
Royal Series: Demonic Prince

"Am I really going to die?" He still couldn't believe it. So what if he's someone even the Gods are afraid of, even immortals are helpless against the Demonic Resentment! While he await his death, he suddenly felt weird. "Is this? Why am I suddenly weak?" Xie Tian's eyes widened again. He felt his yang essence drained! This was his first time! He's a virgin! "Why do I feel like the Demonic Resentment molested me?" The man had his eyes furrowed. This was the first time he felt very exhausted that he can't even move any of his limbs. "That's my… yang essence? Wait…even my some of my memories were copied!"Xie Tian suddenly stood up in shock! Where did he even borrow his energy? Along with the Demonic Resentment, there was a vibrant blue wisp. Just a glance and he could tell that it's his 'stolen' yang essence! Watching it join the ball of Demonic Resentment, he was filled with doubt and confusion. "Is it creating an existence with me as a basis?" "Don't tell me…" Bang! A loud noice engulfed Xie Tian before he clutched his ears in pain! The Demonic Resentment that formed into a ball exploded releasing a powerful blast! Xie Tian looked towards the area where the ball was formerly located and was surprised. There was a young man standing while naked. His hair is silky white while his eyes are pitch black. This person's skin is extremely pale, even paler than white. Xie Tian couldn't help but adore it's devilishness. Even he doesn't stand a chance against his handsomeness! The young man looked like a pretty boy who knew nothing but to be handsome. He's the perfect unification of holiness and seductiveness, ethereal yet devilish. The playful smirk on his thin lips made him appear devilish. But what's important is that they resemble each other! "Daddy…"

Devil_Xein_Tazuna · Fantasy
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7 Chs

2: Cold Wang Yan

Wang Yan picked up the gummies and found it amusing. There was a simpel doodle at the bottom. It was a crown with the words underneath, 'Xie Yan's property. Don't touch! '

He looked at the other side and a gentle smile materialized on his face. Wang Yan realized that he's acting unusual so he returned to his cold face.

The young man found what Xie Yan had written funny.

It was: ' Whoever steals this from Xie Yan will be cursed! May bamboo shoots grow on the thief's a*s, be visited by cockroaches every night and lose his/her sexual drive! "

His curses are really cruel. To think that he have this personality.

Without hesitation, he opened the gummies without sanitizing it. Wang Yan doesn't really know what's going on with him. He never liked eating what people gives him or even to accept things that had been touch by other people without sanitizing it.

Soon as he opened the sachet, he smelled a wonderful scent.

Wang Yan took a piece and threw it inside his mouth. Upon chewing the gummy, his taste buds were greeted by an intoxicating sweet taste!

But when he swallowed it, his eyes narrowed. 'A Spirit Viand!' His mind fell into chaos!

To support cultivation, cultivators use Cultivation Resources that are classified into different categories. These are Spirit Weapons, Spirit Treasures, Martial Techniques and Spirit Vittles!

Under the Spirit Vittles are the Pill, Herb, Tonic, Fruit, Viand and Serum types.

Consuming this Spirit Vittles could not only recover energy, replenish qi but also provide certain effects that boosts cultivation!

However, they are truly expensive. That's why they say that cultivation is an expensive path.

Wang Yan was stunned. He thought that the gummies were just ordinary gummies since Xie Yan could take it out to eart casually. He even gave a sachet to him!

He quickly observed the changes on his body. In the next second, he was dumbstruck!

He actually broke through Rank 31! He's already a genuine Rank 31 Martial Expert!

Just a piece of gummy and it actually made him breakthrough! How wonderful it is!

Due to some reasons, despite his talent, it's hard for him to ascend to another rank. However, his battle prowess far exceeds his cultivation!

Wang Yan fell silent, trying to deduce the contents of the gummies. Not only did it made him breakthrough, it actually refined his body! Wang Yan didn't even do anything!

'What are the contents of this gummy? I failed to discern the ingredients! Even the top notch Spirit Viands lose to this gummy.'

There are different grades of cultivation resources which are represented by colors: white, yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, black, silver and gold with three different tiers.

Wang Yan failed to check the grade of the gummies. 'Could it be a Mythical Grade? The one stated in the legends?'

Mythical Grade Spirit Viands are said to have a special effect. They are Mythical Grade not because of the amount of qi inside but the effect they give that bends reality.

He studied Xie Yan and found him causally eating gummies. The young man is surely a wealthy scion who doesn't care about money.

" Thank you." He said. Because of the gummies, he unexpectedly made a breakthrough.

" Hmm." The later nodded in response.

Wang Yan contemplated if he should ask. After a while, he queried, "Where did you buy this?"

"Ah?" Xie Yan was taken aback. In fact, Wang Yan was the first person outside his family to receive a gummy from him. His question was rather, unexpected.

Hurriedly explaining, Wang Yan rushed, "I mean it's very nutritious."

Bobbing his head, he told him the truth. "These gummies are made my brothers for me. I never bought these gummies."

' What? To actually he so generous…' Wang Yan felt a headache. How wealthy is their family that even his brothers only could make him this kind of food?

Isn't it a waste of money and resources?

He won't find it surprising if Xie Yan have a high cultivation but low battle prowess. Taking in consideration that he eats these kind of food casually, he might've have ascended ranks easily. But it's not good to improve just by consuming Spirit Viands. Without experience, a high cultivation is nothing.

It's like owning chopsticks but doesn't know how to use it.

From the looks of Xie Yan, he got the idea that je really never suffered hardships. What more, cultivation that's accompanied with pain and struggle. His skin looks very soft, can he even hold a sword?

