
Episode 18: "The King's Dilemma in the Strange Kingdom"

After Mengmeng returned to the Strange Kingdom, more than a year had passed on Earth. The king and his subjects warmly welcomed Mengmeng back with a grand welcome ceremony. Mengmeng's parents, who hadn't seen him for over a year, were overcome with tears of excitement. They joyfully said, "Mengmeng, in just three months, you will be turning 23 years old. We have missed you so much!" Mengmeng, touched by their words, shed tears of gratitude and promised to return to the Love Ball to continue studying magic after celebrating his birthday.

Mengmeng talked to the king about all his experiences in the Love Ball and mentioned that the cure for the queen's blindness was in the palace of the "Demon Kingdom". He also revealed that the sudden blindness of the queen was caused by the Demon King's mischief, and that the Demon Kingdom was planning a large-scale war that could potentially affect Earth, and so on. After listening to Mengmeng's account, the king felt both amazed and worried, and had something on his mind that he wanted to say but hesitated to speak. Mengmeng had never seen the usually decisive and brave king act so indecisively and hesitantly.

Mengmeng asked with concern, "King, what's wrong? It seems like you have something to tell me. Please speak up. I am willing to help in any way I can."

The king, with a troubled expression on his face, finally voiced his worries. He said, "Ever since you went to the heavens, news of your existence on other planets has spread worldwide. Many countries wish to obtain you, believing you to be an extraterrestrial being. Some even desire to dissect you for research purposes, while others plan to kidnap you to threaten your celestial kin and lure them to descend to Earth, in order to capture and experiment on them or use them for the benefit of allied nations." The king took a sip of tea and continued, "I have told them that you were born in the 'Beautiful Town,' that you have biological parents, and that your ability to fly to other planets is simply a unique gift different from that of ordinary people."

In reality, you are subject to the same life and death as ordinary people and have the right to dignity. You should not be dissected or experimented on. However, some countries have malicious intentions and insist on using this as a means to cooperate. If we disagree, they threaten to withdraw from the recently established "Strange Country Medical Research Society" and withdraw their investments in various sectors in our country. The "Rare Country" even colludes with a few neighboring countries and threatens to impose an economic blockade on our country. Mengmeng, you know that our country has only gradually developed in recent years. Our transportation is inconvenient, and being a landlocked country, we lack many resources and rely heavily on other countries. We had frequent wars in the past, and now that we have finally enjoyed a period of peace, other countries are envious and have joined forces to start a "new cold war"! Sigh, the world is never peaceful."

Mengmeng listened attentively to the king's words and said thoughtfully, "Which country took the lead? Surely someone deliberately spread rumors. I want to know who is behind all this." The king replied, "Six months ago, the rumors began at the border between the Rare Country and the Strange Country. It was said that many villagers saw numerous dark blue, elongated lights in the sky. At that time, the villagers heard voices coming from the lights, saying, 'Mengmeng from the Strange Country is the incarnation of a demon. She went to the celestial palace to steal magic, and sooner or later, she will possess the power to destroy the world. While she is still weak and controllable, it is necessary to eliminate her.'"

Mengmeng heard the king mention the dark blue light and immediately thought it could possibly be the demon light. Could it be that the Demon Kingdom has already started preparing for a new cosmic-level battle plan? Mengmeng felt extremely anxious in her heart, but she couldn't bear to quickly fly to the "Heart of Love" planet. She had already promised her mother to wait until after her birthday to decide.

The next day, Mengmeng woke up from her sleep and it was already close to noon. After having lunch with the "Queen" and "Mommy", Mengmeng lay lazily on the steps of the back hall of the "WanFu Palace" sunbathing. Suddenly, she heard noise not far away. Mengmeng quickly flew over and found out that envoys from several countries in the Rareland Alliance had come again. Upon hearing that Mengmeng had returned, they caused a commotion in the palace, demanding that the king hand over Mengmeng. Seeing that the king was not agreeing, a few envoys and their wives broke into the palace's backyard to find Mengmeng, but they were surrounded by several servants. Mengmeng quickly smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry for causing you all this trouble. I will accompany you to the palace."

Mengmeng walked into the grand hall and saw many envoys from different countries. The king was at a loss and relieved when he saw Mengmeng approaching with a kind smile. Mengmeng smiled and said, "I understand that you all were concerned about me because you believed the rumors from the border of the Rare Country. But there's no need to worry. I have been studying magic at the Heavenly Palace of Love and Care, and I have heard from the wise old lady in the 'Love Town' of the 'Love Country': 'In our universe, there is a demonic planet that always stirs up trouble, causing people around the world to doubt each other's hearts, spreading rumors everywhere and creating division. They profit from this. The growth of their evil energy depends on the dark forces in the universe. Only in a chaotic world full of war and fake evil ugliness can their evil energy grow faster.'"

