
Rosalie Hale imagines

Just a couple of oneshot of Rosalie Hale Cullen and you that i read in tumblr and want to post here for who wants to read them too. Warning there a smut

IAmGOD · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 : Bound


Rosalie always carried the resentment of not being able to fulfill the image of the perfect family she had in her head. But what if she found everything that she wanted in the most unconventional way? The universe truly knows how to play tricks.

All credit goes to "andeafmn"

(Y/N) remembered the day it all had changed for her.

April of 1933, she had felt a shift in herself. At first, she believed it to be a magical resurgence. But after some years had passed, and her features had become stagnant, she understood that something else had changed within her.

(Y/N) was a young witch, learning the Wiccan ways with a coven in Vermont, using the earth's resources to power their magic. She had grown up listening to stories of her powerful ancestors and all the supernatural beings that lived in the world. Yet no one had taught her why she was experiencing this halt in her aging.

All until one day, Margaret, one of the coven's elders, pulled her aside noticing the changes – or lack thereof – the young girl was going through.

"Is something the matter, Margaret?"

"I was wondering the same thing, (Y/N)," the woman smiled brightly. "I couldn't help but notice in the last five years your face has remained as young as it was five years ago."

"Oh, that." (Y/N) looked down. She had been working tirelessly to find answers by herself, but no one seemed to be able to give her what she needed. "I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about that just yet."

"Why don't you have a seat, little one?" Margaret invited her to sit on the rocking chairs that lived on her wooden porch, grabbing a worn-out book from a shelf. "I assume your search for answers has rendered fruitless. There's no surprise there, not much has been recorded about your particular situation."

"My situation? I can't say I'm following what you're saying, ma'am."

"Do you remember the teachings about soul pairing and binding?" (Y/N) nodded, unsure of where the conversation was leading. "I am sure you also remember the teachings of other supernatural beings that share our spaces. This journal right here belonged to my great-great-grandmother."

"Lady Esther? Those are the personal writings of our first High Priestess?"

"Grandmother Esther made sure to record each and every situational encounter she had, preserving a possible solution to the most curious cases. The books have been passed down from generation to generation to aid in scenarios such as yours, where not even supernatural logic makes too much sense," she laughed. "As soon as I saw the signs, I remembered a story she had written in her personal journal – this book has been open only to our family's eyes. When she was younger, she went through the same thing you are right now."

"So it has happened before?"

"That is correct, my dear. And she was just as confused as you are," she rocked. Margaret flipped through the pages until she landed on the specific date she was looking for, handing the open book to the expectant girl. "It was a hard time to be a witch back then – not that it's any easier now – but somehow she had managed to skate by unnoticed. One day, she noticed her face had stopped aging. Remaining as she had been years ago, but she didn't know why. That was until she met Samuel."

"A vampire?" Margaret confirmed. "But I'm not sure I understand. How did meeting Samuel affect her physical status?"

"You're rushing the story, my child," Margaret chuckled. The girl was itching for answers, but patience was something the elder always taught. "There's a reason I mentioned soul pairings earlier. We believe that when we are born and reborn fragments of our soul enter the lives of others, tethering them to our lives. Throughout your life, you might meet some of your soulmates, yet no connection will be as strong as the bonded soul. Not many find them in their lifetime. The lucky few that do experience a love like no other. That's what Samuel was to Esther – the love of a lifetime. Are you following?"

"I believe so. They had a supernatural connection that tied their lives together."

"You've always been a smart one, (Y/N). As the years went on, Esther started to tie loose ends together. The reason she was never changing was because he was never changing. Bonded souls are connected, body and heart. When Samuel had been turned into a vampire and became immortal, so did she. Esther wrote about how after the first encounter, her magic was stronger and her connection to the elements felt surreal. But the love she felt when she was with him was something unparalleled to anything she had experienced in this lifetime."

"If she's immortal, how come we've never met her? How are you here? Vampires can't procreate."

"In those times vampires were still heavily hunted. Samuel had gone into town one day and unfortunately never made it back home. They shared thirty years building a life together, isolated from society. Living in the shadows, doing their best to survive. Unfortunately, once Samuel's life ended, so did Esther's immortality. Her life cycle had regained its normalcy. She had been devastated for a long time, she describes how she felt her body was hollowed out and her magic began to falter.

Fortunately, she found love again in the man who was my great-great-grandfather, Abraham. They made a family together, creating our coven. Esther never forgot Samuel, carrying his memory close to her heart every day that passed until her death after approximately 140 years of life. Her story now is not unlike yours. Granted, now supernatural beings have learned and adapted to the ever-changing society."

"But this means that as time goes by, everyone I love will pass and I will continue on being as I am today. How do I cope with losing all the people closest to me whilst I have no foreseeable ending to this life?"

"Death is something we all must endure, one day or another. Even immortal beings face mortality in many ways. How to handle the inevitability of death is a very personal thing. In time you'll learn the best way to accept it."

And so, she had. (Y/N) learned how to accept the passing of many people – her family, coven members, and even a few loves came and went.

She found comfort in the fact that her bonded soul was a vampire and she had until the end of forever to find them. As long as her face didn't change, and the strong magic coursed through her veins, she knew she still had time to find them.

For now, her company was the most important thing on her mind. Entering the 21stcentury her interest had been set onto law practices. She had gone to college several times, but nothing drove her more than when she was accepted to Harvard Law School. The hardest part of her journey was to not be captured by cameras – cementing her image a publicly accessible record of who she was. Granted, she had also become well versed in manipulation magic just in case a click slipped by. Albeit avoiding the flash was difficult when she was at the top of her class and a well-known student through campus. But she managed, and as soon as she graduated, she opened her firm.

New Forest Law grew rapidly, opening offices across the US as years went by. Due to her nature (Y/N) knew she couldn't be the face of the operation, so she enlisted the help of coven members to lead the different seeds of her company. The reason she only trusted members of her family was because of a side of the business only a select few knew of. (Y/N) knew that many supernatural beings were in need of reliable forgers and knowledgeable lawyers. Her offices cornered the market on perfecting the forgery of any and all legal documents needed to skate by legally in the states.

That's how she found herself in Washington state, this time as the manager of their new office in Forks. She was happy to be back in a state where the weather was cold, and nature took up more space than people did.

One fateful day, a peculiar man entered her office. The moment she saw his features, it clicked – vampire. But that wasn't what stood out, she had seen hundreds of vampires before. This one had golden eyes. He had to be one of the famous Cullens.

"Mr. Cullen, I presume?" He nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss (Y/L/N)." He shook her hand, flashing a bright smile. "And, please, call me Carlisle."

"Only if you call me (Y/N)," she smiled back. "Safe to assume you're here for documentation, correct?"

"Yes. My family and I want to come back to Forks."

"How long has it been since you've last lived here?"

"It's been almost seventy years now," he chuckled. "I'm so glad we finally have an office in this town. I have been using this company since the 50s. It's been such an amazing service for all supernatural beings, and I'll say for humans as well."

"Well, it's so good to hear such words from a valued customer. I'm glad New Forest has been doing what I created it for."

