

Her life was joyful, or so she thought, having no day go by without laughter and happiness, everything came crashing down when she discovered the biggest secret of her life. Feeling betrayed by her own parents for hiding her reality and prospective identify from her, worry, anger, pain, and hatred replaced All joy, happiness and enjoyment from her life. Reality filled life with fear and guilt, betrayed by loved ones, and pushed into the unknown. what she thought her fate will be, was about to change, she was about to find out she's gifted and one of her kind...

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18 Chs

13. (WHERE AM I)


As I came back home the main door was open, I checked carefully outside and then inside the house, everything looked fine, I closed the door and sighed in relief while everyone was still asleep. I changed my clothes and drifted into sleep.

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I woke and felt the sensation of being carried in somebody's arms, I kept my eyes shut and pretended to sleep.My head was throbbing in pain and I bit back every scream that tried to escape my throat. After gathering strength I opened my eyes halfway and found a very tall muscular man was carrying me through a white tunnel. His head was straight and high and his face had no emotions.I closed my eyes once again and named him angry bird junior.

Suddenly he stopped and  I heard a door lock opening, I opened my eyes and there was a line of rooms with metal doors. He threw me inside the room harshly, my knees grazed the cold floor and I felt stings in my legs. The room was dark, without a single ray of light coming in from any corner. I straightened my legs and stood-up after struggling. I bumped into someone after taking a few steps and heard a few curses. I kept walking slowly backwards till my back touched the wall.

I sat down carefully, all I could hear was several people breathing soundly .I shouldn't have followed my brother I cursed myself in mind,a sudden wave of fear rose goosebumps on my arms .I was away from my home and my family, these thoughts made me sob, suddenly someone sat beside me. I shivered in fear.

"Are you okay kid?" a feminine voice came and I relaxed a bit and didn't reply.

"It's okay, the one you bumped into earlier was my brother Bennett, we will not hurt you I promise,by the way I'm Iris what's your name?" she asked with a kinder tone.

I can't trust her because she is a stranger,suddenly I felt her hair strands touching my shoulder, and felt a squeeze on my shoulder.

"It's alright, I know you are scared, I promise we won't hurt you, it's just me,my brothers Bennett and Bryce and Connor, believe me they won't even touch a hair of yours, there are more cellars down here, and they mostly kidnap Alpha blood wolves, is your father an alpha, your scent is a bit strange" she asked softly.

"My name is Rose and I don't know about any of this, I haven't even shifted yet, my family lives with humans, I was following my brother in the forest when someone hit me on head and I ended up here" finally I decided to tell her.

"Okay, maybe your father hid his identity from you to protect you from something, don't worry I'll try my best to help you, don't worry Rose" she squeezed my hand.

Suddenly the room was filled with light, I squeezed my eyes hard, light caused a stinging sensation in my eyes. After a few minutes  I looked around in the room and towards my right side I saw a big brown wolf laying down and his eyes were closed. I hid myself behind Iris, when I looked at her she was a stunning lady, with golden hip length hair, which was messy but still looking beautiful and she had pale white skin. A muscular boy sitting on the corner whom I guessed was Bennett, his eyes were emerald green, jet black hair and perfect jawline.

" Shush don't make noise, that's my brother Bryce, that Brown wolf, he'll wake up" she took me to the other corner of the room.

The door shot open and an abnormally large creature was thrown inside like it had no weight. I shivered when I observed it's face, so terrifying and horrific, it had sharp claws and canines which were enough to shred anything into pieces, that black fur and long pointed ears, it was huge. I shivered in fear.

"Rose it's fine, he's not waking up any soon, he's weak he can't even move his paw, just stay at the corner" Iris motivated me.

"What is that?" I asked in horror while pointing my finger towards that creature.

"You don't know, that's a lycan beast and they have triple strength as compare to an alpha wolf, they can take down ten wolves at a time,well that's Connor he hasn't changed back to his skin, he's weak maybe they drained his blood again assholes" she cursed.

"Why didn't he attack any of us?" I asked in curiosity.

"He doesn't once his beast recognize someone properly, he doesn't hurt them, don't worry he'll not hurt you, as long as I'm here" she assured.

