
Royally Screwed

AuthorSaraOmar77 · Teen
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85 Chs

Chapter 1: Home Coming

In a kingdom far away, on the night of Prince Harper's coronation ball, I was the victim of the mother of all scandals in the royal world. Not only was I a commoner who tried to weave her way through the courtly life of Monaco, I was also the one who flew across the world to vie for the hand of one man but fell in love with his best-friend.

And Karma always proves that she's the bitch everyone claims to be. The consequences of my own actions are the reason why I'm sitting in Monaco's national airport with two palace guards, waiting for my flight back to New York City.

'Now boarding economy class for passengers of flight US128 to New York City', a lady's voice buzzed over the intercom.

'That's me', I told the guards reluctantly. They nodded their approval.