt our presence here.

Akio: Absolutely, sir. We need to maintain our cover and blend in seamlessly.

With their disguises intact, they made their way towards the lift, ready to continue their mission.

Exiting the shopping mall through the second gate, Akio accessed the online car booking service he had previously arranged. Within a short while, their designated car arrived.

Shekhar leaned towards the driver and issued their instructions, We need to go to the "Texas Mall."

Driver: Sure, gentlemen. Buckle up and we'll be on our way.

As Shekhar and Akio settled into the car, Shekhar whispered to Akio in a low voice, Now, I am your master, and you are my warrior. Remember our objective and stay focused.

Akio nodded, acknowledging their roles within the mission. The driver swiftly maneuvered through the traffic, making their way towards the Texas Mall.

Upon arriving at the mall, Shekhar and Akio entered, once again facing the security checks conducted by the guards. Despite their concealed intentions, the metal detectors failed to uncover any incriminating items. Satisfied, they proceeded towards the counter.

Akio approached the person manning the counter and inquired about the location of the Citadel Arena.

Akio: Excuse me, sir. Can you please direct us to the Citadel Arena?

Counter Person: Certainly! The arena is located on the ground floor. Just follow this corridor and take the escalator down.

Shekhar thanked the counter person, and they made their way through the bustling mall, following the directions they were given.

As Akio inquired about the location of the arena, the person at the counter informed them that it was on the ground floor. Offering to guide them, he led Shekhar and Akio to the lift. The elevator swiftly descended, bringing them to the lower level where the arena was situated.

Upon reaching the ground floor, they noticed a group of guards stationed at the entrance. The guards meticulously checked the golden passes held by Shekhar and Akio, their eyes scanning their bodies with handheld scanners. Yet, the scans failed to detect anything suspicious.

As they stepped inside the arena, the atmosphere became electrifying. The place was transformed into a spectacle of epic proportions, reminiscent of a "Fighting Showdown." The sound of cheers and adrenaline-filled anticipation filled the air.

Unbeknownst to them, a guard positioned behind them whispered derogatory remarks about their nationality.

Guard: These bloody Indians think they can win everything. Foolish fellows.

While Shekhar chose to ignore the disrespectful comment, it ignited a flame of anger within Akio. Reacting instinctively, Akio unleashed a powerful kick, striking the guard's mouth. The guard stumbled backward, crashing into the nearby door.

The sudden commotion attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd, drawing their curious gazes. Sensing the need to intervene, the head guard swiftly made his way toward the scene.

Head Guard: What's happening here? Explain yourselves!

Akio, still seething with anger, spoke up in an assertive tone.

Akio: He insulted my Master..

A person from the crowd, intrigued by the unfolding drama, began applauding before stepping forward.

Spectator: Well, well, well, it seems your master has taught you quite a few skills. But can you prove yourself in the arena?

Shekhar, understanding the potential risks involved, attempted to diffuse the situation.

Shekhar: Akio, we don't need any unnecessary attention or challenges here. Let's focus on our mission.

The spectator, determined to challenge Shekhar's authority, continued to provoke them.

Spectator: It's a question of your Master's glory. Can he truly back up his reputation?

Akio, fueled by a mix of anger and determination, responded firmly.

Akio: I will..

The crowd began to buzz with excitement, their attention shifting towards the impending showdown. With the weight of their mission hanging in the balance, Shekhar and Akio exchanged a determined glance, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the arena..

                  TO BE COUNTINUED...