
Roses of Betrayal

Amara, a celestial being, escapes a 200-year house arrest to explore the human realm with her bodyguards Mo Yue, Kane, and Ryo. Their journey encounters possessed acquaintances, demons, and the mysterious Kayden. Tensions rise with the arrival of Husani, revealing unexpected connections and family dynamics. As Amara takes commissions to earn celestial currency, she faces the threat of the Celestial Skies and delves into a world of illegal betting houses in a demon city. The plot intensifies with kidnappings and an unexpected reunion with Kyan, weaving a complex tale of fantasy, intrigue, and celestial politics.

Arcy_Warcy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 12, Just Dinner.

They continued their walk and Amara noticed a store that sold heels, one of them on display reminded her of one of her birthday heels she had. Husani noticed what she was gazing at "Would you like new shoes as well?" He asked her but she quickly refused his offer to her. "I have many shoes, I even have an extra place where I keep most of my shoes safe." "Oh really? I did not know you collected shoes." "It is a silly habit of mine." She admitted in an embarrassed tone."And you are sure you do not want one extra set? You can see it as one of my gifts for you." It was tempting for her to try and resist it… She just had to keep saying no in her head. If she keeps saying no, she will not end up buying a full new set of shoes. Well, that was in her head. Before she knew it she had already bought a new set of heels but it is not her fault right? Husani made her want to buy just one set… Just one. After they left the shoe store Husani could not help but laugh at Amara's embarrassed face. What happened in the store Husani chose was that Amara was very excited to see the shoes and heels they had on display. Something about them kept her captivated and she couldn't get her eyes off of it. Husani called her a cat because of how much different she normally acted when she was doing something else. "It really was not that funny." "I am sorry but Amara looked so serious, I thought you would have a happier expression. You did look cute while looking at them." Amara was sulking on the way he said that. "This is my exact reason why I did not want to go to the show store." She whispered to herself. "It is okay since everything is on me." Husani said with a bit of confidence and a grin. "I really have to repay you after this." She said with a guilty face. "Why would you?" He asked her. "Because that is the only appropriate thing for me to do." Was that really even a question that he should ask.. "There's no need since I am doing this out of free will." He told her with a gentle smile. "I will feel bad." She told him "Do not worry, I will not hunt you down for not paying me back." He reassured her. "I will pray you won't." They both laughed and kept making jokes with each other not noticing how the sun was slowly setting. It started to get dark so they decided that they would eat dinner outside before going home. When they arrived at the restaurant that Husani also chose, while he was making a reservation for themAmara looked around after feeling a lot of eyes on her. For some odd reason everyone in the room felt nervous around them. The atmosphere was very tense and heavy. She was confused on why it was like that, it is exactly like the last time when she was with Kane and that butler. She thought that there was a small chance that they knew each other but that would be a one in a million percent certainty. Husani came back to her to tell her that they have a place to sit at and that they can order whenever they're ready to. She was happy, actually happy that someone was going through all this trouble again. She went with him to where their seats were, it was placed at a more private area with a window. There was a candle lit up and the aroma smelled like vanilla. It reminded her of the person who saved her from that forest fire, it made her feel safe for some odd reason. Husani gave her a chair and then sat on his own one, a waitress then gave them the menu and told them that they just needed to call her name out or ring the bell and she will help them as fast as possible. When Amara looked at the menu she was surprised it was filled with most of her favourite things, she couldn't help but think that going to this restaurant was planned by Husani. When they ordered their food Amara gazed at the bandages on Husani's eyes and asked him with a gentle tone, "Would it be possible for you to remove those for me?" She understood that he listened to her request of keeping them on, but she couldn't help but be curious about his eyes since she felt suspicious about them. When he listened to her and removed the bandages she leaned in, she noticed a small glimmer in his left eye, confirming her suspicion that he had been hiding his eye colour with mana. She didn't want to pry, but she was genuinely fascinated and wanted to know more. However, before she could say anything, Husani interrupted her with a smile and said, "Amara, you've been staring at me for a while now. Is everything okay?" Despite feeling embarrassed, Amara explained her curiosity about his eyes. "I apologise if I made you uncomfortable. It's just that your eyes are so captivating, and I wanted to see them again." Husani let out a chuckle. "Oh my, don't tell me you are already flirting with me. This is just the first date Amara." He is doing this on PURPOSE! She thought after hearing that. "If i'd known you would react like this I would not have said that." Making Husani apologise and this gave Amara the right opportunity to ask