I looked at him, his eyes were open, they were ruby red,their glow was dim, what did they do to him, negative thoughts clouded my mind, God knows what will happen to me, I shivered in fear.

"Rose, are you okay?" she asked.

"I don't know," I replied.

"Don't worry kid, they won't take you, you won't be able to survive for a minute" Bennett said out of nowhere and laughed.

"Shut your damn mouth Ben, stop scaring her" she shouted.

"Rose, don't listen to him, You see my brother Bryce over there. He'll be like him in a few hours," she said while pointing her finger at Bryce.

"Come on Iris, you really hate me that much?" Bennett said while giving her wink.

"Shut the heck up Ben, stop this will you, you're unbelievable, you don't care about anyone except for making fun and teasing" her eyes turned black and I moved myself away from her slowly.

"Where are you going?" she looked at me as her eyes turned back to normal.

"No where I was just relaxing my legs a bit" I tried to hide my uneasiness.

"I know you're lying, your heartbeat is higher than normal, stop lying, I know you were scared of me too," she laughed.

I smiled back, God where did I end up, please get me out of here dad, where are you I'm scared, I cursed the floor which was freezing and now becoming unbearable.

The door opened for the second time, the man who came in was even taller than my dad and his height was more than 6'2, he looked like a giant who goes to gym and train for hours. I named him Angry Bird senior.

He ordered Bennett to stand up and go with him. When he didn't, obviously what else I could have expected. He took out a black stick and started giving him electric shocks which were no doubt very painful but somehow Bennett managed to take it.

When he fell down after a fifth time,that bulky man called out and two men emerged from the door and dragged Bennett out of the room. As the door closed I heard a sob, it was Iris. Poor girl she's worried about her brother, I don't even know how to comfort her, I gave her a weak smile and looked around, Bryce was wide awake and giving me glares. His eyes were yellowish golden and they were sparkling.

Soon the lights were turned off resulting in scary darkness. I carefully moved towards Iris and sat beside her while touching the wall.

"Did you see what they did, it's better to do what they ask you to do or you'll end up like Ben" she warned.

"Yes I understand," I said.

I thought about my family and friends, they might be looking for me,I don't know where I am, I closed my eyes and relaxed my head. Suddenly I felt heat coming from my right side. I looked carefully as my vision was blocked by darkness. The only thing I saw were ruby red glowing eyes, shivers went down my spine and I moved Iris's shoulder. She told me to sleep and relax, Connor won't do anything. I closed my eyes tighter and sleep took over.

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I woke up and heard my parents arguing and shouting. I reached downstairs and saw Alex who was pale. I asked my parents and they told me it was worse than a nightmare. My sister has been missing since this morning. They looked everywhere but she was nowhere to be found.

God, that's why the door was open. When I came back last night, she followed me. I am dead, dad will kill me if he knew about it. I gathered all my strength and stood up.

"Dad last night when I came back home the door was opened. I checked everything and it seemed fine, so I came back to my room and fell asleep" I said as my hands started to freeze.

"Where did you go last night?" he asked in anger and I shivered.

"I went for a run into the forest, she may have followed me and lost her way back, we should go look for her" I said without thinking.


His eyes turned black and I hissed in pain. Mom stopped him before he could hit me again, she stopped him and forcefully took him towards the room.

My face was still hurting, that was a very powerful blow, definitely he had alpha blood running through his veins. I saw my mom calling uncle and in a few minutes he was at our house and asking me about last night. He took dad with him and they both followed the scent of Rose.

I waited impatiently, as they came back I ran towards them. Dad was still giving me glares. I asked my uncle and he told me that they did find my sister's scent, but it vanished after a few miles, and there is no chance to find her easily.

Alex was crying,and I held my tears back and tapped his shoulder. I came back to my room and started contacting all my friends. My dad didn't know about my friendship with  Jason who's from "WHITE FANG" wolf pack, the third largest wolf pack in the States.I need to keep it a secret till I'm strong enough to make my own decisions, I sighed my head was killing me.Why are we not living with people like us, why are we living here?. Dozens of question clouded my mind and soon sleep took over.

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