
Roronoa Zoro In Demon Slayer

Roronoa Zoro the Green Hair Three Sword Style User,a.k.a The Multiversal Walker gets lost in Demon Slayer. This story occurs pre-time skip where Zoro goes to Demon Slayer instead of Mihawk's Castle and also he is injured.

GokuTy · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

To Mt. Sagiri

*After encountering Giyu Tomioka, Zoro keeps his injuries in mind and tries not to use much power and expose his wounds. On the other hand, Tanjiro carries Nezuko in a bamboo basket to protect her from sunlight.

Tanjrio (along with Nezuko) and Zoro are on the way to Mt. Sagiri*

Zoro: Hey,Tanjiro was it?

Tanjiro: Yes? *nods* 

Zoro: Did you see the demon who killed your family? 

Tanjiro: *frowns slightly* No, I couldn't make it in time.

Zoro: *with a calm expression* I will help you avenge your family and turn your sister back into a human.

Tanjiro: *smiles slightly* Thank you.. and thank you for saving me and Nezuko earlier.

Zoro: No problem. *slightly annoyed* Also don't mention it. It reminds me of how I lost to that weakness.

*Tanjiro recalled as much as he could remember, and then it was night time, Tanjiro took Nezuko out of the box, then they went to a way station Tanjiro smelled blood, Tanjiro told Zoro he smelled blood, Zoro responded that he sensed someone and they all rush open the door*

Tanjiro: *speaks loudly in worry* Are you all right?!.. *as he watches the horrifying scene* 

Demon: *angry, confused and aggressive* What? This is my territory! Get away from my feeding ground!

Zoro: Oi. What do you think you are doing?! *draws sword*

*The demon notices Nezuko drooling and finds something weird and he asks the 3 of them if they are even human*

*The demon lunges over Tanjiro but instantly gets his head cut off by Zoro and meanwhile, Nezuko is still drooling, craving for human blood*

Demon: *Laughs* You cut off my head yet I am alive

Zoro: Huh you may be alive with your head cut off but let's see if you can survive getting slashed to millions of pieces. 

*The demon's body lunges on Zoro from behind and Zoro is well aware but at the same time Nezuko comes back to her senses and kicks the demon's body away from Zoro*

Zoro: I didn't need your help. *cuts the demon's head to nothing and kills the demon*

Tanjiro: Thank you for saving me once again. 

Zoro: No problem.

*As the demon died earlier, the other demons lurking in that area grew aggressive to devour the three of them and there were seven demons*

Tanjiro: This isn't good. *gets ready to fight*

Zoro: Ugh. They are weak but annoying. *Six of the demons attack Zoro and One of them attacks Tanjiro and Nezuko*

*Zoro manages to kill the six of them even tho they wouldn't die easily and Tanjiro manages to hold the demon off*

Zoro: Thank you for holding this one off, Time to end him.

*As Zoro swings his sword, A strange man with a tengu mask stops him and tells him to back off*

Zoro: Huh? Who are you?

Stranger: Patience young one.

*Zoro backs off and tells Tanjiro that he cannot kill the demon with a hatchet and tells him to figure out how to kill the demon, Tanjiro understands and picks a rock to crush the demon's head but he is too hesitant and the stranger knows that Tanjiro is too kind to even kill a man-eating demon*

*The sunrises and Tanjiro do not kill the demon and the demon is burned by the slightest of sunlight*

Stranger: My name is Sakonji Urokodaki, You two must be the one Giyu told me about.

Tanjiro: Yes. My name is Tanjiro Kamado, and this is my sister Nezuko *points towards Nezuko*, and he is *points towards Zoro* Z-

Zoro: Roronoa Zoro. So you are the demon slayer trainer.

Urokodaki: Yes *, and I am impressed by your skills. You managed to kill seven demons without any breathing technique, not even a Nichirin sword. You have a lot of potential.

Zoro: Are all the demons these weak? Wait what is a Nichiren sword and breathing technique.. Giyu mentioned it earlier but not Nichirin.

Urokodaki: No some demons are stronger and some are extremely strong. A Nichirin sword is a special type of sword that can absorb sunlight, They are made of Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and Scarlet Crimson Ore. These swords are capable of killing demons by cutting their heads off. A breathing technique is used to make a swordsman unleash his full power and change the way of his sword style.

*Both Tanjiro and Zoro listened carefully and Urokodaki asked Tanjiro*

Urokodaki: Tanjiro, what would you do if your sister eats someone?

*Urokodaki slaps Tanjiro as he hesitates to answer and scolds him* You think slowly! You struggle to make the simplest decision, you couldn't kill a demon before daylight. You are too soft. If your sister kills an innocent person. you must kill her and take your own life. It is your responsibility to make sure it never comes down to this that you would have to kill your sister and yourself. Do you understand what I am saying?

Tanjiro: *says loudly, touched by his words* YES! 

