
Royal Curse

A billionaire's arranged marriage At home, Lilah used to be constantly bullied by her stepmother and sister. Her husband has an affair with her sister.  No one cares about her, apart for one guy,... Lilah eventually rewrites her fate and discovers her true love. The Matthew family was cursed to experience an unusual death for their first bride. Liliah, who was set up to marry Dylan Matthew while being unaware of the curse Will she be able to break the curse, or will she also die in an unnatural manner?

Lustful609 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

C H A P T E R - 9

Hazel: "I'm the owner, and now I'm back." "You should give it to me."

Liliah's eyes were welling up with tears, but she was angry rather than sad.

Suddenly the maid came, breathing heavily and holding a lot of bags.

Hazel: "Hey! Be careful with this handbag. Dylan's mother bought this for me when she was in Europe," she said, pointing at the bag. The maid nodded. Hazel turned towards Liliah.

Hazel: "Please move away if my stuff gets spoilt; you just wait and see."

Liliah: "I want to eat my breakfast; please give way to me," she said, ignoring Hazel's words.

Hazel: "Do you know how much this handbag costs?" "You better be obedient."

Liliah smirked, snatched the bag from the maid, and threw it on the other side.

Hazel immediatly picked up and turned towards Liliah furiously.

Hazel: "Bitch, are you doing this on purpose? My handbag is more expensive than your sluty face. Can you afford to pay me back?"

Liliah: "Your right, I can't afford it, but... I'm going to die anyway, so what if I can't afford to pay for your stuff?" She said, making Hazel even more angry.

Hazel: "Liliah, you slut not only seduced Dylan but also spoiled my bag."

Hazel raised her hands to slap Liliah, but before she could even hit her, Liliah grabbed Hazel's arms.

Hazel: "You bitch, how dare you fight back?"

Liliah: "Hazel, I didn't seduce him at all and have never wanted to fight with you." I just want to quitely live the life I have now before my death, but since you're the one looking for trouble, then I'm sorry to offend you."

Hazel: "I'll see if you dare."

Liliah laughed.

Liliah: "HAHA, why would I dare? I'll still die either way. Why can't I do it?" She said and grabbed a glass of water and made her way to the stairs to go back to her room. She stopped before the middle of the stairs,

Liliah: "So Hazel, it will be great if you are willing to live in peace; if not, I really don't know what I would do before I die," she said and walked off.

Hazel: "You," she muttered angrily, making the maid snicker.

Hazel: "What are you looking at? Who do you think you are? How dare you laugh at me?" She screamed and slapped the maid.


Dylan and Hazel were cuddling on the couch in the living room.

Dylan: "What's wrong again? She's not going to irritate you. Stop fussing over it."

Hazel: "Whatever you get out of here, I don't want to live with her. She spoiled the good your mother gave me. How can I not be angry?"

Hazel: "Do you want me or her?" If you want me, then kick her out."

Dylan: "Of course I want you, but she has to live here or else the curse won't happen anymore. Behave well; I'm doing it for your good." Just don't be too hard on her."

Hazel: "I'll only stay with her for you."

Liliah was walking downstairs. Hearing the footsteps, Hazel turned to look and saw Liliah.

Hazel: "On behalf of him, I'll temporarily forgive you," she said frowning and leaning closer to Dylan.

Liliah: "Do I need your forgiveness?"


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