
Royal Series: Demonic Prince

"Am I really going to die?" He still couldn't believe it. So what if he's someone even the Gods are afraid of, even immortals are helpless against the Demonic Resentment! While he await his death, he suddenly felt weird. "Is this? Why am I suddenly weak?" Xie Tian's eyes widened again. He felt his yang essence drained! This was his first time! He's a virgin! "Why do I feel like the Demonic Resentment molested me?" The man had his eyes furrowed. This was the first time he felt very exhausted that he can't even move any of his limbs. "That's my… yang essence? Wait…even my some of my memories were copied!"Xie Tian suddenly stood up in shock! Where did he even borrow his energy? Along with the Demonic Resentment, there was a vibrant blue wisp. Just a glance and he could tell that it's his 'stolen' yang essence! Watching it join the ball of Demonic Resentment, he was filled with doubt and confusion. "Is it creating an existence with me as a basis?" "Don't tell me…" Bang! A loud noice engulfed Xie Tian before he clutched his ears in pain! The Demonic Resentment that formed into a ball exploded releasing a powerful blast! Xie Tian looked towards the area where the ball was formerly located and was surprised. There was a young man standing while naked. His hair is silky white while his eyes are pitch black. This person's skin is extremely pale, even paler than white. Xie Tian couldn't help but adore it's devilishness. Even he doesn't stand a chance against his handsomeness! The young man looked like a pretty boy who knew nothing but to be handsome. He's the perfect unification of holiness and seductiveness, ethereal yet devilish. The playful smirk on his thin lips made him appear devilish. But what's important is that they resemble each other! "Daddy…"

Devil_Xein_Tazuna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

6: Blood Demon

It was already afternoon when he woke up the next day. Xie Yan was delighted that he slept for nearly twenty hours in total!

Once he woke up, the young mand dashed towards his closet and started eating his chocolate bars. Xie Yan planned to cook the potato fries in his spatial ring later on.

Xie Yan isn't completely unknowledgeable when it comes to cooking. As a matter of fact, his skills in frying eggs, hotdogs and potato fries impressed even his father.

Everyone in his family knows that his father doesn't get impressed.

"I'm jealous! From the moment you woke up, you are chocolates. Meanwhile, here am I, worrying about gaining weight after eating a simple bread. " Huang Tao expressed the pain in his heart. " I don't want to get fat. "

Nowadays, even males are worried about turning fat. Specially those pretty boys. Due to the numerous mutation on ingredients of foods, there is a higher risk in getting fat. When someone reaches a certain level pf cultivation, they'll turn fit and slim. But Huang Tao is still far away from that level.

"I need to recuperate Brother Tao." He said. "What happened last night made me age five years. I should eat chocolates to ease myself. "

Just after he finished talking, Su Mo rushed inside the room with an anxious and frightened expression. This perked the interest of everyone, even Wang Yan.

"Guys! You won't believe what happened!" He exclaimed.

"Brother Mo, drink water first and calm down. " Xie Yan advised as he threw a bottled water towards the soaked in sweat young man.

His eyes squinted, Su Mo looked really frightened.

"What happened Mermaid Mo?" Huang Tao piped in with the initiative to start a verbal war.

But what happened next left them confused. Su Mo actually raised his hand and said, "Wait, let me calm down first."

'How frightened is he? Brother Mo even lost the interest to bicker. ' Xie Yan thought. "Here, a bar of chocolate." He offered.

Su Mo thanked him and opened the chocolate bar. He took a bite and said, "Remember the thugs we met last night?"

"Hmm!" They nodded.

"Earlier, there were students walking around the forest! Guess what they found?"

Wang Yan scoffed. " Dead people. "

"How intelligent are you Brother Wang Yan?" Su Mo was filled with admiration. Xie Yan wanted to smack the hell out of him but he's older. Su Mo can't even realize that it's the misfortune that happens the most to evil people.

"But this is what made it very strange and frightening. The bodies isn't intact! They were lied on the pool of blood on the ground. Their limbs, head and even the third leg were disconnected but wasn't taken. Everyone of them was left naked on the ground! "


Even Wang Yan can't help but feel disgusted hearing their ends. The path of cultivation is very cruel. But Wang Yan had never been into large-scale bloody battles.

