
1. Roblin and the distant uncle

"Roblin, get ready. We have to be at Diagon Alley before noon."

Her words held no warmth as she shook him awake. He cracked an eye open and immediately wanted to close it again, his entire body felt heavy. The travel to the Leaky Cauldron was rough; the floo system was unforgivable, the soot that stained his robe from the night before felt disgusting on his skin even after scrubbing till his pale skin reddened in color.

He met her cold emerald eyes, much like his own, through the mirror's reflection that his sister was currently standing in front of. She dragged her brush through her long, blood-red hair, diverting her eyes when they met with his. He dragged himself out of bed, even though he just wanted to curl up again. The invisible weights on his shoulders decreased some when his familiar perched herself on his slim shoulders. He quirked his lips in a hidden smile as he got ready for the day.

He felt the old stairs creak as he made his way down the stairs, being greeted with the early morning staff. He smiled at them politely but kept it just a courtesy, not something done willingly.

He felt his sister's gaze on his form; her eyes held impressive walls, her foot tapping giving away to her impatient nature. She grabbed his sleeve and dragged him through the throng of people until they reached the back door. The door was as old as the place, but just as sturdy. She yanked him a final time out the door, his boots met with aged brick, his surroundings were that of a downtown alley. Garbage and boxes strung to the side. He caught a hint of the ink on paper as Melva tapped certain bricks. He felt his eyes widen slightly on their own according as the bricks began to gradually open. The once silent back store alley now alight with the sounds of all sorts of ages laughing and talking over one another. The two let themselves bask in the playful atmosphere for only a moment before Melva's impatient nature won out and she began to drag her little brother with his annoying awestruck eyes to the meeting place that was stated on the letter clutched in her hands.

They navigated through the last of the crowds and finally found their destination. Ollivanders. The wand shop was quaint but looked aged. Roblin let himself entertain the thought of a glance around the shop. His mother's exasperated but bland tone made him falter.

'Mistles do not express their wants, Roblin honestly do you want people to have information on you?'

'Roblin remember you are a Mistle, we collect the information for the magical world. We are scholars, informants!'

He could imagine that rare spark his mother's light lavender eyes held when she mentioned their family name; she was a proud woman. His last thought was the most prominent. Everyone in their family had heard these ones before, but this one was said

from more than his mother's mouth. 'Remember Roblin, any advantage you have, keep it close.'

He carded a hand through his hair before turning away from the shop. Melva was talking to an older man?

Based on the exchanges, the man in front of him was the distant (that's putting it lightly. Roblin pities the magic that has to catalog the magic world's pureblood families) uncle he was being shipped off to. He let himself observe the man talking to his sister and snorted. This poor cousin of his, because face it they were probably only connected by some distant relic from years ago, has no idea what he's getting into. Roblin already disliked the man; he looked like the strict type and he wasn't having another one of those.

'Oh joy, if he tries getting me into those scratchy British robes I will flay him alive.'

He let himself entertain that idea while they talked. By the end of their conversation, Roblin was trying to decide what light-based spell would leave less evidence.

'People are going to get suspicious though sinc-'

His musings were cut off by a clearing of the throat while he was off fantasizing his distant 'uncle's' tragic accident. His sister and said man had just finished their own conversation and were just waiting for him to come back to the world of the living.

He looked up lazily, as far as he was concerned he had only known of this man's existence for about almost a day.

He disliked this man already and they hadn't even talked yet