"You're the creator of New Forest Law?" Carlisle was perplexed. The woman sitting in front of him could not be any older than he was at the time he had been turned — to that day a hybrid vampire-witch was unheard of. "Excuse my crudeness, but how long have you been the age that you are, (Y/N)? I had the understanding that the creator of New Forest was a witch."

"I comprehend the confusion, Carlisle. I am a witch, and the universe has worked to bind my soul to that of a vampire," she smiled. "I have been twenty years old for seventy years — since the spring of 1933."

Carlisle's ears perked at the sound of the date. Of course, hundreds of vampires had been formed during that time. But there was a person in his family that had yet to find a mate that had been changed in April of 1933. "The world truly is a mystery that gets unraveled as years go by. If it's not too much imposition, I'd like to invite you over to my house to meet my family — I want to show my gratitude for all that your company has done for us."

"I wouldn't oppose to that. I'm free this weekend and having friends in a new town is always a welcome bonus."

"Well then, that's settled. Now onto business," he grinned.

Excitement had built up inside (Y/N) during the coming days. The Cullens were an infamous family in supernatural circles — their vegetarian lifestyle was celebrated by many as a safer lifestyle for the blood-dependent clan. She had heard stories of them, the golden-eyed family. How Carlisle had l turned only those in desperate need of salvation and created the second most powerful vampire coven in the world. It was no secret that the supernatural world intrigued (Y/N), vampires the most. Underlying personal interests in the latter.

The directions to the Cullen house were easy enough to follow. A couple of turns and she was met with a beautiful modern mansion engulfed by the vast greenery that was scattered through the town. Nerves ran through her as she put her car in park, the events that would soon commence finally being digested by her brain. Her hands trembled as she held the orchids she had bought as a welcome back gift for the family. The blue flowers stood proudly in the stone pot they had come in — if she was being honest, she wanted to keep them for her own house.

(Y/N) walked slowly toward the front door, carefully watching her step as to not trip. The giant glass door was intimidating, her hand scared to knock on it. She was sure they had heard her by now, allowing the courtesy of first-time guest etiquette. After making contact with the door, she smoothed her clothing down ensuring the garments looked perfect.

In a matter of seconds, Carlisle's bright smile was in view. At his side, the woman she quickly recognized as Esme. (Y/N) found comfort in the fact that she knew the faces and the names of the family — dealing with their personal documents gave her the advantage.

"(Y/N), we're so glad you could be here tonight. This is my wife Esme," he beamed.

"Thank you for inviting me into your beautiful home. I brought these for you." (Y/N) handed the pot to Esme's welcoming arms. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"These are gorgeous," Esme smiled. "I'm positive Rosalie will love the color of them. Thank you, (Y/N). We've all heard wonderful things about you."

"Well, come on in. Everyone is waiting on the back porch." Carlisle directed the women to the back of the house.

The girl stared in awe at the beautiful décor. It was clean, modern, spacious. The house looked lived-in, homey. And the energy was welcoming — a warm aura that engulfed all of your senses. No one would have known that they had just moved into the property. Outside, the rest of the clan was chattering away. They did look like a family, a strong bond that started and ended with a bite.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N)," Esme announced. "(Y/N), this is Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice. We seem to be missing Rosalie, though."

"She's still inside," Edward explained. "Should be coming down any second now."

"She insisted her outfit wasn't good enough," Alice laughed. "It passed my check of approval but for the first time that wasn't enough. Guess she wants to leave a good impression on our new friend (Y/N). You look beautiful!"

"Oh, thank you, Alice. You look beautiful as well." She was taken aback when Alice circled her with a sudden tight hug.

"Alice, darling, unhand the poor woman," Jasper chuckled. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Jasper, right?" She shook his hand. "You're the newest addition to the family."

"You've done your research."

"It makes it easier when I'm handed all of your information. Pardon my intrusion, but how are you handling the smell of my blood? Carlisle commented that you're still rather disconcerted by blood."

"Witch blood is not as appealing as human blood." (Y/N) didn't know whether to be relieved or offended. At least she knew the taste of her blood was at the bottom of the chain for vampires. "Don't get me wrong, blood is blood. Witch blood is more of an acquired taste."

"Thankfully he lives the vegetarian life now," Emmett boasted, slapping Jasper on the back. His voice was loud and joyous — certainly knew how to command a room. "There's nothing to worry about here, (Y/N). We always keep him in check."

"Thank you, Emmett. There was no doubt in my mind that I was safe with all of you."

"It's the truth," Edward interjected. His smile was playful, playing on the tone Emmett had set for them.

"Ah, how could I forget the mind reader?" (Y/N) shook his hand, reciprocating the grin he provided. "I will need to refresh my memory on mental barriers then. Some thoughts are best kept hidden."

"You are welcomed to try," he laughed.

"It seems there's still one more person for you to be introduced to," Esme announced. "I wonder what is taking her so long."

"She was fixing her makeup," Edward called out. "She should be heading for the stairs now."

As if on cue, heeled footsteps were heard oncoming down the staircase. She had seen Rosalie's picture already, her beauty an entrancing view. And she wondered what she would look like in person. Carlisle had mentioned that after her shift she had gotten the gift of supernatural beauty, going beyond that which was attributed to the immortal beings. (Y/N) had stared at her picture longer than she had the others. There just was something about her that seemed to draw the witch in.

But nothing prepared her for the breathtaking moment she would experience.

Rosalie walked out onto the porch and (Y/N)'s lungs tightened. Her beauty was like no other. Locks of golden hair fell onto her pale shoulders, exposed from the off-shoulder black dress she wore.

It was her eyes.

It was her eyes that pulled (Y/N) in. For a second, she felt the world stop; she felt the magic coursing through her veins start pulsating. She wanted to get closer… no, she needed to get closer, to be closer. The witch felt an energy pulling her toward the vampire, making her body ache from the distance between them. Reading about bonded souls was nothing compared to feeling it.

Rosalie could feel it too. For years she had felt a void in her heart as she tried to form a connection with Edward or Emmett. She had felt nothing for Edward, but she had hoped she could come to feel for Emmett what Esme felt for Carlisle. Yet, it didn't. She always believed there was someone out there for her, she could feel it in her being. There was another heart tied to her always pulling at it. Albeit she always thought of this, she never pondered on what would happen once she did encounter this person. And she certainly never imagined them to be a witch or a woman.

The vampire had also stopped in her walk. Falling intoxicated by the state of the person in front of her. The only way she could describe the moment was like how she had heard the mutts would imprint. Nothing mattered more than her — she was her reason for living.

"Did something just happen?" Emmett interrupted unaware of the connection that had occurred. "It's been years since I've seen Rosalie tongue-tied."

"Why don't we leave you two to talk?" Carlisle announced. He formatted the sentence as a question, but the stare on his face indicated that it was a command.

Slowly, the rest of the Cullens made their way inside, pulling a questioning Emmett with a laugh. They closed the glass doors to provide the illusion of privacy. The supernatural hearing did not allow for it to be done completely.

