
Episode 19: Let the World be Filled with Love

In no time, Xinxin led Momo, Jiajia, Wenwen, Chengcheng, and Yangyang, and descended to the entrance of the "Worldwide Extraterrestrial Civilization Research School" in the strange country located under the "Pomegranate Tree" in the galaxy. Hundreds of people in the campus gathered at the playground near the gate to welcome the six love magic masters who came from the Loveball. The love magic masters felt the enthusiasm from the people on Earth and were very excited. Professor David from the "Talented Land" in the Western Hemisphere and Princess Qianqian from the "Iceberg Country" ran to the front of the magic masters. They cheerfully said to the magic masters, "Wow, we finally get to meet you lovely little angels! Every day, when we hear Mengmeng talking about you in class, we admire you so much. We always imagine how each of you looks. Today, we finally see you, it's really great!" 

After speaking, everyone gave the magic masters a warm round of applause.

Xinxin smiled and said to everyone, "Thank you all. Today is our first time visiting Earth. We have only heard about it before." Mengmeng curiously asked, "When collecting light and energy, have you ever collected from Earth?" Jiajia sweetly replied, "Of course we have collected from Earth many times. It's just that without the blessing of Meow Granny's magic, we cannot come down to Earth from the pomegranate tree. We can only watch from far away in space relying on our own magic." Mengmeng suddenly realized that every time they returned to Earth from the pomegranate tree, it was all thanks to the magic bestowed by Meow Granny.

Under Mengmeng's arrangement, the six kind-hearted magicians stayed in the dormitory of the "Alien Civilization Research School". As soon as they arrived and put down their luggage, they couldn't wait to fly to the Western Hemisphere with Mengmeng. The epidemic had spread to about ten countries and regions. Among them, the "Iceberg Country", "Talented Country", and "Coral Country" were the hardest hit. Xinxin and Jiajia formed one group, Mengmeng and Momo formed another group, and Wenwen and Chengcheng formed a third group. The seven of them flew over the epidemic-stricken countries one after another, using their magic wands to continuously sprinkle shining red "love petals" from the sky. Wherever these petals fell, all the epidemics disappeared, and the infected people immediately recovered.

The magicians flew tirelessly, chanting spells, and waving their magic wands. They saved countless lives and were exhausted. After seven days and nights, the epidemic was finally completely eradicated. Many kings and envoys in the Western Hemisphere were grateful to Mengmeng and the kind-hearted magicians. They warmly invited the magicians to their palaces. The magicians couldn't refuse, so they first went to the palace of the "Talented Country". Although this country was much smaller than the others, the people here had fair skin, prominent brow bones, and deep and captivating sapphire eyes. Professor David enthusiastically recommended Mengmeng's "Alien Civilization School" to the king of the "Talented Country". As a result, the king earnestly requested the magicians' help in establishing the "Talented Country's" "Alien Civilization School". The magicians happily agreed to the king's request. At Mengmeng's suggestion, the king of the "Talented Country" also decided to establish a "Love School". 

Mengmeng had a lot of ideas for the "Love School". She wanted the love schools on Earth to be different from the magical "Love Schools" on the "Love Sphere", but the people in the love schools must have love in their hearts. The love schools on Earth should teach every child to have love from a young age, to engage in charity work, and to cultivate a mindset of serving others. At the same time, the children in the love schools must learn to love and care for every plant, study plant medicine to save lives, and adopt a vegetarian diet to contribute to environmental protection. Additionally, the love schools would also offer magic classes to encourage children to have innovative thinking and hands-on abilities.

With the efforts of the magicians and many construction workers, the construction of the love school went smoothly. In less than a month, a "Love Elementary School" with an area of about 300 acres was established. The appearance of the "Love Elementary School" was modeled after the "Love School" on the "Love Sphere" - a semi-circular, five-story tall teaching building with dormitories and teacher's offices on both sides.

In the middle, there is a large grass playground, and tracks are installed around it. There is a love train that runs during breaks for the children to play on. The children also have love magic wands, which may not be able to create flowers and plants everywhere, but they can transform into pigeons, little birds, hats, and more. Furthermore, the desks and chairs in the classrooms of the love school are embedded with tracks on the ground. With careful planning by "Wenwen" and "Professor David", almost all the desks can freely move and combine through button switches, similar to the situation on the Love Sphere. The most unique aspect of the love school is its teaching model. Every week, all the teachers must lead the students to engage in various charity activities, such as cleaning city roads, helping farmers harvest crops in rural areas, visiting the elderly in every community, or visiting orphanages and taking care of patients in hospitals, and so on.

In addition, during the winter and summer vacations, the "Love School" also organizes interest groups such as summer camps or winter camps. They arrange trips to deep mountain forests to learn about medicinal plants, visit herbal shops to learn about plant medicine preparation, and more. Outstanding students who perform well in exams each semester can receive a substantial scholarship and be sent to the "Strange Country International Exchange Plant Medicine University Affiliated Elementary School" for free, to study plant medicine. With the leadership of the "Talent Country," in the following years, many "Love Schools" and "Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Schools" were established in various countries and regions, with "Talent Country" and "Iceberg Country" being the most active. Eventually, the teaching model of the love school even swept across the globe. Even the love magicians who later collected light and energy from various places couldn't help but feel amazed by the increasing purity of light and the higher level of energy on Earth. This is all thanks to the widespread establishment of love schools on Earth, which effectively purified people's hearts and weakened the influence of the demon kingdom. 

After Mengmeng and the others established the "Love Schools" in the western hemisphere, they happily flew back to the palace in the Strange Country with several magicians. The king and the people warmly celebrated their return once again.

Afterwards, in the palace, with the careful preparations of the queen and Moemo's parents, a 23rd birthday party was held for Moemo. During the banquet, the queen's younger son, also known as the Little Prince of the Strange Country, named Yulong, who appeared to be the same age as Moemo, handsome and charming, also came to celebrate Moemo's birthday. Moemo also flew with several magicians to the beautiful town, where he saw his childhood friends and classmates. They all had their own families now, and some of them, like Duo Duo and Duo Duo, even had babies. Under the leadership of the mayor, the economic prosperity of the beautiful town was flourishing. The mayor also expressed concern about Moemo's marriage, to which Moemo jokingly replied, "Although I am 23 years old, I am still a child on the Love Ball. My brothers and sisters may be the same age as me, but they are almost 50 years old on the Love Ball." Everyone burst into laughter as he said this.

Afterwards, Moemo bid farewell to all his relatives in the Strange Country with reluctance and set off on his journey to the Love Ball to prepare for the battle against the Demon Kingdom.

What will happen in the next episode? Stay tuned for the next episode.