

7TH_SIDE · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Shekhar (Nanu) and Raghav found themselves aboard their private jet, en route to Japan. Shekhar had informed his friends the previous night that he had some urgent work in the village and could not join them anymore. The two friends settled into their seats, ready for their journey. Raghav couldn't help but ponder aloud about the strange occurrences surrounding the knife they were searching for.

"One thing is troubling my mind, Shekhar," Raghav began, breaking the silence. "When I found the part of the knife in Kurukshetra, I faced Egyptian monsters. And when that Chinese researcher found the second part, he also encountered Egyptian monsters. But when you brought this spherical ball from Egypt, you faced ninjas instead. It's confusing, isn't it?"

Shekhar, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "That's precisely why I came here, Raghav. There's something deeper at play, and we need to unravel the mysteries surrounding these artifacts."

As the private jet neared its destination, Shekhar and Raghav prepared for landing. Once they disembarked, they were met by Sora and Akio, two agents assigned to assist them in their mission. The four of them made their way to a nearby restaurant, eager to discuss their plans over coffee.

Sora, looking at her watch, said, "The flight to Shanghai is scheduled in just one hour. We need to make our way to the airport soon."

Shekhar turned to Raghav, a smile forming on his face. "Raghav, you can go with Sora. I have some work to take care of here."

Akio, standing next to Shekhar, chimed in, "Then I'll also join you, Shekhar."

Shekhar nodded appreciatively. "Alright, Akio. We'll work together."

Raghav, gulping down the last of his coffee, turned to Sora. "And yes, Sora, stop worrying about yourself. I'll face any danger that comes my way. But I won't let a scratch touch you."

Shekhar chuckled, "Enough, Raghav".

With their plans set, the group dispersed. Sora and Raghav departed for their flight to Shanghai, while Shekhar and Akio made their way to the hotel.

After checking into the hotel, Shekhar and Akio quickly changed into casual attire suitable for their upcoming mission. They hailed a taxi and instructed the driver to take them to the Tsukiji market. As the taxi weaved through the bustling streets of Tokyo, Akio turned to Shekhar.

"Sir, is the plan still the same as we discussed?" Akio asked, seeking confirmation.

Shekhar glanced at Akio and nodded. "Yes, Akio. The plan remains unchanged. We need to find more information and uncover the truth behind these artifacts."

As they arrived at the Tsukiji market, Shekhar paid the taxi driver and the two men stepped out onto the busy streets. They navigated through the market until they reached a seemingly ordinary woodcutter's shop. Shekhar pushed open the door, and a middle-aged man with a grizzled beard looked up from his work.

"Oh my god! You're still alive," the shop owner exclaimed in surprise.

Shekhar chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "No, brother, it's my ghost."

Shekhar and Akio burst into laughter at Shekhar's playful remark. They quickly composed themselves, ready to delve deeper into their investigation.

Following Shekhar's lead, they made their way through a hidden passage, descending into a secret underground room. As they entered, the sight that greeted them was awe-inspiring. The room was filled with an array of high-tech weapons, and a group of skilled individuals worked diligently at computers, their focus unyielding.

The shopkeeper guided Akio and Shekhar towards a board adorned with five pictures. Pointing at them, he explained, "Look, these are the ports of the top five illegal suppliers in Tokyo. I've obtained information that recently, some Indian ships and two Chinese ships were spotted at these ports after years of absence."

Shekhar's mind raced as he connected the dots. "If they are working together with India and China, even after the government banned these ports, it means they are all linked in some way."

shopkeeper nodded, confirming Shekhar's deduction. "Yes, and what adds to the confusion is that the ships didn't originate from India or China. Instead, they came from an island in the Bay of Bengal."

Akio interjected, his voice filled with realization. "But all the islands within that range are governed, which means the Indian government might be involved in supporting these illegal activities."

Shekhar's eyes gleamed with determination. "Exactly. There's a hidden collaboration at play here, and we need to expose it."

Recognizing their unwavering resolve, The shopkeeper handed Shekhar a chart, stating, "Here are all the coordinates you'll need."

Shekhar examined the chart, absorbing the information. "Thank you. This will be instrumental in our investigation."

As they progressed further, Shekhar couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He turned to the shopkeeper, his voice laced with anticipation. "Do you have any information about assassin ninjas with dark powers?"

Shopkeeper's expression turned solemn. "Brother, this is the first time I'm hearing about these mystical ninjas with dark powers. I'm afraid I don't have specific knowledge about them. However, I know someone who might be able to provide you with answers, though he won't divulge them easily."

Shekhar's determination intensified. "I can handle him!, tell me the location?."

shopkeeper leaned closer, his voice lowered. "His name is Mec Ohara, the owner of the party club El Florida. He has connections to the underworld and is known for his elusive nature. But be cautious, for he enjoys playing games."

Shekhar nodded, his mind already strategizing their approach. "Thank you for your guidance. We will handle Mec Ohara with care and ensure we get the information we seek."