"Hi, I'm…"

"Hi, I'm…"

Both women spoke at the same time, laughing at the eagerness they showed.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)," she stuck her hand out. "You must be Rosalie."

"I am." The blonde disregarded the extended hand and pulled (Y/N) into a hug. Their bodies colliding naturally together, a feeling of familiarity rushing between them.

"It's you, isn't it? The person I've been searching for all these years — the reason I'm still alive," the witch blurted. "Please tell me you feel it too."

"I do," Rosalie answered bashfully. She was sure that had she had blood running through her veins her cheeks would have turned a deep shade of red. "I've only heard stories of this feeling. I thought I would never get to experience it in my lifetime. But what do you mean I'm the reason you're still alive?"

"I stopped aging in 1933, years later I discovered my soul was bonded to a vampire. Since then, I've been searching for who that person could be, lucky enough I had all the time in the world. I just knew there was a reason Forks was calling my name… it was you."

"Wow, I didn't know that could ever be real. Soul bonds were only whispers where I grew up. Yet here you are. Standing before me in all your beauty and glory. I haven't slept in I haven't slept in seventy years, but I feel like I'm dreaming. Please tell me that I'm not dreaming."

"I can assure you that you are wide awake. Although beauty such as yours was only real to me in dreams." (Y/N) extended her hand and placed it on top of Rosalie's. The sudden coldness conducting sparks up her arm. "In the spirit of forwardness and complete transparency, I'd love to take you out on a more private outing. I fear lingering ears and wandering eyes would not leave us in this household."

Rosalie turned her head to look through the big glass doors, noting the rapid turn of the heads of her family members and laughing softly at their lack of discretion. "I must apologize for them. They mean well, but at times can be overly engaged in people's private lives. And of course, I'd love to see you every day from now on. Now that I've met you, how will I be able to be apart from you?"

"You will not have to know of that day for as long as we are both alive," (Y/N) reassured. Her hands traveled up the blonde's arm, resting on her cheeks for a comforting caress. Rosalie leaned into the touch, feeling the slight warmth from the blood that pumped through her body — a feeling she could still remember as if her change had been just yesterday.

Their faces inches closer and closer, lips lingering close enough to feel a phantom touch. (Y/N)'s thumbs drew circles on Rosalie's cheeks, her eyes asking for permission to finally make contact. As golden and (Y/E/C) embers fluttered closed, both crashed in to finally mend the gap between them. It was all they could imagine and more.

Unconsciously, (Y/N)'s magic decided to make an appearance — the leaves that had gathered on the porch had started circling them, the fire in the lit pit had grown stronger, the wind blowing harder. Blue lights started surrounding the women, lifting them softly off the ground. In their passion, these changes went unnoticed by the pair until the glass doors slid open, revealing the shocked faces of the Cullen clan. They both landed with a soft thud and finally saw what was happening around them.

"I must apologize for this," (Y/N) chuckled. "My magic can get away from me at times."

"That… was… AWESOME!" Emmett jumped excitedly. "She's definitely my new favorite person. Sorry, guys."

"She's my new favorite person, too," Rosalie flirted. "Now, why don't we go inside and enjoy some family time."

From that night on, (Y/N) had kept her promise. Not a single day had gone where they didn't see each other. The only time they were apart was when Rosalie played the part of a high school student and (Y/N) was busy at work with official and unofficial business. Unfortunately, their romantic expressions were reserved for the Cullen house and (Y/N)'s house. Frowned upon would be their relationship since to everyone in town (Y/N) was a 23-year-old lawyer and Rosalie was a 16-year-old sophomore in high school.

At first, Rosalie didn't mind having to hide away her relationship from the public eye. She wanted (Y/N) all to herself for as long as she could. But old habits die hard, and she was finding it difficult to repress as their year and a half anniversary rolled around. The blonde was getting tired of keeping her hands on her person when they would enjoy a trip to the shops in Port Angeles, having to go out with some of her siblings or a parent as to not arise suspicion as to why (Y/N) was with her, reserving kisses for their private homes. Rosalie wanted to show her new relationship to everyone, to bring jealousy to all the people that wanted her and all the people that wanted her girlfriend. The younger girl was growing tired of her classmates trying to ask her out on dates, and she was infuriated at the people that tried to ask (Y/N) out or even flirted with her in her presence.

The night of their anniversary, her annoyance was evident on the scowl she wore as an accessory to her silk blue dress.

(Y/N) had addressed these feelings some time ago, telling her that what mattered is that both of them knew how much they loved each other regardless of all the obstacles they had to face. At the time, Rosalie seemed pleased with her words, but that night it was like they were never spoken.

The witch had arranged for a romantic date on the porch of her enclosed backyard. She had enchanted candles floating, a white blanket laid on the floor, and rose petals resting on top. The walls were decorated in an assortment of flower arrangements, making the area look like an enchanted forest. Music was playing through the speakers, and champagne was cooling in a bucket for (Y/N). She had also bought a beautiful arrangement of orchids to hint back at the night they had finally met and a piece of jewelry that had been screaming at her since the day she brought it home from the shop. (Y/N) wanted… no, (Y/N) needed this night to be perfect. But Rosalie's mood seemed to put a damper on her plans.

"Angel, is something the matter? Did you not like the surprise?"

"It's not that," Rosalie groaned. "I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I can not stand any longer having to hide our life from everyone. It's not fair, and sometimes it seems like you prefer it that way."

"Darling, it hurts me just as much that I can't even hold your hand in public without someone raising an eyebrow. It's horribly agonizing that I can't even have you live with me because my neighbors might start rumors. And given how small this town is, it wouldn't take long for everyone to know." (Y/N)'s eyes started to sting from the pool of tears that were accumulating. Here she was on a night that was supposed to be the happiest she would remember, but it had taken a painful turn. " Don't you think that I'd much rather kiss you when I felt like kissing you, embrace you when I felt like wrapping my arms around you, be able to just tell people that I am in a relationship with the most amazing woman I have ever met? Don't you think my heart shatters every time you have to go back home, or when I have to say I'm tutoring you to people that have seen you come to my home or my office?"

Rosalie stayed quiet, and (Y/N) continued her tearful plea. "There is not a morning that goes by when you are not the first thought in my head and not a single night that goes by where I lay restless in bed if you're not there. Although my heart was beating, I had not been alive until I met you — I had not known love until I met you," she bellowed. "Should you decide to leave me for another that you can be public with, I shall understand. But know you will be taking my heart with you, and my soul will always be yours."

"No," Rosalie choked out. At that moment, she missed the burning of tears, the knot in her throat, the physical component of sorrow that humans could portray. She was never good with words and would often rely on physical reactions to display what she was feeling. "I don't want anyone else, the only person I've ever wanted is you. I'm sorry for doubting your feelings and not taking into consideration the pain you must feel as well. In my human life, appearance and status were everything to my family and me. It's hard to let that part of me go. I do not want to know loneliness as I did before I met you. You've taught me unconditional love and acceptance, and all I want is to give you that in return. And I could never forgive myself if I ever make you feel like I just did. I don't want to see those beautiful eyes to shed another tear because of me. I'm sorry for being so superficial."