a question that has been bugging her ever since they walked together in the town. "May I ask you a question?" Husani was surprised by her sudden politeness. "Yes, of course." She decided to just ask him in a blunt manner. "Where did you get all this money from? Are you perhaps from high society or did you steal it from somewhere?" Husani was surprised with her question and laughed. "Oh, Are you perhaps after my wealth?" Amara shook her head and smiled. "If I were after that, wouldn't I be acting more pushy with you going to expensive stores and buying me more dresses that I would ever wear?" She was right and not only that, she also has Marks she can lend and spend under her name. Husani did not know how to respond to her. "However you should know that it doesn't matter who you are to me, I just don't want my head to get chopped off if I use the wrong word choice." He was surprised at how nonchalantly she told him that, it was quite funny to him. Even if it wasn't meant as a joke. "Will you judge me if I am?" He asked her while slightly tilting his head. "Depends on what you truly are." He liked her word choice and gave her an applause. "So you figured it out?" He questioned her. "I still do not know who you are but I can make a light guess on what you are." She said with full out confidence."Would you like to try?" "You are a demon, a demon from that famous group right?" He smiled at her but didn't confirm or deny her answer. "Do you think you can find out my reasoning for meeting you?" He wanted to test her if she really was this smart. "Perhaps because you are bored?" Husani felt hurt by her answer. "You are wrong, I'll give you 2 more chances." Amara tried to think about something more reasonable and realistic of what a demon would want from her. "You wanted to have a duel with me?" He shook his head. "I am afraid I will lose if I do." Amara agreed with him on that, even a surprise attack would not weaken her. However now she had one more chance to guess. She will this time have to be more straightforward with him. "Is it… Because you wanted to see me?" Husani nodded at her answer and Amara finally felt like she was getting some hints on who he possibly could be. "What would you do if that was the reason?" He stared into her eyes after her last answer. "Then I must keep you around even at times that want to leave." Husani raised an eyebrow. "Even though I owe you my life?" She was confused on what he was talking about, owing his life to her? "You are the one who saved me from a near death experience, are you not?" He is not wrong but why would he give her his life, especially someone he does not know. Amara was just more confused on what he was talking about. "So you won't leave even if I push you to your limits?" She asked. "Yes your highness, you are right. I won't." He said with a gentle voice. "Even when I try my hardest to push you away from me?" She asked him wanting to know if he was lying to her. "Even if you try to push me away, I will not move a single inch, princess." He replied to her, it sounded reassuring to her, she never had met someone this sincere and honest before. But there still was one more thing that she wanted to know about him. "Then tell me, just who are you?" Husani was silent for a couple of seconds before saying, "Is it okay if I tell you after the birthday party? You will be more surprised in that way." Amara felt like she had lost and sighed a bit while feeling a bit disappointed. "I suppose it can't be helped. I will wait until then." Husani felt satisfied by her answer, just at that moment the waitress returned with their food. Amara looked at her and noticed she looked familiar… A bit too familiar. It was like she knew her from somewhere… She looked at the girl one more time just to see that it was Alijah! Why was he, well she doing here!? Nervousness started to rise up to her and avoided eye contact with Alijah, she knew she would get a call in a few days from him and have to explain what she was doing here with Husani. She just hoped Alijah would not get the wrong thoughts about Husani and her, they're just acquaintances nothing more. But why does it feel like that is the wrong word to describe them? Amara was deep in thought while Husani tried his best to call out to her. "Princess, are you feeling well?" Amara just noticed she was spacing out again lost in thought, it is a bad habit of hers. She had apologised to him before thanking him for the meal, the moment when the food entered her mouth she felt like she was having a meal from her princess days in Sicilia. The food that she ate was her favourite since childhood, she was a very picky eater as a child so she couldn't eat as much. But the dish Ful Mudammas was her favourite food to eat day after night, she could never have enough of it. And now that she has the chance to eat it again after hundreds of years she feels like she's a child again. Husani saw how happy she looked with the good she got and could not help but feel warmth in his chest. "Eat as much as you like." He told her while staring at her barely touching own food he had ordered. He slowly shuffled next to her making sure she would not feel displeased with anything that was brought to the table. He slowly took a sip of his own champagne before he started to take a bite of his food. Amara tried one of the side dishes that came with the food but it tasted rather awful than delicious in her opinion. She decided not to touch the food again just so she can enjoy the rest with Husani, the dinner went by smoothly between them and they had a wonderful time together at the end. It was time for them to finally go home, Husani