Urokodaki: Alright then shoulder your sister and both of you follow me *looks at Zoro*

*Urokodaki runs off very fast and Tanjiro struggles to keep up but Zoro can easily keep up*

Zoro: Why are you not slowing down for him *Tanjiro cannot hear us since he is left behind*

Urokodaki:  Don't worry I am just testing him. *Zoro nods*

*They reach to foot of Mt. Sagiri and Urokodaki takes us up the mountain*

Urokodaki: Be back before sunrise, and Zoro don't wait for him just come down as fast as you can.

Zoro: Alright fine. Tanjiro be aware he has set traps here. *Urokodaki gets shocked at how observant Zoro is*

*Both Urokodaki and Zoro vanish from Tanjiro's view and Tanjiro memories Urokodaki's scent and with Zoro's warning it would be easier for him to get down*

*Zoro reaches before Urokodaki and Urokodaki is shocked and impressed*

Urokodaki: You are extremely fast.

Zoro: As you say. So when do I learn these breathing techniques and get a Nichirin blade?

Urokodaki: I suppose it would take u only a few days to learn all Ten forms of Water Breathing, I can teach you if you would like me to, and as for a Nichiren blade you will get it after the final selection.

Zoro: What's that?

Urokodaki: One can only be a demon slayer after passing the final selection, it takes place in a forest surrounded by Wisteria, a flower used to keep demons away from entering the place or escaping it. The final selection is next month but I am afraid Tanjiro is not ready to go yet so you will have to leave him to me.

Zoro: Alright, I hope you can make him strong enough to be a demon slayer.

*Urokodaki tells Zoro to rest and tends to his wounds and injuries and meanwhile, he takes care of Nezuko, Tanjiro comes back sooner, panting but very less injured thanks to Zoro's warning and thus Urokodaki accepts Tanjiro and Zoro as his students*

*The next day, Urokodaki trains both Tanjiro and Zoro, For Tanjiro it a training to boost his physical capabilities but for Zoro, it is to cut a large boulder Urokodaki knows it is easy for Zoro to cut it so he hands him a wooden sword instead*

Zoro: Huh? Really? A WOODEN SWORD?! *frustrated*

Urokodaki: If you don't cut the boulder, I will not teach you water breathing.

Zoro: Tsk. Just who do you think I am?

*Zoro tries to break the boulder with his fist but Urokodaki punches his stomach*

Zoro: Tsk... Oi, what's your problem?

Urokodaki: I told you to cut it so I can know what breathing style you can use the best, cut it as small as u can.

*Zoro nods and cuts the boulder into nothing with a wooden sword, Urokodaki didn't expect any less from someone even recognised by Giyu Tomioka*

Urokodaki: I see. Wind breathing and Stone breathing suit you the most. Maybe meet the respective Hashiras once you are recognised highly by the demon slayers corps but for now, I shall teach you the breath of water it would make things easier for ahead.

*In just 3 days, Zoro mastered all 10 forms of water breathing*

Urokodaki: You are ready for Total Concentration Breathing.

Zoro: Total what now?

Urokodaki: It helps you use breathing techniques for longer and boosts your physical attributes all the time.

*Zoro struggles a bit but learns it quickly in 2 days*

Urokodaki: *happy* You are ready now. You just have to wait a month until the final selection.

*suddenly a crow appears with a letter stating about the early final selection for Roronoa Zoro just 2 days later*

Urokodaki: *surprises* This has never happened before. 

Zoro: Hmph. Good for me I guess.

*2 days later Zoro is guided by a crow towards the new location of final selection*

Urokodaki: This might be different but I believe you can do it, after all, there are rarely those who manage to impress hashiras these days.

Zoro: Alright, Thanks for the food and for treating my wounds, I will head off now.

Urokodaki: Before you go, I know you use three swords but I can only give you one right now. This is a Nichiren sword, and this is the Haori of a water-breathing user *gives Zoro the blue Haori*

Zoro: Alright. *wears it and puts the sword on his waist* Can you take care of my swords, I will return to get them back *hands his three swords* Shusui, Wado Ichimonji, and Sandai Kietsu, these are the names of these swords.

Urokodaki: Hmm, I will surely take care of them.

Zoro: *waves and leaves*

*As the crow guides Zoro to a new place, he finds something odd about the place and he meets up with Giyu Tomioka*

Giyu: Didn't take you so long to learn Water Breathing. 

Zoro: Hmm let's see what this Final Selection is.

Giyu: *smiles and says to himself:- yeah we will see* 

*The new final selection for Roronoa Zoro begins (or is it)*

-------------------------END OF CHAPTER 3----------------------------------

(next chapter :- what kind of selection is this?)

Sorry for dropping it outta nowhere, also I am gonna add demons that don't exist in the anime or manga. There won't be any cross-verse except for Demon Slayer and Zoro. Unless you guys want me to. I'm open to changing the storyline as it is not fixed yet.

GokuTycreators' thoughts