"You need not apologize for natural emotions, my angel. But I need you to trust that my heart burns only for you and it will for as long as we both shall live. You are my beginning and my end; you are the love I never knew I needed in my life. And if words are not enough…" (Y/N) dug her hand under the blanket they sat on, pulling out a velvet black box. She popped the lid open and revealed a ring adorned with diamonds and blue shining sapphire. "My mother once hoped that I would marry in her lifetime but, as years went by, she knew I wouldn't. This ring belonged to her, and she gave it to me, drowned in her blessing, for me or my wife to wear. Since the day I met you, it finally had its reason for being. I cannot promise you a public relationship until in the eyes of the town you surpass your eighteenth birthday, and I cannot marry you in front of unknowledgeable eyes. But I will promise to you, in front of your family and our sacred earth, that my love for you will never cease even in distance. So with this ring, I am asking you to grant me my heart's deepest desire of having you as my wife."

"Yes, a million times yes!" Rosalie exclaimed, crashing her lips onto (Y/N)'s and wrapping her arms around her neck. "I can't promise that sometimes during these next two years I won't get annoyed at the situations, I will always remember that our love has no bounds and it's the most sacred thing I have. I love you, (Y/N). I love you with my mind, body, and soul, for as long as we both shall live."

(Y/N) slipped the ring onto Rosalie's finger and brought her hand to her lips, placing a soft kiss on the knuckles. "This ring has never looked this beautiful before. I love you, future Mrs. (Y/L/N)."

"And I, you, future Mrs. Hale." Rosalie laughed as she kissed her fiancé once more.

In a few weeks' time, they had a small ceremony with the Cullen family and close friends of (Y/N)'s coven in attendance. Alice had organized the wedding alongside Rosalie every step of the way, taking her role as maid of honor very seriously. On (Y/N)'s side stood her current best friend Sybil Morgan, a witch that was born to the daughter of who had been her best friend in the 30s. She always kept a close watch on her past coven, and always kept ties to the Morgan family as years went on.

On that day (Y/N) promised her wife that once they were able to be public, she would give her the wedding she had always dreamed of. Although Rosalie told her she was content with the ceremony they had, (Y/N) knew that having that day was an important symbol of their love.

Everything was perfect and a living fairy tale for two years. (Y/N)'s office in Forks had already started expansion, and Rosalie was nearing her last year of high school in this town. All signs pointed to their dream life.

That was until Isabella Swan crash-landed into their lives.

Rosalie made no effort to hide her disgust of Bella's relationship with Edward. Complaining time and time again how could a human be so stupid to renounce their life to be with a vampire. (Y/N) had let her vent out her feelings, running her hand through her hair to calm down the blonde as she laid on her chest rambling on how reckless her brother was being. It stung how Rosalie could do mindlessly refer to herself and her own kind as monsters, claiming that no living being should sacrifice their chance at a normal life to be with a lifeless creature.

But one night, in particular, had shattered (Y/N).

It had been a year since Bella's introduction to the supernatural world, and it had resulted in a tragic accident. Thankfully the girl had survived the attack James had orchestrated, but it created ripples in their time. Her eighteenth birthday had been statement enough when Jasper launched at her after she cut her hand on wrapping paper. The Cullens had decided it was not safe for them to stay in Forks.

In the days after the birthday party fiasco, Rosalie had started to grow distant. For the first time in three years, she had not gone to (Y/N)'s house, claiming she had a group project due soon for school or that it had simply slipped her mind. Reasons (Y/N) knew were just excuses from her wife.

That night she couldn't take it anymore and had decided to pick Rosalie up from school to drive her directly to her home. With some protest, the blonde got in the car and went to the house. No more words were spoken between them until they arrived at the house.

"Angel, what has been going on with you these past few days? You've been distant, it's like you're avoiding me," she bewailed. "Did I do something wrong?"

Rosalie's stare was cold, angry some would say. (Y/N) had never seen that emotion directed towards her. "It's not really that you did anything wrong. We're leaving."

"Leaving? Rose, what do you mean?"

"People have started noticing Carlisle isn't aging, so we have to go. Everyone else has already gone, I had to tell you before I went as well."

"You're leaving? W-what?" (Y/N)'s voice faltered as emotions surged through her, needing all her strength as to not let her powers flow rampart. "Were you planning to leave without me? Is that why you've waited until the last possible second to tell me?"

"Yes," she responded, emotionless. "I'm sorry."

"That's it? You're sorry?! Baby, I-I love you and until a few seconds ago I was under the impression that you loved me too," (Y/N) was now wailing. The tears that had poured, warming her skin and streamed down her cheeks. "Everything we've promised to each other, every kiss, every embrace; how can you just walk away from it?"

"I've never wanted this life, (Y/N). I never wanted to be an everlasting shell of a person pretending to be alive," she scoffed. "There were things I wanted to do as a human, a picture of how my life should look. To be married with a nice house and a husband who kissed me when he came home. A family of my own. I can't have that anymore, I never will."

"But we could still have a beautiful life you and me, together. How can you give up so easily?"

"I'm not giving up; I'm simply accelerating the inevitable. You have your life ahead of you, the chance to have a family, a warm body that rests with you at night and wakes up next to you in the morning. I will never be able to give you that… and you will never be able to give it to me."

"What does it matter, darling? You and me, that's what's most important. It has been since we were born, our souls forever bounded. How can our love not be enough?"

"One cannot survive on love alone. You may not see it now, but I am saving you years of resentment," Rosalie stated. Not once had she looked at (Y/N) directly into her eyes — she had broken her promise. "I know there is an unbinding spell. I suggest you use it and move on with your life. At least you have that choice. I have made mine. Goodbye, (Y/N)."

Those last words had not registered in (Y/N)'s brain until Rosalie placed her ring on the witch's hand and disappeared into the dark of the night. The woman was kneeling on the floor, her closed eyes fixated on the jewelry on her hand. It had been a symbol of their love, the constant reminder that their love could survive anything. Anything but this. She ran outside for a second, hoping that this had just been a malevolent joke that's they would laugh at in time and that her love would be waiting for her outside. But she was gone. Rosalie was truly gone.

She fell to the ground as violent sobs shook (Y/N)'s body, then she let out a wrecking shriek. Blue energy sprouted from her body and the house around her exploded in flames, everything inside disappearing in the fire.

(Y/N) was glad the house was gone, that way the memory of her short life with Rosalie could burn along with it. But she felt empty like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. The pain was too excruciating for her to bear, so she had Sybil concoct a numbing potion. In her state, any magic she did was too unpredictable, and the results could be fatal.

And she threw herself into her work. The witch shredded all evidence of the Cullens and worked around the clock for the office, spending every waking moment in ongoing and new cases. For months, her life became an auto-pilot routine of sleep, eat, work, repeat — the bare minimum to ensure her survival. Not that Sybil would allow anything less, making sure she at least ate two meals a day. (Y/N) had started to regret having hired her to work as her assistant.