Wang Yan felt pity towards Xie Yan. Maybe, he doesn't know what he's stepping upon. Cultivation isn't an easy task, he'll just harm himself. He might not be born for cultivation, that's why his appearance is perfect. He's more like a prince who gives commands behind the battle field.

Just imagining Xie Yan being hurt by cultivation and fights, Wang Yan felt pain in his heart. 'Wait, why am I feeling like this?'

"These gummies can make you breakthrough and replenish qi. Hence, I need to repay you."

Replenish qi? Xie Yan really doesn't need to.

Unlike cultivators who have a limited amount of qi inside their dantian, Xie Yan have access to an endless amount of qi. What's good is he doesn't even need a dantian!

He was born with a special case. In order to breakthrough, he needs to borrow the qi in the surroundings. In other words, he got an infinite amount of qi that he could use anytime, breaking through will only improve the quality of his qi, it's power and the strength of his body.

That's why consuming Spirit Viands is useless for him.

Cultivators are afraid of damaging their meridians, the passage of qi. If you're using too much qi or ever exerting yourself by unleashing Martial Skills, there's a huge possibility that you'll suffer from internal injuries but mostly injuries in the meridians. When this happens, your future progress will be affected. If worst, you'll die.

But he's a different case. Xie Yan will never suffer from internal injuries. His body can't hurt itself!

Though it won't give him internal injuries, it will affect his energy. If he exerts himself too much, he might feel dizzy, fall asleep and if worst, fell into coma.

His family knew about his condition and they were elated. Specially his father. He remembered that his father didn't punish him for two months when he found out about Xie Yan's peculiarity.

Xie Yan chuckled and moved nearer. But he remained on his bed. "Handsome Brother, if you truly wants to repay me, then treat me to a meal full of fried chicken!"

'This fellow…" Wang Yan had the urge to massage his glabella. "…can't he stop negotiating using food?'

However, he still nodded. "By the way, what's your Martial Spirit?"

"Hehe!" A devilish smirk appeared on Xie Yan's lips as he found an opportunity. He then conditioned, "I'll tell you Handsome Brother if you'll let me call you Yan-gē and you'll also call me Yan'er"

'Little Yan?' Taken aback, the young man didn't manage to reply instantly.

He had always wanted to call someone intimately. But he never had any siblings. At the same timez those who are trying to get close to him are aiming for his position and wealth, nothing more.

It disgusts him.

Wang Yan also wants to call those people without intentions intimately but can't bring himself to do that. They are also afraid to call him brother, as how Xie Yan intimately talk to him.

Seeing that he's not answering, Xie Yan thought that he had crossed the line. Hurriedly, he retracted his condition. "Oh sorry if I---"

Without letting him finish his sentence, Wang Yan blurted out, " Yan'er."

"Nice!" The young man exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Wang Yan was also surprised of himself. Xie Yan had been affecting his mindset from the moment he arrived. He's truly special.

Despite his playfulness, an attitude that Wang Yan despises, he managed to impress and get his approval. Xie Yan might be a wealthy pretty boy but there's something special in him. He doesn't brag, there's no arrogance in his voice but he knows his identity and place.

"It's Majestic Devil." Xie Yan lied. Though Wang Yan is a good person and he trusts him, Xie Yan followed his father's orders. That's to not reveal the whole name of his Martial Spirit, the Majestic Celestial Devil.

Otherwise, people that are knowledgeable of the Heaven and Abyssal Myth might chase him. At the same time, Xie Yan doesn't want to face his father's wrath.

Wang Yan believed him. "What about it?"

"I can't reveal the specific details but it's an Auxiliary Class, Spirit Type Martial Spirit." He said.

Hearing that, Wang Yan didn't pursue the matter any longer. There are different classes of Martial Spirit that shows their uses in a battle. These are the Auxillary Class, Afflict Class, Defense Class, Assault Class and Control Class.

Xie Yan got an Auxiliary Class Martial Spirit and Wang Yan finds it good. People having this class of Martial Spirits doesn't fight that much. In team fights, they remain at the back part and the other members tries to protect them because of their usefulness.

When one have an Auxiliary Class Martial Spirit, this means that the person have low defenses and damages. They are mainly for supporting. That's why the Assault Class Martial Spirits aims at them at the start of the battle.

Now, Wang Yan found Xie Yan's fragile and perfect appearance reasonable. His Martial Spirit doesn't require him to fight head on which is a good thing. It'll preserve his beauty.

But still, he feels like the name Majestic Devil is veru formidable.

"What about you Yan-gē" Xie Yan queried.

"It's the War Angel, a Spirit Type, Afflict Class Martial Spirit." Wang Yan replied.

In fact, Spirit Type Martial Spirits aren't common. Unlike other Martial Spirits, these type are unique in their effects. Using their Martial Spirits, their appearances might change but not turn into a semi beast like those with Beast Type Martial Spirit. The change is mainly into the hair color, eye color or complexion. Spirit Type Martial Spirits are like booters and mainly the characters from the past that had contributed greatly in the history. They are most likely to be angels, goddess, gods, spirits of powerful creatures but not beasts and even the dead souls of great authorities.

Xie Yan knew that the other party lied however, he chose not to mind it. Both of them lied and they both have reasons behind it.

From what he knows War Angel is a Martial Spirit that gives the owner high defenses, exemplary mobility and high burst power with its fire element. It can dominate the battle field easily.

That means that Wang Yan's Martial Spirit have something to do with flying, fire and angels, or else he won't use it as scapegoat.

"Then Yan-gē, I'll go fix my stuff."

He nodded.

But then, when his eyes fell upon Xie Yan, he was again rendered speechless. 'This kid, did he waste his spatial ring for chocolate bars and gummies?'