
Royal Curse

A billionaire's arranged marriage At home, Lilah used to be constantly bullied by her stepmother and sister. Her husband has an affair with her sister.  No one cares about her, apart for one guy,... Lilah eventually rewrites her fate and discovers her true love. The Matthew family was cursed to experience an unusual death for their first bride. Liliah, who was set up to marry Dylan Matthew while being unaware of the curse Will she be able to break the curse, or will she also die in an unnatural manner?

Lustful609 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

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Hazel turned towards Dylan.

Hazel: "Look how she is treating me."

Dylan: "Enough Hazel, go up and get some rest."

Hazel: "I can't sleep with her being under the same roof as me."

Dylan: "Why don't you move out first?"

Hazel: "You're driving me out just for her."

Dylan: "Hazel, you need to be reasonable." "My parents and the guest are coming tomorrow; this situation will be awful if you keep making a fuss about it."

Hazel: "You never talked to me like this; it's all because of that woman." She said and left for her room.

Liliah: "Tomorrow the Gursts are coming over. Do you want me to stay away for a while since..." she asked Dylan.

Dylan: "No need; I told you before, I will give you enough respect as Mrs. Matthew."

Liliah: "Ok"

"Why does this woman always put on a lifeless face?" Dylan thought.

Dylan: "Hazel is indeed immature." I hope you can give more to her in the future."

Liliak: "ok"

Dylan: "You actually look pretty nice when you smile, why not smile a bit?"

"This is the only man who said I look good when I smile, but..." Liliah thought. She turned around and made her way to her room before saying.

Liliah: "I think there is nothing worthy for me to be happy in life."


The guests were all gossiping about Liliah.

Guest1: "She is so thick-skinned; has she really taken herself as Mrs. Matthew?"

Guest2: "You mean that sub she dares to bully Hazel, does she know who Hazel is?"

Hazel was smirking while listening to all the gosspis. She saw Dyaln's mother and made her walk towards her, making a fake sad face.

Hazel said, "Mother, I didn't take good care of the things that you gave me; I can't even bear to use them, but who knows?" She continued to fake cry.

Dylan's Mother: "Hazel, it's not your fault that Liliah is really—no wonder she came out of the mental hospital."

Guest 3: "That's right, why hasn't she died yet?" "If she dies, then Miss Hazel can already get married to Dylan."

Guest 4: "She is tough; the curse can't do anything to her."

Liliah stood hiding behind the stairs, listening to all the gossip. "I've never offended anyone in my life. Why do many people want me dead?" she thought. She soon made her appearance and began walking down the stairs.

Guest 5: "Oh my look, who is it?" "It's Miss Liliah," the guests whispered.

Hazel saw Liliah and smirked and thought about an evil idea.

Hazel: "Ahh, the night is going to start, Liliah, come down quickly."

Hazel said and walked towards Liliah, who was in the middle of the stairs.

Hazel: "Liliah, even though this has nothing to do with you, you're still married to Dyaln."

Hazel tried to push Liliah off the stairs, but Liliah didn't bulge from her place, which made Hazel fall backward. But before Hazel could fall, Liliah caught her.

Hazel's mom: "You crazy women, let her go!" She screamed at Liliah.

Liliah: "Okay," and she let her go, which made Hazel fall.

Hazel: "Mother im in so much pain" she said mostly to Dylan's Mother.

Dylan's Mother: "You women don't think that just because you're married to my son, you can do anything you want."

Liliah: "She was the one who told me to let go; I listened to her and let go; what's wrong with that?" she said, pointing to Hazel's mom.

Hazel's Mom: "You're definitely doing this on purpose. You not only spoilt her bag, you also pushed her down the stairs."

Suddenly Dylan came towards them.

Dylan: "What happened?"

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