She wanted answers, and she feared she would never get them. Half a year had already gone by, and no signs pointed to the Cullens coming back. Half a year of (Y/N) mulling over whether to go through with the unbinding spell or not — how much longer could she survive with the wrenching hole in her chest before it actively killed her? She hadn't grown used to Rosalie's absence, and she didn't think she ever would. She had lived 90 years without knowing her, yet after only three years her life had completely crumbled when she had walked away.

(Y/N) had contemplated ending her misery. She was tethered to an immortal being but that didn't make her indestructible. Albeit the thoughts always flashed through her head, especially at night, too many people counted on her. And if she didn't continue her life for herself, she would do it for the people around her.

On the seventh month, a soft knock rang through her new house. It was a house deeper in the woods, resembling the modern structure the Cullen's house had, as well as the proximity to nature. Not having neighbors proving to be far more comfortable for her. (Y/N) thought it was Sybil who had left her purse in her home last night, although (Y/N) had told her she'd bring it into the office today.

"Sybil, I said you don't have to come all this way." Her laugh died down when she opened the door. She wasn't met with the onyx-colored hair girl, but instead by the golden locks of her anguish. "Rose."

"Hi, (Y/N)," she answered sheepishly.

"What're you doing here, Rosalie?" (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth, biting down hard to control her feelings.

"Well, um, we're coming b-back. Uh, my family and I are moving back to Forks." Her lips turned upward into a smile, and that angered (Y/N). How could she show up out of nowhere and uproot her life once more?

"Am I supposed to celebrate? Welcome you all back with open arms?"

"I-I, um, I just thought you should know." Rosalie looked down, the pain in the eyes of the woman she loved was too much to bear. "I went by your old house and saw it was being reconstructed. Mrs. Willow told me you moved here after the place burned down. It's a beautiful home."

"I'm glad it has your approval," she seethed. "Anything else?"

"You're still wearing your ring," Rosalie pointed. A sign of hope in their relationship.

"Last time I checked I was still married."

"Look, (Y/N). I know what I did was unforgivable, and I have no right to ask for a second chance, but if you could ever find it in your heart to speak to me, please come find me."

"You're correct, you don't have the right." (Y/N) slammed the door on her face and fell back against the door. Waiting until she was sure Rosalie was gone before letting her agonizing sobs ring out. The only thing she could think to do was call Sybil and ask her to come by the house.

The poor girl rushed to her friend's houses, being able to decipher only one word through her cries — Rosalie. She sped to (Y/N)'s home, letting herself in with the key she owned. The scene before her gave her a sense of déjà vu, it was the same scene she had lived for the first three months of the separation.

(Y/N) was sprawled on her couch, a blanket wrapped around her, and tears falling infinitely from her eye. All the curtains were drawn, and around her body floated scrunched-up pieces of tissues. When an audible sob rang out, items in the house floated and fell back down as she breathed. Her friend's emotions were spiraling, and she couldn't allow another tragedy to ensue in this house.

"Okay, come on, darling. Use your big girl words. What happened?" After a few hours of comfort, (Y/N) seemed to calm down enough to be able to conduct an understandable conversation. "All I know is that the Cullens are back."

"They are," (Y/N) sobbed. "And now Rosalie is asking for a chance to explain what she did, asking for a second chance. How could she after everything I went through?"

"Darling, I'm team (Y/N) all the way, but allow me to play devil's advocate," Sybil tested the waters. She didn't want to anger her friend, but she had been involved in too many heartaches to not have a bit of experience in the matter. "Don't you think she was in just as much pain ad you were when she left? On your wedding day, I could feel the amount of love that radiated from you both, it was overwhelming. With that amount of love, the girl had to have a very good reason to break both of your hearts. Don't you want to know the reason why?"

"I don't like that you're this smart for someone that is technically so many years younger than me." (Y/N) wiped her tears away and sat up on the couch. "It's worse that you're an empath. You literally feel the proof."

"I know, it's a curse honestly," she chuckled. "But seriously, allow yourself to find closure on this chapter. Whether it be for good, or to finally be able to unbind yourself and move on."

"I will. Thank you, Syb. For all that you've done, I'm forever indebted to you."

"I'll take that into consideration."

It was a Friday, and since she had spent the day wallowing in pity, she decided it would be a good time to sleep in. The next day she would confront Rosalie and put everything on the table.

12 hours came and went quickly.

(Y/N) couldn't believe that the clock read ten am when she opened her eyes. She had truly been drained. But she couldn't wait any longer. She took a quick shower, got ready, drank a steaming cup of coffee, and drove down the very familiar road to the Cullen house.

Nothing had changed in the building. It was as if the family had never left.

Her car rolled up the pathway, and before it had stopped, Rosalie was on her side. It took everything in (Y/N) to not start yelling curses and profanities at the woman who was still her wife, but she controlled herself.

"I'm so glad you came, (Y/N)," Rosalie greeted excitedly.

"I've agreed to hear you out, Rosalie. Nothing more." The blonde nodded, hiding the hurt she felt from hearing her name out of (Y/N)'s mouth. For three years she grew accustomed to the beautiful pet names, so hearing her name spoken with such spite hurt.

"I understand," she sighed. "The boys have gone hunting, and Esme and Alice have gone shopping, so we have the house to ourselves for privacy."


"Come in," Rosalie directed. She walked a few paces behind (Y/N), watching her every move. "We can sit in the living room if you want."

"Alright." (Y/N) sat on the couch, memories of movie nights and family game nights flooding her mind. "Well, you wanted to explain. So explain."

"Okay," Rosalie sat. She was hurt by the coldness with which (Y/N) had met her with, but she couldn't complain — she would have done the same. "Firstly, I just want to apologize for all the pain and heartache I've caused you. At the time I believed I was doing the best thing for both of us. It doesn't excuse what I did, but I really thought this was the best way to keep you safe. Maybe I just let myself be influenced by Edward too much. After everything that happened with Bella on her birthday, we thought that her association with us could get her killed and us. Just as much as your association with us could get you killed, and I could never forgive myself if something happened to you because you were with me. So, the best choice was to make you believe that our love had reached its end and let you move on. Granted, at the time we believed we'd never come back."

"Then something must have changed because here you are."

"Something did change, (Y/N)." Rosalie ramble son everything that had happened in Italy with Edward and the Volturi, and the solution they had provided for the Cullens. "She seems quite absolute in her decision, but what a waste that would be."

"Rosalie, pardon me, but I don't care about Edward and Bella. They could turn into garden fairies for all I care," (Y/N) gritted. "What happened with you? Why did you leave me?"

"I thought it's what was best," Rosalie spoke in a volume no louder than a whisper. "I believed that if I was away from you no one would target you as they had targeted Bella. Our plan was to go public with our relationship after I turned eighteen in the public's eye but look at how many events have transpired in the year Edward and Bella have been together. I don't want any of that to happen to you, all because of what I am."

(Y/N)'s heart was beginning to soften. She had yet to see Rosalie in such a vulnerable state. Shame and heartache were evident in her golden eyes, and the love she still felt for her wife was thawing her heart. "Need I remind you, Rosalie, that I am a witch. The power of the Volturi and of any vampire is no match for the power of a witch. Bella is all but a human right now, I am a witch that has lived for ninety years. I've met thousands of vampires, shapeshifters, children of the moon, other witches, and I am still here," she explained. "I have never been just a human, Rosalie. I've been in dangerous situations and have come back from them unscathed. I do not need to be protected; I've been doing that by myself quite well."