told Amara to wait for him at the door while he would get their bags. She offered to help but he said he did not need it, so she waited and saw Alijah still serving people in the restaurant making her feel watched by her. She tried her best to pretend she did not notice Alijah's glances at her, she slowly started praying to herself that Husani would hurry up and come back to her. The second she blinked he was suddenly in front of her, startled by his sudden appearance she yelped a bit before covering her mouth. Husani could not help but think it was funny how she reacted. "Are you ready to go Princess?" He asked her and she quickly nodded her head, wanting to leave the place after making everyone stare at her. Husani opened the door for her so they could leave, people could not help but stare at them in awe and shock. Amara partly knew why they were reacting like this but was Husani really that big of a deal of that group? She had asked herself but quickly shrugged off the thought of it. As they walked down the dimly lit street, Amara glanced at the bandages on Husani's arm and curiosity got the better of her. "Husani, how did you get hurt?" She asked, her voice serious. Husani looked at her with a sly grin, "Let's just say I had a bit of bad luck on my way home." Amara couldn't believe how nonchalant he was about it, especially since he seemed to be no stranger to getting seriously injured. "Where do you even live?" She asked incredulously. "Oh, nowhere nearby, my princess," he replied with a chuckle. Amara couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief, wondering what kind of person Husani was. Suddenly, he turned to her with a mischievous glint in his eye. "But enough about me, let's talk about your story, Princess." She was taken aback by his sudden interest, she feels that Husani will feel disappointment if he finds out that she cannot remember who she truly is. Husani saw how she was struggling trying to find her words and told her there was no need for her to tell him anything about herself if she is not comfortable. "It is not not that I am uncomfortable," she started. "…It is just that all I know is my name and my mother's death." Husani looked at her with a dissatisfied expression while he placed his hand on her shoulder. "It is fine, I assume you want to find out who you truly are then?" He asked her and she could only nod in response. "I recommend you do not do that." Amara stopped walking and tried to understand what he meant by that. "It is a warning, if you find something that wounds you so deeply you might just…" He said without finishing his sentence however Amara was having none of this mysterious act of his, all she wants to know is who she is, is she even really the one who they call Amara? "Might just what?" She asked him in a straightforward manner. "You might go mad." He hesitantly admitted in a soft voice after catching her annoyed glare and felt like sweating a bit. Amara however took a moment before laughing at his concern. "Do you really believe I'll go mad? Perhaps in the past but I have changed now in various ways." She reassured him but he could not help but feel sympathy for her, so he decided to be more careful with his word choices in the near future. But there was one more thing bugging him. "Why are you even going to the party?" He asked Amara however there was a quick expression change on her face. She was visibly irritated when Husani brought the question up about the birthday banquet. She sighed before answering him truthfully, "I have been invited to a birthday banquet by colleagues, but saying no is not an option." Husani, concerned about Amara's well-being, suggested, "There must be a way for you to think of a way of saying no." Husani told her and tried his best to think of ways to prevent her from going to the banquet. Amara replied, "They won't even believe me if I said I am sick since I rarely do." Husani expressed his reluctance to be left alone. "If you leave, I'll be bored again. Without you, time passes so slowly," He said. Amara sympathies with how he felt and appreciated his sincerity. "I wish I did not have to go either, but unfortunately, I have no other option," she replied with a saddening voice. Husani was hoping for a way out and asked, "Is there any way you could take me along with you?" Amara shook her head at his request. "Husani, I cannot do something like that since it is a staff-only banquet." Amara let him know the ways of how the Birthday Banquets work in the Celestial Skies. Husani, being understanding, said, "If you do get allowed to leave early or bored, please come back home." Amara gave a small smile, grateful for her partner's understanding and support. She found him cute since he looked like a puppy. They slowly started to arrive at the house and Amara's feet started to hurt from all the walking that they did so she began walking at a faster pace to the house. "Is this a race?" Husani asked her with some confidence. "It is a race if you are able to beat me." She told him before dashing away, Husani immediately went after her. The two could only laugh and giggle while running to the house, Amara in first place and Husani in second. Amara felt proud of herself but then remembered the wound he had on his stomach and asked if he was fine. "Yes please do not worry Princess, exercising is always good for the sick." He told her before opening the door of the house where three men were waiting for Amara on the couch while giving Husani some nasty glares. Before anyone could open their mouths and ask who he was Amara decided to speak up first. "Brothers, you have finally returned! How were the