
Rose of steel

When a spoiled and head strong heiress is kidnapped by a mysterious man from a world way different from hers, her life is turned upside down. He threatens to end her life in four days which means she has to survive no matter what even by making him fall for her. Authors note: This is my very first book on this platform I hope you enjoy this book and show me some love♥️

Jadielwe · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Rose wrote down the amount absolutely not in the mood to even argue about why Julia, needed so much money.

"Go ahead, enjoy the money my dad and I work so hard to make!" She sarcastically says handing the older woman the cheque.

Julia glares at rose. "Just because you work doesn't mean you have the right to look down on others-"

"what gives you the right to lecture me Julia? last time I checked you don't even own a dime to your name."

"You bitch!"

Rose walks up to Julia with a smirk on her face and says. "My father marrying a drunk like you was a huge mistake!"

Jennifer didn't dare to interfere fearing she'd get dragged into the mess.

Shoving Julia out of the way Rose grabbed her car keys.

"Miss Parks!" Jennifer called out to her.

"Go home Jennifer, I have somewhere else to be."

Rose barged out of the mansion leaving an emberassed Julia with Jennifer who had no idea what to say.

"E-excuse me." Julia walks away to cut the awkward moment short.

Jennifer nods slowly watching Julia walk away. After awhile Jennifer takes out her phone, "yes...she just left."


Rose sat in her car with her head rested against the wheel. She was so exhausted from everything she just needed to get away for a few minutes.

Although she loved her father sometimes she wondered why he often made decisions that effected her negatively.

For example marrying an alcoholic who never protected or cared for her. Whenever she thought of her childhood often tears formed in her eyes.

Rosé POV}

"I don't care if dad chose you! you'll never run this company! over my dad body!"

I groan loudly hating the thoughts in my mind, all that bullying I went through thanks to my older brother won't be for nothing!

After I marry that stupid Eric, I'll be CEO and put Liam in his place.

I'll take our pharmaceutical company to the next level for sure.

Father will be so proud of me then...

Sitting up I suddenly realized how pathetic I must sound. It doesn't matter what I do because I'll always only have myself.

My phone rings and I sigh realizing it's my brother, Liam or The devil himself. Liam had hated me since we were only children. The brat was so sure he'd be the heir of our company only for Him to be told otherwise.

Turning off my phone I got out of the car.

Sighing heavily I walked up to the bridge, where the beautiful river shimmered due to the city lights.

Not so far from where i stood was a couple kissing passionately, not hiding their love.

I look away feeling like i have just walked into their love scene or something.

They eventually walked away hand in hand making me smile to myself as i thought:

"One day I'll know how it feels to truly be happy...just like them-"

Suddenly someone grabs me and covers my mouth, I was in so much shock I could barely react. He was so large I couldn't do anything even if I tried to.

I felt myself going numb as he dragged me to where the car was parked.

"Dont you dare try to escape. believe me I'm doing you a huge favor taking you with me!" he said dragging me.

My heart raced so fast I thought I'd fall out. Tears streamed down my face making my vision blurry.

The main reason i was scared was because i knew no one would save me and I'd die, even if I did die, no one would care or remember I ever existed. No one would cry for me!

Just as the man tried to shove me in the car, a man grabbed him by the shirt and hit him. I was shocked seeing a middle aged man, beating the heck out of my attacker.

The attacker immediately ran away even leaving his truck behind.

"Are you okay dear?" The man said holding out his hand to Me.

I didn't say anything, I only sobbed, I sobbed so much that even while he spoke I heard nothing.


Rider Point of view}

I handed the cheque over to Logan who smirked like an idiot.

"Just stay away from my family from now on, understand?"

Roger looks at me suspiciously. "Where on god's earth did a street rat like you get money?"

I grab him by the neck. "This street rat can break your neck!"

Roger laughs nervously. "it's a Joke! there's no need to be so serious."

I shove him away before turning to Logan. "Tell Lex, if he even thinks of showing up In our neighborhood again I'll go to the police and tell them everything I Know."

"I don't think it's a good idea to threaten Him!" Roger nervously tells me.

"Just tell him what I said!"

Walking away I feel agitated, although I left the stupid gang over two years ago, I'm still cleaning up their mess....

{Time skip}

I arrive at my apartment but immediately I'm alert because the lights are off, walking slowly into the apartment I grab my gun that I always Carry with me.


Jessi, lily and Mr Lee are wearing party hats. I was so confused but still managed to smile.

"Happy birthday my love!" Jessi says running to hug me.

"It's my birthday?"

I never celebrate this day...ever.

"I know you hate it, but Mr Lee wanted to thank you for helping him out with those useless thugs." Explained Jessi.

"It's fine, let's eat." I say hugging lily.


After the party I was cleaning up with Jessi, she was silent as she washed the dishes which was very unlike her. Usually she'd sing a jazz song or something.

"Jess you okay?"

She sighs turning to me, "where'd you get the money Rider?"

"It's not important...as long as everything is sorted..."

She shakes her head no. "I want to know... because, well it's weird."

"I asked my mom for help."

Jessi looks at me shocked. "You said you hated her..."

"Well she's god damn rich...and I needed the money..."

"Can I ask you something?"

I take her hand. "Actually no. Can I ask you something?"


"Will you marry me?"

she gasps covering her mouth. "Fuck yes!!"