"But you're still vulnerable. You may have your magic, but blood still runs inside you. A heart still beats in your chest. You are still made of skin and bones. All it takes is one moment, one moment, and your life could end. Having me in your life only increases those chances of that moment happening. Monsters like me only exist to destroy and I can't do that to you."

"Stop calling yourself that," (Y/N) reprimanded. She wouldn't allow anyone to speak ill of Rosalie, not even herself. "You are not a monster, Rose. It is not your job to take on my mortality, as well as it is not your job to decide what is best for me. Being a vampire doesn't make you an empty killing machine. Inside you, there is an immense array of emotions, and you care so deeply for everyone. No monster I've known has that level of concern for anyone."

"I'm just selfish. I care for people so they don't leave me. I did it with Emmett, and I was prepared to do the same to you." Rosalie cried dry tears, the only way she could show her sadness. "I should just have gone through with it."

"Gone through with what, Rose?" The blonde could only stare at her hands, playing with her fingers and avoiding her gaze. "Darling, go through with what?"

"Killing myself," she breathed out. (Y/N) put her hand over Rosalie's and squeezed softly. "It was near Christmas, the first one without you, and going back to Forks was not something on my mind. I was vulnerable and weak. I couldn't handle the pain I was feeling; everything reminded me of you. We had moved to New York, settling down in Ithaca. One day, Emmett convinced me to go back to Rochester to visit my parents' graves – thinking the familiarity could help appease the ache I was feeling. His heart was in the right place, but all it did was sink me deeper into the hole I dug myself. There was nothing more that I wanted than to have you there with me to replace the horrible memories that placed had stored for myself.

I was already in a bad place mentally, and Rochester put the final nail in the coffin. Emmett and I were staying at a remote cabin, and he had gone for a quick run. I had found a picture of us from Christmas of 2003, our first together, and I broke down. I wanted nothing more than to feel the warmth of tears rushing down my face, the tightness in my chest from the heartache, but nothing was going to happen. I-I wanted to feel something," she sobbed. "I had found a gallon of gasoline in a shed and I doused myself in the liquid. My hands were shaking holding a lighter that had been a gift from my mother so many years ago. I could still feel the link between us, and I wanted to make it easier for you to have a life. If I was gone, both of our pains would stop. But Emmett came back before I could do anything. He pushed the lighter from my hands and threw me under a running shower to wash off the gasoline. I fought with him – I wanted everything to end for the both of us."

"Angel…" (Y/N) whispered, placing a hand on Rosalie's cheek.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I-I just wanted…" Without a second thought, (Y/N) threw her hands around Rosalie's neck and wrapped her in a tight hug. No matter the anger she was feeling towards the woman, she was still the most important person in her life. "I never wanted to hurt you like this. Seriously, I thought I was doing what was best for everyone."

"I know you did, Rose. But the things you said to me – the way you left me – I was in pain for months. The only way I could repress everything was through work and magic. I spent seven months of agony, taking potions to be able to make it through day by day," (Y/N) cried. "I can't just let you back into my life and risk this heartache again, no matter how much I love you."

"As much as it hurts, I understand. And I'll be here however long you need to forgive me."

(Y/N)'s head was spinning. On one hand, she wanted to forgive Rosalie for everything and resume their life in the way they had planned. On the other, she couldn't excuse her actions without any consequence. She left the Cullen house clouded in ever more confusion with which she had arrived.

For the coming week, (Y/N) stayed holed up in her own home. Blocking out any contact from people around her. Sybil had come by, so had Jasper and Alice. Even Bella and Edward had tried to talk to the witch. (Y/N) understood why Rosalie had left, but something in her could not let go of the words she has spouted in a moment of heat.

It wasn't until one day a loud knock rang through her door, and something inside her propelled her to open it.

"Emmett." (Y/N) was surprised to see the tall man in her house – the last person she would have expected. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sure you already know, (Y/N)." The woman moved aside and let the vampire come in, pointing to the couch so they could talk.

"What can I help you with?"

"Please forgive Rosie already," he pleaded. "I love her, but she has been a lot more insufferable than she has ever been. She's suffering a lot."

"And I'm not?"

"That's not…"

"I know. That's not what you meant. And I would love to take her back. But what do I do with the things she said to me?" (Y/N) was getting tired of crying. How much longer could her eyes keep expelling tears? "I don't fit into the image she dreams of her future. And I can't have her pushing me away because I could have the life that she wanted. I don't know how else to show her that I am not sacrificing anything for her. She is everything I have ever wanted in my life, and I don't know if I am what she wants in for herself."

"Rose had a perception of what her future had to be from her days as a human. The way she became a vampire was traumatizing enough, and she hasn't been able to let go of that," Emmett explained. "I have been Rosie's best friend for seventy years and she hasn't known real happiness until she met you. What she did came from a place of insecurity masked in what she thought was protection. Everything that has happened with Bella has struck a nerve in her because she still grieves that future she could've had as a human. But I know the love she feels for you goes beyond anything she feels. You guys are destined for each other."

Emmett's words tumbled in her head. Enough time had transpired in their absence, and it had brought the necessary clarity. Rosalie was her present, she was her future.

The man suggested she accompany him back to the Cullen house and finally put everything to rest. (Y/N) had accepted and drove back with him. He led her to Rosalie's room, where the girl had not slept in but had not left either.

"Go ahead," he whispered. "She's waiting."

(Y/N) smiled at him and opened the door slowly.

In the beautifully decorated room, Rosalie sat facing the window. The lights were off, the bed they had purchased for (Y/N) to rest when she visited was unmade, and dust had accumulated on the pieces of furniture that lived in the room. She looked like a statue, another piece of décor in the room.

"Angel," (Y/N) whispered. She didn't want to startle Rosalie, but it seemed that she hadn't moved. "Angel, can you hear me?"

"(Y/N)?" Rosalie croaked out. "Are you really here?"

"Baby, your eyes. You haven't fed?" Her hands reached out to Rosalie's face, forcing the vampire to stare at her. Black orbs stared into hers. They looked lifeless and the soul of her lover had hidden.

"Are you really here?" She repeated.

"She's been having hallucinations since she stopped feeding almost a month ago," Emmett explained. "We've tried to feed her, but she just fights us off. The visions started a week ago."

"Rose, darling, I'm really here." (Y/N)'s thumbs caressed her cheeks, finding ways to show Rose she was real. "Baby, I need you to eat something. It's not healthy."

"You're here!" Rosalie finally snapped out of it. She wrapped her arms around her wife and breathed her in. She had come back.

"I am, angel. But right now, you need to go feed before we can talk. Okay?"

"Yeah, you're right."

"I'll go with you, Rosie. Come on."

(Y/N) sat on the bed after the pair zoomed out of the room. They both had suffered immensely, and that had been punishment enough. Seeing Rosalie like that, disoriented and miserable, shattered her. (Y/N) had promised her eternal happiness, and they had hurt each other. Enough time had elapsed in absence of the other.