The king and his courtiers took Moemo's words seriously, especially a few envoys from other countries who were particularly interested. In fact, during the more than a year that Mengmeng had been away from Earth, everyone missed him. Although they had heard terrible rumors, they were more curious about Moemo's experiences in the sky. After meeting Moemo and hearing about his adventures in the sky, the courtiers felt more at ease. Seeing that everyone had let their guard down,Mengmeng immediately suggested to the king, "I think our peculiar country can establish a global 'Extraterrestrial Civilization Research School,' and I am willing to serve as its principal. We can enroll students from various countries, including foreign exchange students for kings and their courtiers." Mengmeng continued, "Perhaps one day, my friends from the sky will come to Earth to visit me and everyone else. They are all good people and will surely become good friends with everyone." Upon hearing Mengmeng's words, everyone was filled with joy and excitement.

Within just a few days of its establishment, the "Global Extraterrestrial Civilization Research School" founded by the peculiar country attracted a constant stream of participants. Mengmeng served as both a teacher and a principal, happily engaging in discussions with foreign diplomats and students from various countries. In the classroom, she passionately shared all her experiences and observations from the sky. When she talked about the teaching model of the School of Love, many people took careful notes. Many people were inspired by Mengmeng's lectures. One professor named David even said he wanted to develop the stone robots that Mengmengo talked about on Earth and invent an "automatic shopping machine" upon his return.Mengmeng was busy but delighted every day. She enjoyed the classroom atmosphere and was eager to share everything she knew with everyone. The students were enthralled as they absorbed the knowledge of extraterrestrial civilizations taught by Mengmeng. However, this positive learning environment was disrupted after just two months by a widespread epidemic in several countries in the Western Hemisphere.

According to reports, the cause of this incident was said to be the appearance of the Demon Light. The voice in the Demon Light told the affected people, "Mengmeng has been punished by the Space God because she learned magic from the Heavenly Palace without permission. The only way to prevent the disaster on Earth is to place Moemo in a place called 'Baiqian' in the 'Westcoming Country' in the 'Western Hemisphere'. There is a stone pillar there. Moemo must be tied to the stone pillar to allow the Space God to remove the stolen magic from her body. Otherwise, the epidemic will quickly spread from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere."

Mengmeng angrily responded, "I can't believe the 'Demon Country' is so malicious. They have spread rumors twice that I learned magic illegally. When I studied magic at the Loving Heart Sphere, I was personally received and patiently taught by Meow Grandma. And during my confinement, I was witnessed and certified by the Space God 'Aunt Mengmeng' and the ancient wise master 'Ancient Wisdom Master'. Furthermore, I have a level-ten magic wand as proof."

After hearing this, everyone remained silent. Some didn't disbelieve Moemo, but rather, they were afraid to believe her. With such a large-scale epidemic happening, who would dare to trust Moemo's words alone? Moemo continued, "Please trust me, everyone. We should hurry to the scene in the western hemisphere to assist in disaster relief and epidemic treatment. I have magic, and no matter how big the disaster is, it won't defeat me."

An envoy from the western hemisphere angrily exclaimed, "Do you know how many countries and how vast our region is? Can you single-handedly provide disaster relief for all without causing massive casualties? I think the most urgent task is to directly bind you to the ''Baiqian' and receive punishment, which would be much faster than trying to treat the epidemic. It would also help to safeguard the lives of most people." Many people looked at each other, privately discussing and nodding in agreement.

Mengmeng knows that if bound to the 'Baiqian'and stripped of her own magic by the demonic light's power and spells, she would fall into the trap of the Demon Kingdom's scheme. The consequences would be even more unimaginable. However, with so many countries in the western hemisphere and the rapid spread of the epidemic, it is definitely impossible to rely solely on her own magic power.

Just as Mengmeng was feeling helpless, an image of the 'Love Town' Pagoda from the 'Love Country' appeared on the classroom blackboard. Meowu Po's voice came from the Pagoda, saying, "Mengmeng, the Demon Kingdom's grand war plan is about to begin. The epidemic appearing on Earth is just a prelude. Inspired by our previous collection of light and energy from the 'Galactic Fork', our Love Sphere's magicians have been tirelessly collecting over 100 types of love energy these days. Now, our overall magical level has increased exponentially. I will send your six siblings down to accompany you in treating the epidemic. Please reassure the people of all countries and ask them to remain calm."

How will Mengmeng's six siblings accompany her in treating the epidemic in the western hemisphere? Stay tuned for the next episode.