Realizing the importance of their roles, Shekhar and Akio understood they needed proper credentials to meet Mec Ohara. "We need reporter IDs and glasses," Shekhar stated, emphasizing the urgency of their request.

After 5 minutes, Shekhar, Akio, and the guard obtained their reporter IDs and glasses and made their way to the El Florida party club. The club's vibrant atmosphere captivated their senses as they entered. Arkestra girls were dancing, and the crowd was immersed in a lively party.

Approaching the guards, Shekhar and Akio stated, "We urgently need to meet Mr. Mec Ohara." The guards inspected their IDs and scanned them with metal detectors before leading them to Mr. Ohara's office. As they entered, the owner was seated behind his desk, exuding an air of authority. The guard introduced Shekhar and Akio as reporters from CNN before leaving the room.

Taking a seat, Shekhar began, "Sir, as you are aware, you are regarded as one of the top

businessmen in the area, and your influence runs deep. We are seeking some information from you." Mr. Ohara inquired, "What kind of information?"

Akio interjected, "We are interested in learning about dark-powered ninjas." Mr. Ohara appeared taken aback and asked, "How did you come to know that I have knowledge about them?" Akio responded calmly, "Sir, we have our sources."

Shekhar, rising from his chair, said, "Allow me to explain how we know," as he pulled out a concealed blade from his mouth. Swiftly, he grabbed Mr. Ohara's hand, cutting his wrist and causing blood to trickle down. Mr. Ohara exclaimed in shock, "What the hell have you done?" Panic filled his voice as he witnessed his blood falling.

Frantically, Mr. Ohara attempted to press an emergency button on his desk, but Akio swiftly seized his hand, restricting his movement. With each passing second, Mr. Ohara's hand began turning purple due to the restricted blood flow. Shekhar laughed and remarked, "Let me share something amusing with you. You can survive if you answer my questions. Okay?"

Ignoring Shekhar's words, Mr. Ohara, overwhelmed by fear and the prospect of death, continued to cry out, "Oh my God! My blood is falling, and I'm going to die!" Shekhar approached him, attempting to calm him down, and retrieved the blade once again. This time, he sliced the veins of Mr. Ohara's other wrist, causing him to cry out in anguish.

Shekhar maintained his smile and said, "Listen, Sir. You know very well that this room is soundproof, so remain quiet!" Mr. Ohara, struggling to compose himself, responded, "What do you want from me? Money? Power? Weapons?" Akio interjected, "You know best what we seek."

With a sigh, Mr. Ohara surrendered, pleading, "Fine, just release my hand, and I will provide you with what you desire." Shekhar signaled for Akio to let go, and as soon as he did, Mr. Ohara seized the opportunity and pressed the fire alarm, activating the blaring sirens throughout the club.

Shekhar signaled to Akio, silently instructing him to release Ohara. As Akio loosened his grip, Ohara seized the moment and pressed the fire alarm, unleashing a cacophony of blaring sirens that reverberated throughout the club.

The deafening wail was the clarion call for Ohara's loyal gang members, who swiftly descended upon the scene, their presence cloaked in shadows, dressed in black attire and armed to the teeth. The air crackled with imminent tragedy, and the room transformed into an arena of bloodshed and despair.

Shekhar, his knuckles cracking as he clenched his fists, stood tall and resolute, ready to face the approaching storm. Akio, fuelled by a mix of adrenaline and determination, prepared himself for the battle that awaited.

A chilling silence settled over the room as the adversaries locked eyes, their collective breath held in anticipation. Then, in an explosive burst of violence, the battle commenced, a deadly dance of blades and fists.

Shekhar, driven by a dark fury, engaged the first three gang members with calculated precision. Each strike was a lethal symphony of violence as he dismantled his opponents, leaving them sprawled on the floor, gasping for breath. Through the haze of chaos, snippets of conversation floated amidst the clashes.

"You cannot escape your sins," Shekhar hissed, his voice

The blaring alarm echoed throughout the club as Ohara's gang members swiftly responded to the call, flooding the entrance dressed in black, armed to the teeth. Shekhar rose to his feet, cracking his knuckles in anticipation, and turned to Akio, commanding him, "Knock them out!"

The fight erupted with a ferocity that matched the intensity of the room. Shekhar unleashed his brutal prowess, swiftly defeating three of the gang members with a flurry of devastating strikes. Meanwhile, Akio engaged two adversaries, his movements fluid and precise. However, in the heat of battle, a knife found its mark, piercing Akio's stomach, causing him to stumble back in pain.

Shekhar, disappointed by Akio's momentary lapse, voiced his frustration. "Couldn't you hold them?" Akio, sitting on the floor, gritted his teeth and replied defiantly, "Let me finish this." With a surge of rage and determination, he rose to his feet, his eyes ablaze with an unyielding resolve.

Akio unleashed a torrent of violence, his fists and feet becoming deadly weapons. Each blow he delivered landed with bone-shattering force. The frontman fell victim to a devastating punch, his jaw dislocated, while another gang member had his knee shattered by a powerful kick. Amidst the chaos, Shekhar stood back, observing Akio's transformation with a hint of satisfaction.