"I'm glad to see you back here, (Y/N)." Her head shot up.

"Carlisle, hi."

"These seven months have been a chaotic whirlwind, huh?"

"They really have. I've had enough chaos to last a lifetime. And it's only just begun."

"The unluckiness of being supernatural. Unfortunate cons of the trade," he chuckled. "But I'm glad you're finally ready to give her another chance. You two share a love unlike anything I have ever seen, and this separation has been torture for you both. No one deserves that heartache."

"And I don't wish this on anyone, not even my worst enemy. I'm just ready to leave this all behind and recover the life we were on track to have together."

"You deserve it. I can't tell you it will all be smooth sailing from now, but the love will be worth it."

"Thank you, Carlisle. I just hope our love will be enough for Rosalie."

"It is," Rosalie spoke.

"I'll leave you to talk," Carlisle excused himself, gifting them both with a comforting smile.

"I am so sorry, (Y/N). For everything I have put you through these past months. You don't deserve any of that. I've been reckless, I've selfish, I…"

(Y/N) crashed her lips onto Rosalie's, quieting her dry sobs. Enough words had been said between them, actions were what they needed. The blonde deepened the kiss, circling (Y/N)'s body with her arms. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, exploring the forms that had been unavailable for seven months. The pair needed to feel connected in all ways – emotionally, spiritually, physically.

"I have missed you so much, angel." (Y/N) kissed the top of Rosalie's head, rubbing circles on her naked back. "I might not be the person you saw a future with, but I am the person you deserve. I hope you know that I am not sacrificing anything by being with you. I have promised you once before – and I'll continue to do it for as long as you need – my heart burns and will continue to burn only for you. You are my one and only future, baby. There's no other life for me."

"There's nothing and no one that I want more than you. You are the silver lining to my life as a vampire – my reason for being," Rosalie smiled. "I don't want to ever make you feel the way I did. You deserve so much better than what I have been, but I will work every day to make it up to you and show you the love you have shown me. I have not known true love until I met you, and I never want to lose it again."

"And you never will, angel. Not if I have a say in it." (Y/N) reached for the bag she had brought with her, pulling out the familiar velvet box that had made the first appearance two years ago. "Now, please, don't ever take this ring off again."

"I never will."

In the coming months, their relationship only grew stronger. As soon as she graduated high school, Rosalie spent all her time at (Y/N)'s house planning on the time she would move into the home. Even as they faced death fighting the Newborn army, their bond only deepened. No one had seen the blonde as happy as she had been since her return to Forks. Emmett used that happiness to tease the normally cold woman that made a 180 in her attitude every time (Y/N) was with them.

Bella and Edward's wedding came next, a beautiful ceremony that Rosalie couldn't help but be jealous of. A fit of jealousy that was only quieted when (Y/N) promised her that this wedding would pale in comparison to the wedding she would give her soon.

Everything seemed to be falling into place. Everyone seemed to be getting their happy ending. But what was life without a little bit of chaos?

The newlyweds came back from their honeymoon with the shock of the century. Bella had come back from Isle Esme pregnant with a hybrid baby that seemed to be sucking the life out of her. The whole family was divided on whether the girl should keep the baby that was ultimately going to be the end of Bella.

(Y/N) was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She did think the best chance for Bella's survival would have been to get rid of the baby, but she was hellbent to keep it and she stood behind her choice – and Rosalie's choice too. The blonde for the first time had taken a liking to the brown-haired girl after she chose her child against her own life. Rosalie had started living vicariously through Bella's pregnancy and started caring for Bella because she cared for her child.

Then the baby came in the most gruesome way. Edward and Carlisle had done everything they could to help Bella – in a few days' time they would know if their efforts had worked.

It was hard for (Y/N) to see the hopeful stare in Rosalie's eyes as she held the baby in her arms. Her motherly instincts had kicked in and she felt very connected to the fast-growing baby. It hurt the witch knowing she would never get to give her wife the opportunity to be the "natural" mother that she had always dreamed of being. But all those feelings had to be pushed aside when Bella had finally woken up and they received notice that the Volturi were coming after Renesmee.

At the same time, (Y/N) was dealing with the fact that Sybil had fallen pregnant with twins four months back.

"Why didn't you tell me anything, Syb? You've been going through this all alone for this long when you didn't have to."

"I just didn't want to put pressure on you while you were going through everything with Rosalie. You had so much on your plate already."

"Syb. You're my family," (Y/N) smiled. "I will always have space for you in my life. Now, you're going to take your stuff out of that small apartment, and you're going to move into my house where you'll be very comfortable. Don't ever doubt that you can come to me at any time."

"Thank you, (Y/N). I don't know what I would do without you."

"Do you know who the dad is?"

"No, he was just a guy I hooked up with in Port Angeles. I don't even remember his name," Sybil cried.

"It's going to be okay, Syb. You're not alone, alright?"

During the months while they prepared for the Volturi's arrival, Rosalie and (Y/N) cared for Sybil in every way they could. The girl wanted for nothing and had made a home in the new house. Rosalie grew attached to the young witch and the babies she was growing in her womb. Even if she couldn't be pregnant herself, she was glad that people near her were able to fulfill that dream.

There was a night where Rosalie and (Y/N) were watching a movie – the Volturi had come and gone, and their family had come out unscathed – when Sybil let out a deafening screech. In seconds, the pair was next to the girl who was clutching her stomach, standing over a pool of water. Rosalie quickly called Carlisle to meet them at the hospital. (Y/N) packed a quick hospital bag as Rose helped Sybil to the car.

Everything had been planned out.

The nursery was already done in the house, the car was equipped with the car seats, (Y/N) would accompany Sybil during the birth. And everything had been going to plan. Carlisle had advised them that twin pregnancies often times could result in premature labor, and they should have everything taken cared of before the seven-month mark.

What they had not prepared for what could happen after birth.

The first baby – a boy – came out naturally, being pushed out by a very tired Sybil. The second baby wasn't as easy. Somewhere along the line, the baby had gotten wrapped in the umbilical cord, and they had to perform an emergency c-section on the girl. Thankfully, the baby girl was born perfectly healthy.

But something was happening with Sybil. The machine that was monitoring her heart started beeping frantically.

"What is going on, Carlisle?" (Y/N) asked scared.

"She's losing too much blood right now. You might have to leave the room."

"NO!" Sybil gripped (Y/N)'s hand. "She stays."

"Alright, stand back then. Let's save Ms. Morgan."

As Carlisle and his team worked, Sybil pulled on (Y/N)'s hand to lower her. "I'm not making it out of this one, (Y/N)."

"Don't say that, Syb. You're gonna get through this and you're gonna be the best mom to those beautiful babies. Okay?"

"I can feel it, darling. I need you to promise me that you'll take care of them, please. You and Rosalie. And tell them about me. That's all I ask, please? This I the way the universe wanted to grant your wishes. You get to have a family."

"Don't make me promise that, Syb. You have to survive this. You're my family, hun." (Y/N) wiped away the tears that had been forming on her friend's eyes as well as hers.