"Are you telling us the truth? Without exaggeration?" Huang Tao shivered in his bed, wrapped with the blankets like a pancake roll.

"Hmm!" He nodded. " It didn't end there! The leader is the only one without a head! Moreover, his corpse were left boneless! "

" Ahhh! " Xie Yan choked on his chocolate. Isn't the leader the one with shiny bald head that he even thought of taking to boil?

Wang Yan frowned and a flash of curiosity was in his eyes. ' Didn't Yan'er wanted the leader's head? Is it a coincidence? But Xie Yan was inside the room in the entire time! I even tucked him inside his blanket! '

'What a cruel person! But, this is too strange. Did someone hear Xie Yan talk about the bald man? Was it just a form of revenge? '

As if Huang Tao read Wang Yan's mind, he exclaimed, "The bald man that Xie Yan wanted to boil!"

"Yeah! That's the person! Xie Yan, are you behind this? " Unlike the two, Su Mo was straightforward.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yan focused on the young man and tried to discern if he have any strange reactions. To his expectations, Xie Yan is also puzzled!

"Brother Mo, though I was infuriated, I'm not a person who kills for that simple reason! Moreover, it was the bald man who offended me, not all of them! Why would I kill them all? " He shook his head in defense.

" Yeah! I also found the idea ridiculous." Su Mo commented. " But anyway, look for yourself!"

He threw his phone towards Huang Tao. Wang Yan briefly looked at the pictures then used his own phone. As for Xie Yan, he studied the picture carefully.

It looks like an ambush of a group, but the method of killing is the same, even the angles. That's why he's certain that it was done by a single person. The wounds were clean and straight, that means that the killer used one strike. In addition, he was used to killing and had a firm descision to kill those thugs. Otherwise, the wounds wouldn't be that neat.

The way they were left on their own pool of blood is very frightening. It should be an act of revenge mostly towards the bald man, which was now boneless, headless and lifeless. His head couldn't be found.

Their bodies were placed in a peculiar pattern. Their feets were touching each other in a circle formation, hands were spread apart. In total, it looks like a pizza.

Xie Yan was mumbling on how cruel is the killer when his eyes saw something shining on the picture. He quickly brought it towards Su Mo and asked, "Brother Mo, what are these shiny pieces!"

The young man looked at the screen and said, "Those are broken glass."

"Bro-broken glass?" Xie Yan stuttered with eyes widened. 'Please! Tell me it isn't the thing I'm thinking about!'

From the moment he saw the broken glasses, his heart thumped widely, as if ready to pierce through his chest!

The style is different but the pool of blood and broken glass could lead him to something.

Don't let it be…

Su Mo pursed his lips. "The broken glass made it even weirder."

"You mean?" Wang Yan piped in.

Xie Yan nearly fell unto his knees upon hearing Su Mo's answer.

"When the students saw the bodies, there was already some broken glass in that area. When they glued it together, it formed a wine glass! However, the lid of the glass have two hole as if pierced by a snake's fangs."

When he finished his words, he saw Xie Yan with a extremely pale face, paler then the normal. The young man's eyes were dominated by dread, anxiety and terror!

He was supporting himself by holding unto the table. But his legs were intensely shaking!

"Yan'er!" Wang Yan reacted first and pulled Xie Yan to his bed. The three of them were shocked by the young man's sudden reaction.

They can't help but think that Xie Yan have something to do with the incident!

"Is it really broken wine glass Brother Mo?" Xie Yan was terrified. He's afraid that it will happen once again!

" Yeah!" Su Mo was curious. " Does it ring a bell?"

Suddenly, Xie Yan ran towards the door and locked it. This move of him shocked the three as they ran and try to hold him back!

"No! No! No! This isn't real! I'm just dreaming! Yes! Yes! Yes! I just ate too much chocolate bars. It's definitely a dream!" Depsite consoling himself, the young man was frantically walking in circles while clutching his head!

"Haha! I'm just dreaming! Everything is a nightmare!"

"Once I wake up, It'll be gone!"

