
Window of Opportunity

Arriving without any strength left in his body, James felt as if he was going to fall apart. Feeling that all hope was lost, he did not know what to do. He fell onto his knees, looking at the location where the hybrids leaped towards. Not aware that a hand was tapping on his shoulder, James ignored everything. James' vision went black.

Francis tapped franticly on the shoulder of James trying to snap him out of the state he was in. Unlike James, Francis heard a faint shout from within the formation of the hybrids. This was not the time for James to black out, he had to pull himself together and stand back up. To help with this, Francis tried his upmost best to wake James up. He shouted, "They are alright! Don't worry! Pull yourself together, we have to go and help them!"

James felt his world shake. Someone was moving him ferociously. At that point he felt a punch hit his jaw. Shaking back to reality, James looked at where the punch came from. As he saw Francis standing in front of him, he shouting in anger, "What the hell are you doing? Leave me alone!"

Hearing this, Francis realized that James finally snapped out of the state he was in and replied in haste, "Finally you came back, they are alright, and listen closely! We have o go and help them, so hurry and stand up!"

Listening closely this time, James indeed heard shouts and orders coming from within the hybrid formation. Realizing that he gave up too soon, James felt a bit ashamed of himself. Picking up his sword from the ground he stood up. Thanking Francis for helping him out from the mess he was in, he looked back at where the demonic hybrid was. Before charging in this time, he tried to study the movements and the weaknesses of the demonic beasts.

The awareness of the hybrids was indeed really strong, and it was difficult for them to be distracted by minor changes. Out of every 5 shots fired only one made it to the demonic hybrids. This should be the key. Studying the path of the projectiles hit, James noticed that there was a 3 feet gap right behind the demonic hybrids that they were not always aware of. This was something that he should exploit as much as possible. Facing Francis he explained his discoveries before thinking of a quick strategy.

"Francis, try to get to its right side and try to randomly strike at it, pulling its attention towards your side. I will try to sneak towards his blind spot and strike at it. I still have to figure out how I will do this, but let's go with this for now." Having made a plan in a hurry, both James and Francis spread out to flank the demonic hybrid.

Francis was up first, trying to taunt the hybrid, "I thought that the flying beasts were ugly, but you are in a whole new level. I am sure that you're the meaning when it comes to ugly, just look at your face!" Shouting these random sentences, Francis waved his sword towards the demonic hybrid trying to gain its attention. Not only got the demonic hybrid confused by Francis' actions, but also the surrounding warriors, who were at a loss of words on what Francis was doing. Yet for some reason, the demonic hybrid was looking towards Francis as it was being hurt from the insults.

Ignoring Gerald's location, the hybrid broke off from their formation facing towards Francis, reading itself to lunch itself. This was it, this was the window that James was waiting for. This was his window of opportunity to strike the hybrid at its blind spot.