"And I always will be with you. But I need you to promise me that, okay?" Sybil whimpered.

"I promise, darling," (Y/N) pressed her forehead against Sybil's, squeezing the hand she was holding. "I love you, Syb."

"Love you mor…" Sybil's words trickled down as the consistent beeping sounded. (Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut, allowing the tears to fall freely, and pressed a kiss to the now-departed witch's forehead.

"I'll see you in another life, my friend."

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)" Carlisle placed his hand on (Y/N)'s back. "You need to…"

"I know. Thank you for everything, Carlisle," she smiled.

Outside the doors was Rosalie, ready with open arms to comfort her crying wife. (Y/N) crashed into Rosalie's body and leaned into the hug. The crash was hard enough to have them both fall to the ground as (Y/N) wailed. The vampire drew circles on the witch's back as she tried to console the woman in such a hard situation.

It was only after the cries had died down that Rosalie finally spoke up. "You should go see the babies. They're beautiful! Would you like to?"

"Yes, please." Rosalie helped her up and directed her wife to the hospital's maternity ward. Wrapped in a blue blanket was the firstborn and wrapped in a pink one was the second born. There was no denying that the children had been born from Sybil. They looked identically to how she had when she was born. "They look just like her."

"Would you like to come in?" A nurse that had assisted in the birth asked. The pair followed her inside and each grabbed a baby in their arms. (Y/N) held the boy and Rose held the girl. "Do you know what you'll call them?"

"Morgan," (Y/N) said looking at the baby in her arms.

"And Sybil," Rosalie said. (Y/N) looked up and smiled at her wife. "(Y/L/N)-Hale."

"Alright, I'll draw the paperwork up." The nurse left them alone as she went to get all the papers they would need to fill out.

"I know this was never the way you would ever intend to become a mother, but it seems like the universe wanted to grant us this wish," (Y/N) smiled. Rosalie pressed her lips to (Y/N)'s forehead and smiled at the view in front of her – this is all she could have ever dreamed of. "So, what do you say, want to get married?"

"I'd love nothing more than to marry you once more in front of everyone. And now our kids can be a part of the most important day of all of our lives."

Five months later the Cullen house was turned into a wedding venue once more.

Alice was more than excited to deck out the house even more than she had for Bella and Edward, at Rosalie's request. As Rose had said, if Bella's wedding had been a big and beautiful wedding, she wanted hers to be comparable to a royal wedding.

Bella was in charge of getting Morgan and Sybil ready, Rosalie was with Esme getting ready, and (Y/N) was with Alice preparing as well. (Y/N) was a ball of nerves knowing Rosalie was only a few doors down and she hadn't seen her in two days.

"You already know the answer, (Y/N)," Alice laughed. "Remember that you're already married."

"I know, I just can't believe everything is coming together. All that I have ever wished for has come true." Tears started forming in the corner of (Y/N)'s eyes and Alice was quick to dry them out.

"Everything is working out as it was always supposed to," Alice smiled at her sister-in-law. "But save your tears for later. I need to finish your makeup and get you down the aisle in thirty minutes."

"Alright, alright," (Y/N) chuckled allowing Alice to continue her masterpiece.

In twenty-five minutes, (Y/N) was done and dressed, with Alice pushing her to head downstairs. There was no doubt that Alice was the only one that could outdo herself with their wedding, but this was more than (Y/N) could have ever imagined. The backyard was truly unrecognizable. All the guests – mostly supernatural beings, and some humans that knew of the supernatural world – were already seated, waiting expectantly for the couple. At the start of the aisle waiting for Emmett to walk (Y/N) down since Carlisle was walking Rosalie.

"You look beautiful, (Y/N)!" Emmett beamed.

"Thank you, Emmett. You look very handsome yourself," she smiled as Emmett showed his suit off.

"I'm so glad you're both getting your perfectly happy ever after, you know?" He took (Y/N)'s hands in his, looking proudly into her eyes. "You both deserve all the happiness in the world and I'm glad you found it in each other. I knew this was end game."

"You have been our biggest fan ever since we met," she chuckled. "And I know one day you'll find your perfect pair as well."

"I'm not too worried. Kind of have forever, you know?"

"I do."

Emmett took (Y/N)'s arm in his and walked her slowly at Alice's cue. He left her with a kiss on the cheek and stood by her side on the left side of the wedding arch, holding her bouquet. After walked Alice accompanied by Jasper, Alice taking a side at the right and Jasper at the left; then came Esme and Edward, to the left and right respectively; finally, Bella walked in with Sybil in her arms, as the baby held the pillow with the new rings, and Renesmee holding Morgan and a basket of white rose petals to throw on the ground. Bella walked to the left and Renesme walked to the right. The wedding party was almost complete, they were all waiting on the last components to the perfect picture.

It didn't take long until the purest vision of beauty was standing at the start of the trail, accompanied by the man that had been like her father for more than seventy years. (Y/N) couldn't help the beads of water that formed on her eyes as soon as she saw Rosalie. Today was completely different than the day she had originally married Rosalie. That day something had been missing, and now they were all complete.

Rosalie started the walk down the aisle, and the smile she wore never faltered. She wished she had picked a faster song to be by her lover's side quicker. Carlisle and Rosalie finally got to the altar and gave Rosalie and (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek, joining Esme's side and handing Alice Rosalie's bouquet.

Both women stared into each other's eyes and completely forgot about Mr. Webber's words as he officiated the wedding. It wasn't until they had gotten to the reception, and it was time to say their toasts, that they were brought back to reality.

Rosalie went first.

"For most of my life, I had a vision in my head of what my life should be that seemed unachievable until I met (Y/N). How lucky am I to be able to spend the rest of my life with someone that knows even the darkest parts of me and loves me as unconditionally as she does? The moment I met her I knew that she was more than I ever deserved, and she has only propelled a change in me for the better. I used to have an idea of what love looked like, and for the longest time, I had fallen in love with the idea of it. It wasn't until (Y/N) came into my life that I understood that the kind of love I had always dreamed of was real. She knew who I was before I ever had an inkling of what that was, and I'll be forever grateful that she never gave up on me. So, I'd like to raise a toast to the woman who was, is, and forever will be the love of my life."

Claps and cheers exploded in the room as the couple shared a kiss before it was (Y/N)'s turn.

"It's gonna be hard to top that but I'll try my best," she chuckled. "I had been a traveler for many years; coming and going from people's lives, making my memories there, and leaving. Never had I stayed long enough in a place to plant my roots, and I'm so thankful I never did. If I did, I would have never gotten the chance to meet the most amazing, smart, funny, beautiful woman I have ever had the chance to know. Somehow, today I'm lucky enough to call her my wife and the mother of our children. My mind, body, and soul burn only for her. And I promise, in front of everyone we know, that for as long as we both shall live, in this life and the next, you will be the only person my heart will sing for. Eternity will never be enough for the love I have for you."

Rosalie only wished she could cry as she crashed her lips onto her wife once more. They had already declared their love for one another time and time again. But today their whole world got to witness the power of two bonded souls.