
Cursed Picnic

Days passed like wind, taking the quiet days away with it, the mansion becoming lively with Prince Corey coming almost every day to spend time with Roselyn and Bella, while Oliver is trying to accept the fact that Bella needs magic in her life, to continue living on peacefully.

On a particular day, Roselyn, Oliver, Bella and Corey were on a picnic together, after Bella convinced her father, to spend time together, like a family. He agreed after moments of hesitation, wanting to see his daughter's smile. So now, Roselyn and Oliver are sitting down close to each other, while Corey is reading a book, leaning on a tree, and Bella is sleeping on Roselyn's lap. What a peaceful day it was, the sky is blue and clear, the sun is shining like a diamond, the wind blowing, the only thing ugly about the scene is Oliver's glare at her and his obvious displease.

"You know, it won't hurt to smile a little." Roselyn whispered to Oliver, while he gave her a side look, not responding to her.

She only gave another look then closed her eyes, to rest them. She soon fell asleep, unconsciously putting her head on Oliver's shoulder, who didn't give much care time and let her be, but after while his eyes started dropping. He hasn't gotten a good night sleep, for weeks and the calm atmosphere, automatically pushed him to sleeping, and before he knew he was face asleep on Roselyn's head.

Corey glanced at them, since it got too quiet on their side, realizing they were all asleep, a soothing look on their faces, looking like a real family, a father and his two daughters, even if one of them was his wife. It's a mystery no one knew, not even a single soul, it just happened, the duke got married, with no explanation, no engagement, no introduction to the noble society, nothing, it happened like magic. By the mention of magic, Corey had noticed before that, Roselyn didn't seem to have any magical powers, not one he can sense, it's pretty much like a void, nothing to be felt. While on the other side, Bella had outstanding magical powers, but she has never had a tutor or attended the academy, which obliged for every person over the age of sixteen. Bella reached sixteen, five months ago, the academy entrance exam was three months ago. The duke didn't show any interest in getting her in the academy either.

Corey shook all of the unnecessary thoughts off his head, he doesn't need to care for this family, he doesn't have any relationship with them, so he put his eyes on his book again.

Two hours passed, nothing changing in the scene, except Bella moving to get in a better position. Soon after, Oliver woke up, Roselyn waking up after, noticing Oliver's movements.

"Are you going?" Roselyn asked, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Yes, I have work to do." Oliver was still tired, sleeping made him only more tired than he already was, the stress and overworking himself wad getting to him.

"Why don't you let me help? You shouldn't take everything on your shoulders, I can give you a hand if you let me." Roselyn have been meaning to say this for the longest time. She feels like Oliver is wronged, that it's unfair for him to have to take care of everything, he doesn't trust anyone, he doesn't let anyone handle the work other than him and his personal assistant, which is a lot for two people.

"I don't need it, just stay Bella." Oliver stood up, feeling a bit dizzy but still able to keep his body standing.

"About Bella, I am thinking of getting her into..." Roselyn wasn't able to finish as Oliver started falling, but luckily Corey was fast enough to catch him.

"That was close." Corey said, as he held Oliver and slowly put him on the grass.

Roselyn carefully put Bella's head off her lap, letting her sleep while she hurriedly went to check on Oliver's condition.

"Is he okay?" Roselyn out her hand on his forehead, noticing how hot he was, how he was breathing heavily. "Oh my god, can you cool him his head a bit while I go call someone?"

"How? I don't have any cool things with me." Corey responded.

"Turn water until ice and put your hands close to his forehead and here." Roselyn handed her hat to Corey and went running to the mansion.

She looked back, expecting Bella to be awake, to tell her not to worry about her, but to her surprise Bella was still asleep as the sun glared at her, not showing any signs of discomfort, making her even more worried.

"Corey! Keep an eye on both of them! Don't let anyone approach the three of you." Roselyn shouted

"Does she think that's easy? What does she take me for?" Corey said to himself, a bit irritated.

"Jack!" Roselyn shouted, sounding like a crazy person as she was running alone, in an open empty field. But the said person appeared after mere seconds.

"Yes madam."

"Inform Eliot about what happened to Oliver. He won't collapse just like that; he has been doing this for six years. Bring Kaila to the warehouse and tie her up. Tell Tina to come as well. Now go."

Jack nodded and disappeared.

Roselyn have been having information about Kaila for the past few weeks, everything that woman did, lately, is suspicious and can't be explained only based on the novel. Kaila was the one to hand them their drinks today, she gives them all the same drink except for Corey, his was different. Nothing happened to her, but Oliver collapsed and Bella have been sleeping like a dead person for the past three hours, she thought Bella was just tired but no matter how tired she is, she won't stay asleep as the dazzling sun hit her directly in the face.

Someone did this intentionally, to make them weak and in the worst scenario kill the three of them.