Shekhar intercepted Akio as he mindlessly swung a punch, effortlessly stopping it with two fingers. His voice laced with a mix of sternness and guidance, Shekhar reminded him, "Be focused, kid." The fight reached its bloody conclusion, with every gang member lying battered and defeated upon the blood-soaked floor.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Shekhar and Akio turned their attention to Meck Ohara, who lay on the floor, gasping for breath. Shekhar approached him, his voice dripping with a newfound authority, "Now you understand how precious our time is, don't you?" Ohara, overwhelmed by the brutality he had witnessed, weakly replied, "I... I do."

Ohara stumbled to his locker, his trembling hands retrieving a briefcase. Opening it, he urged Shekhar to take its contents. However, Akio interjected, a sense of urgency in his voice, "Sir, we don't have much time left. The police could arrive any minute." Shekhar nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowing with determination.

Turning back to Ohara, Shekhar demanded, "As a gangster, there must be a secret tunnel or door to escape from this building, am I right?" Ohara, now composed but with tears streaming down his face, hurriedly moved to his locker and retrieved a map.

Mr. Ohara, his body trembling with a mix of fear and desperation, rose unsteadily to his feet. He moved with urgency to his locker, his hands shaking as he retrieved a worn map. Tears streamed down his face as he pointed towards the bookshelf, his voice choked with anguish. "The secret tunnel... It's behind the bookshelf. Please, just leave me..."

Shekhar, his gaze unwavering, approached Akio, their minds synchronized in their next move. "Mr. Akio, we have turned the floor into a blood pool. It could easily be traced back to him," Shekhar whispered urgently. Akio nodded in agreement, his voice filled with determination. "We must remove every shred of evidence."

With a swift motion, Akio seized Mr. Ohara by the neck, his grip tightening with each passing second. Panic etched across Ohara's face, his voice strained as he pleaded, "Do you have any granite, something heavy? Why do you need it now?" Akio applied even more pressure, causing Ohara to gasp for breath.

"I need it to ensure our tracks are erased," Akio responded through clenched teeth. Ohara's eyes widened in realization, the fear intensifying. He managed to utter, "It's beneath my desk!"

Shekhar swiftly moved towards Ohara's desk, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. As he searched beneath it, his fingers brushed against a remote-controlled device. A devilish smile formed on his face as he held up the dynamite, his laughter echoing through the room like a malevolent monster. Akio joined in the twisted mirth, while Mr. Ohara watched, his sanity slipping away.

With the dynamite in hand, Akio carefully placed it in a corner of the room. The fuse was set, awaiting its impending doom. Their attention then turned to the bookshelf, the gateway to their escape. Shekhar and Akio exchanged a knowing glance before sliding the bookshelf aside, revealing a hidden door.

The door creaked open, revealing a narrow tunnel descending into darkness. Iron rods lined the sides, providing a means of descent. Shekhar and Akio turned their gaze back to Mr. Ohara, their expressions twisted into devilish smiles. Ohara, weakened by the loss of blood, teetered on the brink of madness and the fear of impending death.

Without uttering a word, Shekhar and Akio gestured for Ohara to lead the way. Ohara's body trembled uncontrollably as he took hesitant steps towards the tunnel. Each movement was accompanied by the harrowing realization that his fate hung in the balance.


As they ventured deeper into the tunnel, the distant sound of sirens pierced the air. The police had arrived, surrounding the building from every direction. Their voices blared through loudspeakers, an authoritative warning echoing through the night. "We have you surrounded! Surrender yourself!"

But Shekhar and Akio, consumed by their own desperation and thirst for freedom, paid no heed to the police's demands. Their determination remained unwavering as they pressed on towards their escape. They reached the manhole, knowing that time was running out. With a flick of the switch, the dynamite detonated, engulfing the entire floor in a violent blast.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, Shekhar and Akio emerged unscathed, their bodies propelled through the manhole like shadows in the night. As they landed on the other side, they found themselves inside an abandoned, dilapidated post office. The years had not been kind to the building, leaving it a mere skeleton of its former glory.

Taking a moment to catch their breath, Shekhar and Akio glanced at each other, their eyes filled with both relief and trepidation. They had escaped the clutches of the police, but their journey was far from over. With the stolen map in their possession, they knew they had to keep moving, to disappear into the night.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the barricade, chaos reigned. The police struggled to manage the growing crowd, their attempts to maintain order falling short. An officer broke away from the chaos, his face etched with concern as he dialed a number on his phone.

"Sir, one of our dealers, Meck Ohara, has been killed," the officer relayed the grim news. There was a brief pause before a voice on the other end responded, cold and unforgiving. "Finish him off."

With those words, the fate of Mr. Ohara was sealed. Unbeknownst to him, a merciless force was now set in motion, determined to erase any trace of his existence. As the night swallowed the remnants of the demolished building, the stage was set for a deadly game of cat and mouse. Shekhar and Akio had narrowly escaped, but their survival was far from guaranteed. The shadows of the past and the relentless pursuit of their enemies would test their mettle and resilience in ways they could never have imagined.