business trips?" She completely forgot to inform them about Husani being with her and that he thinks they're her brothers. However they did get the hint and started to play along with her for a little. "The trips were very boring nonetheless fun." Ryo said and then proceeded to point over to Husani. "But my dearest sister, who is that if you do not mind me asking?" Husani just smiled at him and asked in Amara's ear the question if they always speak this formally towards each other. "I assume it is because you are here." She answered him, making Ryo a tad more annoyed. "Don't ignore my question sister, you still haven't told me." Amara explained to him how she stopped him from endlessly bleeding to his death; however he was confused on why Husani was still with her even though he had bandages and was free to leave. Amara did not know how to explain that part to him and side-eyed Husani for help. "It is really simple, I simply owe my life to her after she saved mine." Amara couldn't help but slap her forehead after he told the honest truth to Ryo who's face started to get more annoyed by the second. Kane held him back before he started to say or do anything rash. "My Princess had been taking care of me while all of you were gone." Husani said Mo Yue started to judge Husani's confidence a bit. "..My Princess? Where are your manners!" He said out loud looking with a disturbing expression. Amara pretended to not hear what Husani said but Mo Yue started to approach the couple standing at the door with big bags and pointed at them. "So what did you two do when we were not here, on a date?" He asked directly with pure disgust all cover on his face, Amara thought about it and understood what he meant. It may look like that since firstly Husani is carrying all the bags and they all have designer names on them. She wanted to correct Mo Yue but instead she decided to keep quiet just to see his reaction. Husani also had said nothing but just smiled at him while he started to get more disgusted and frustrated by the second. "Amara I cannot believe you went on a date with a complete stranger!" He loudly said. "Is that not how blind dates work?" She teased him, all the three boys had their mouths wide open by what she had said. Amara couldn't help but laugh at their funny expression, Husani also was a bit surprised by what she said but didn't show any emotion to it. "It was a mere joke, Husani actually bought me some things for the banquet." She admitted while trying to catch her breath. "I also paid for everything under my name so her highness doesn't need to worry." Husani told the worried men in front of him. "Come to think of it.." Kane suddenly spoke up. "Why are you calling her, princess and your highness?" He questioned Husani, and with all honesty it took a while for him to notice this. Amara couldn't help but feel a bit nervous thinking about how she was going to defend Husani. "She is Princess Amara of Sicilia is she not?" He asked instead of answering who and this made Kane a bit confused on how he knew that. "When she saved me from my near death experience and told her name I just knew she was Princess Amara." Husani told them with a hint of sincerity Amara however couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by his wording, Ryo started to approach Amara and made her stand behind him. "I recommend you should leave if that is all." Husani could only grin at him before laughing at his weird angry expression he made. "Have you not heard what I said or shall I make it more obvious?" Ryo looked at him with a confused face before asking what he had meant. "It is simple, since Amara had saved my life and named me I shall give her my life as her reward." All the three men's faces went pale as they heard that, shock, confusion and more feelings went through them. This is not what they had expected to hear from him, why was he acting so clingy to someone he barely knew as well? "You clingy monster!" Mo Yue yelled out while Kane tried to calm him down from the scene. Amara was already gone from the scene when they tried to ask her if it is true, she was in her room resting from all this chaos. She wanted to call Alijah and ask him to be her partner to the Banquet and if he had said no Amara did not know who else to bring with her. She probably had to go all alone, it is not that she minds but the stares and whispers from the Celestial Ones will probably linger with her for a couple days. As she called Alijah she was trying to find the right words to ask him to go with her without sounding like it was a confession in some way. The call went through and she saw Alijah in more casual clothes than what she is used to. She was surprised about how his shirt was open and showing a lot more skin than he normally would. Flustered by the fact he noticed what she was staring at, she looked away not knowing what to say so Alijah instead spoke up. "My, aren't you so devious?" He softly teased her before walking up to her. "Are you not going to look at me?" He asked of her, she could only remain silent while Alijah sighed before asking what he could do for her. "The Birthday Party… You do not have anyone to go with do you?" She softly murmured before looking at him, Alijah was surprised at the question because he did not expect her to ask him this. He answered her question with a simple no and was wondering why she wanted to know. "Do you want to go together?" She finally asked him with courage. "It would be my pleasure!" He said while giving out his hand and Amara placed her on his. He went down on a knee before giving her a kiss on her hand. "I promise you will enjoy the party with no