
Rose of steel

When a spoiled and head strong heiress is kidnapped by a mysterious man from a world way different from hers, her life is turned upside down. He threatens to end her life in four days which means she has to survive no matter what even by making him fall for her. Authors note: This is my very first book on this platform I hope you enjoy this book and show me some love♥️

Jadielwe · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 3

[one year later]

Rose felt her heart race as she kissed the older man, running her hand through his black hair filled with grey strands indicating he has aged.

Charlie kisses her passionately as his phone rings but didn't dare think of answering it. Rose on the other hand felt irritated and had stopped kissing him.

"Won't you answer it?"

"One second baby." He says picking up the phone. Rose pouts resting her head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong Nicole?"

Rose rolls her eyes getting up from his lap. The last thing she wanted was to hear his wife's name.

"Then call doctor Kim. I'm sure she'll tell you there's absolutely nothing wrong with  you or our unborn baby."

Rose swallowed the huge lump in her throat. She knew falling for a married man would be problematic but Charlie brought her so much happiness she always managed to over look the pain.

"Okay bye...I love you too."

Charlie hung up walking up to Rose who stared out the window of his office. Uncontrollable tears fell down that she had tried to fight back but they managed to escape and win. She tried her best to not sob.

He hugged her from the back pulling her close to him. "I'll leave her."

Rose closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. She turns to him and smiles not before wiping the tears away, "you promise we'll get married right?"

Charlie smiles kissing her. "I've never been so happy and it's all because of you, you make me feel so Alive."

Rose hugs him tightly smiling happily. "Thank you for rescuing me."

charlie chuckles. "That happened a long time ago Rose."

She looks into his eyes. "No Charlie you continue saving me...you saved me from loneliness, sadness and from that jerk."

He kisses her. "I love you."

"How much do you love me?"

He smirks heading to his desk giving her a paper. "Just read that."

Rose reads the document and almost faints.

"You're giving me 50% of your shares after we are married?"

He nods. "The others go to my son and my unborn child."

"Wow....thats the second time I've heard you mention him."

Charlie's expression hardens. "His mom left me when I didn't make as much as I do today and took my son with her. I actually plan to find him one day."

The sadness in his voice made her feel sorry for him. Rose walks up tp him giving him a hug.

"I hope you find him."


Rider Point of view ]

"You are now husband and wife." The priest says.

I sign the papers and so does Jessi.

"Wow so your Rider isn't your first name?" She asked as we slow danced together.

"Unfortunately yes...my dad named me Chase."

"I'm sorry but i prefer Rider more." she teased.

I kiss her lips holding her close to me as we sway to the music, we hear a loud bang shocking everyone and sending them into panic.

Suddenly I notice she's holding her side as tears stream out of her eyes.


She looks at me and cries. "I think...I've been shot."

Just like that my nightmare ended, and I was back to my cruel reality...

Jessi was gone, I was there as they rushed her to the hospital and I waited alone for news on Jessi.

Sighing i grab the orange plastic bottle filled with my life line. I take a single pill and use my beer to push it down my throat.

Ignoring the bitter taste it left in my mouth I sat up looking at the woman I've been following around for the last two weeks, She dressed expensively and often grabbed everyone's attention anywhere.

I had to make sure to learn her schedule, make sure I knew every single thing about her before I decided my next move.

I knew if Jessi were alive she'd be disappointed that I returned to a life of crime, but then again, my life of crime is the reason she was murdered...not even the police could help me...

Taking a long gulp of the bitter alcohol I closed my eyes, enjoying the heat it brought Me.

Grabbing the photo of the woman I was sure had to be important because Lex had been following her around too.

He did not harm her or anything, he took pictures of her everyday and reported it to someone.

The only reason I followed her was because He wanted her. Lex, being my ex boss was my number one suspect in Jessi's murder but with no evidene I couldn't do anything.

Looking at the girl my curiosity grew more.

She was rude, bossy, mean, sleeping with a married man and even black mailed her fiance ...

No wonder someone wants her gone...

My only job is to get the brat, And to see what lex would do Or better yet, see what would happen to him.

The woman walks out of the office that belongs to the married man, I didn't waste my time researching much about him.

She throws her purse at her assistant, Jennifer Knowles, a beautiful girl usually dressed in black with a bun hairdo she is a loyal puppy that follows Rose around.

The two drive off so I set my plan in motion. Today, I shall get her to piss lex off....

Author pov]

"Jennifer can you believe Charlie will actually sign away 50% of his company to me? This is crazy! That man adores me!" Rose keeps looking at the document as Jennifer drives in silence.

She was against the relationship but couldn't bring herself to speak her mind in fear of angering Rose.

"Do you think we'll get married anytime soon?" Rose questions excited.

Jennifer doesn't respond annoying Rose.

"I think I asked you a question Jennifer!"

Jennifer faked a smile nodding, "I'm sure he'll leave his pregnant wife for you." She sarcastically adds, "I'm sure he'd abandon everything for you...since you're so amazing."

"Have you gone crazy Jennifer? What made you think you can talk to me like that huh?!"

Rose stops smiling and grabs her hot coffee throwing it on Jennifer, who immediately stops the car to the side since she was burning.

"Ouch!" Cries Jennifer as Rose gets out of the car.

"Do you think I want him to be married? Do you think I want him to have a kid one the way?!" Rose says trying not to cry.

"Rose you definitely need help! How could you burn me?!"

"I did it to humble you maybe you forgot you're the maids daughter!"

Jennifer scoffs holding back tears. "I know exactly who i am...Dont you worry!"

A car pulls up infront of the two arguing ladies distracting them both.

Rose walks up to the driver annoyed. "Get lost idiot!"

The man gets out pointing a gun at her. "Get in the car bitch!"