Wang Yan saw Xie Yan getting franctic and was pained. The young man he just met yesterday and also the person who managed to pique his interest and even change the way he view the world is acting crazy!

He ran towards Xie Yan and pulled him into his embrace and quickly calmed him down by caressing his head. "Yan'er, calm down okay? Calm down and let's talk."

Xie Yan looked at him with moist and terrified eyes. That stare gave him goosebumps. The young man's stare was akin to someone's who faced something dreadful since he was born!

"I'm dreaming right Yan-gē? Quickly wake me up! I don't like this dream. Please!" He begged in his tiny voice. Huang Tao and Su Mo was at lost of words. They stood there, taken aback by the events.

Wang Yan held the young man's cheeks and said, "Calm down okay! This isn't a dream. Be good and don't be scared."

"Really Yan-gē? No! I'm really scared!"

" Shh! " Wang Yan did his best to calm down the young man. "Then let's talk about it okay? I'm here with you, don't worry."

"We're helpless Yan-gē, It's useless!"

"Here, drink water and calm yourself." Huang Tao handed him a bottled water. Luckily, it managed to calm the young man down.

"Now, Yan'er let's talk about the broken wine glass and why are you so scared about it."

"Brother Mo, one last time, is it real? A broken wine glass?"

" Hmm."

" What about it?" Huang Tao pulled the chairs so that they could sit comfortably.

"A broken wine glass means one thing." He revealed.

"And it is?"

"There'll be a bloodbath soon. Everyone will be the prey. We are doomed, the entire city is doomed!"

" What?" Su Mo stood up all of a sudden with a trace of panic. Xie Yan didn't look like lying at all! "How do you know?"

"Yeah. Elaborate to us." Wang Yan said.

Xie Yan took a deep breath and recalled everything. He never expected that this will happen again. Furthermore, in weak place like Jin City.

"When I saw the photo, I found it very familiar. The pool of blood and the corpse formation. But the way of killing isn't the same. So I disregarded my assumptions. When you told me that it was a broken wine glass, I don't even have to think about it. I'm very sure!"

" What does the broken wine glass have to do with the killing?" Huang Tao carried.

"Actually, the fact that it was broken isn't necessary but the fact that it's a wine glass is the real deal!"

" And?" They motioned him to continue.

"The wine glass means that the killer drank a wine while killing his victims. It was just broken because of the impact. As for the strange formation of the corpse, it's represents an eye. Meaning, the killer could see everything. Meanwhile, the pool of blood is a warning that it's starting. However, if there isn't a pool of blood in the scene, it means that he's angered."

" Who are you referring to? You know the killer?" Su Mo asked.

" Yeah." Xie Yan causally said. "In our place we call him the Blood Demon. He liked to turn all those blood of his worthy victims into a wine. While he kills another victim, he drinks an expensive wine called Blood Wine, made from the highest quality ingredients and human blood."

He continued, " The secquence was originally one a year that lasts for a month. If it happens in January last year, it will happen in February this time and March in the following year."

"There's no pattern in his killings. Old, poor, ugly, he kills anyone that he wants to along with their families. But it was last year that it stopped. He once declared with a message thay he was frustrated. That's when we thought it's safe already. Hence, I managed to come here in order to scape the nightmare."

"That evil?" Wang Yan was stupefied. What would this Blood Demon achieve if he kills too many people? "What's the reason?"

"The Blood Demon was playing a game with someone and everything could be the stake. He gets angered when he loses, he'll take all the blood of his victims. But when he's elated, he consumes the blood of his opponent."

" The authorities of your place and even your family didn't help? How powerful is he?" Su Mo asked Xie Yan.

" How powerful is he? Let's just say, he got no fears. The Blood Demon is very powerful and we're incapable of resisting him. What more, Jin City. In addition, his appearance is dicieving."

" So this Blood Demon is here to pay?" Huang Tao was scared.

When Wang Yan was busy taking in the new knowledge, he found something strange. "Why do you know so much about the Blood Demon?"

Xie Yan was rendered speechless. He can't bring himself to answer. But after a while, he managed to give him a response.

"Because, I was the one who played with him."