issues." Something felt off by how he had said that and not only that but his gaze was a bit terrifying. A shiver went down Amara's spine while looking at him, his eyes started to shine very brightly before she took her hand away. Amara tried not to put much thought into it since he could not mean anything intimidate since they are just friends. Before giving him her thanks and ending the call the moment when she hung up was the part where she noticed he did not ask her about Husani. Before she could wonder why he did not ask her if there was a knock on her door, it was Husani asking to come in. "Did you have many troubles with my brothers?" She tried to joke around but he just looked at her and then at the same hand Alijah had kissed her. "Your hands are dirty, wash them before going to bed." Amara was surprised at what he said since her hands were clean she looked at them before looking back at him. "But they are clean," She said. "To you it might but others might not think the same." He told her while leaning on her door frame and crossing his arms. He pointed at her hands and the bathroom in her room. "I recommend you wash it before your brothers get mad at me thinking we did something." She understood what he meant but was surprised that he could see such a small thing easily, normally someone would not even notice or care about such things. She stood up and washed them without any reason to argue back at him. "Did my brother accept you yet?" She asked him. "They told me I should leave whenever you order me to Princess please keep in mind that you can only send me away once." He answered her while acting a bit dramatic, she found it a bit funny of how overprotective they were. The people who really should protect themselves is not Amara but those 3 themselves, Amara would easily win a 3 on 1 from them without using her hands. A battle sounds like music to her ears now that she thinks about it, it has been awhile since she had an actual fight or duel with someone who is on the same level. As she was trying to find a towel to wash her hands with, Husani gave her one. "What is with the smile on your face today?" Amara told him not to worry about it and took the towel from him before sitting on her bed. "Where should you sleep now?" "I think the couch is my only option." He sighed while playing with his locs a bit and leaning against the door. "You can sleep with me." Amara said with no single thought behind her eyes, the answer did not shock Husani but made him laugh a bit. "Does Your Highness not think before she speaks?" He told her to pet her head before walking to the door, Amara did not understand at first but got it after she repeated herself in a soft whisper. Embarrassed and flushed she yells out: "Ah- Wait, that is not what I meant!" She did not want him to get the wrong idea in any way and honestly she is not even that bad minded at all, Husani chuckled at her reaction. "Do not tell any men what you said besides me." He smiled before closing the door making Amara cry out words that are not even real out of humiliation, she was not self-conscious when she said that out loud. She only meant kindness behind her message, not anything related to sensuality. She wanted to cry herself to sleep but knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep even if she wanted to so instead she went to find out what is wrong with her Mana Core and what is interfering with it. She kept her eyes closed after getting into position. The room was black, it was very uncomfortable even when she looked around only her core shining throughout the whole room. It looked as if it was bleeding, but that wouldn't make sense. If it did she would not be able to wield the powers that she has. Perhaps it is Trinity trying to reach out to her? She placed her hand on the core, the second time they had contact something came out the core. She immediately stood in defence and looked around with her hands up. She was outside floating in the sky above her old castle, she was a bit away from the balcony from her room. Someone spoke out to her. "Do you remember this?" Amara looked at her right side surprised to see someone who looked exactly like Trinity from all the scroll she had read in her time at Sicilia. She tries to back away but doesn't move a single inch and only floats more closer to the person who looks like Trinity. "Just who are you?" She asked the stranger and when they made eye contact the stranger just put her hand on lips and pointed at the balcony insinuating to pay attention. She saw a mini Amara, Kyan and Aire, sadness started to rise up from her feet. She missed those days when life was not that hard like they are now. While mini Kyan and Amara were having a normal argument about what type of food was better to eat before going to sleep, mini Aire started to stare at the stranger and Amara. "Something is not right…" The stranger had said while making eye contact with Aire, he mouthed something before giving a glare and turning his back. Mini Amara started to ask him what he was doing and he simply told her that she was looking at the birds flying their way. He slowly started to put himself in the conversation with them about food. Kyan gave a glance at where he was looking before noticing them as well. The minute they had eye contact with his golden eyes they got sent back to the same room where Amara core was shining, before she could even understand what was going on the stranger grabbed her by the arms and shook her a bit. "Was this the same as how it was for you in the past? No one should be able to see us."

Yes you are indeed 3rd wheeling rn.

Arcy_Warcycreators' thoughts