


Luciis · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Rumor [4]


As Lilith and I approached him he could be seen sticking his nose into a book. After I called out for him, he didn't respond at all with his attention being sucked away by the book in hand.

"Hey Sean!"

I called his name a bit louder to garner his attention.

At my sudden spike of volume, his head shot upwards and he looked in all directions before landing his eyes on me.

"O-oh excuse me do I know you?"

He said slightly stuttering.

"It's me Keir. The new guy at the student council."

"O-oh I see, it's you."

"You know why I'm here don't you?"

I got straight to the point. There was no need for useless chatter beforehand.

Lilith took sat down at an empty seat to my left. Seeing how I didn't want to make him too uncomfortable I took the seat next to her.

I slid the chair out from underneath the table and calmly sat myself down.

"I-is it the rumors? Is that why you're here?"

He stammered at the realization of what I was here for.

"Yes that's what I'm here for."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come out tell everybody that they're false."

I said with a straight face.

If he could come out and tell the truth I'm sure most would believe him. He was the source according to Nathan.

"Also, what kind of relationship do you have with Nathan Chalut?"

I squinted my eyes and started to question him. I could see it in his eyes.

He was nervous.

I wonder if it was because Lilith was sitting right beside me listening in on our conversation. Or maybe he was just that awkward.

"N-Nathan has been my friend for a couple years now. So I started spreading rumors by telling him first."

"I see. Can you stop them?"

"W-why would I stop them?!"

"Because I can tell you aren't that type of person. I can see it in your eyes."

A key rule in battle was to always read your opponent. Find any openings or clues on how to break their defense.

It worked especially well mentally.

From what I could see listening to Sean, I could tell he wasn't a bad person. In fact he seemed scared and confused most of the time.

Completely different from his brother.

"I can't do it."

Sean said with eyes that lost hope.

"Why can't you do it Sean?"

Lilith suddenly spoke up and asked for his reasoning.

Seeing her sudden interest in the topic Sean looked up from the table and looked at Lilith. His face was full of fear and despair. His eyes told a story of pain.

"He won't like it."

"Who won't?"

"I won't!"

Suddenly interjected was the loud voice of a young man.

Lilith and I both looked away from Sean and turned around to seek out the sudden statement.

It was Vincent.

It seems like this man had nothing better to do than involve himself in rough situations.

"It'll bother you? Why would it bother you Vincent?"

I asked with furrowed brows.

"Because I made that dumbass over there do all the work. I can't just have it go to waste can I?"

"So it was you."

"Nah I didn't make him spread the rumors. It was Olivia."

Vincent said with a distorted smirk.

"So you put Olivia up to this? To use Sean? He's your brother, isn't he?"

"That sounds more like it, and who gives a shit if he's my brother? He'd be useless otherwise."

"But isn't he the one in the student council?"


The area went cold. Vincent was standing a few feet away from the table balling his fists.

He curled his fists so hard that they started to shake. His veins bulged out of his forehead while he grit his teeth.

"You really piss me off Keir…"

He said in a resentful manner.

"I've barely interacted with you…"

Vincent was a person I couldn't understand. His mannerisms and the way he treated others was sickening.

He was like a small baby crying for attention. Crying for the attention of Kiran especially. Maybe that was why he held such resentment against me.

He desperately wanted attention from Kiran.

"Are you acting like this because of my friendship with Kiran?"

"Well that's a part of it. You don't deserve his kindness. Besides that, I honestly just hate fuckers like you.

"Hah people like me?"

I asked with a scoff.

"Weaklings like you don't belong here at Aethra."

"Was that you too back then?"

"When I beat your ass behind the building? Yeah that was me, and you couldn't do shit."

"You're really living your saddest life, aren't you?"

The room was tense. Sean didn't even dare to look at his own brother out of fear. Lilith was listening in and watching the confrontation unfold in front of her with an indifferent face.

"You shut your mouth."

"Or what? Gonna beat me up again? In front of your very own class vice president?"

I wasn't sure if Lilith had the ability to get Vincent in trouble or not. To be honest I was only using her status as a shield currently.

"Tch- see you around weakling."

Vincent suddenly turned around and walked down the staircase. Leaving only Lilith and I to talk to Sean.

The place was leagues above the atmosphere before now. Now that Vincent was gone, nearly instantly the room felt better.

"So you were forced to do this by your brother?"

"Y-yes that's right.

Sean was still shaken with fear.

It didn't seem normal to be shaking in fear at the sight of your brother. Their relationship seemed rough and rocky with Vincent being the one in power.

Something was wrong.

"Why did you let him do this?"

I asked.

"Because he's too strong for people like you and I to handle."

He said with pain in his eyes.

"I've tried time and time again to make him stop being such a dickhead but it never works. He's too much for me to handle."

Sean looked as if he'd been subjected to this type of treatment for a while. The mistreatment from his brother and the level of his strength couldn't compete with his brother.

Sean was somebody that got recruited into the student council not because of his ability to fight, but his ability to work and set his mind to something.

Seems as if he found something he couldn't do.

"Can you do anything about this?"

I turned to look at Lilith.

Her eyes glinted with the light, and she seemed deep in thought. As if she were going through all possible solutions.

"I can't do anything about Vincent since that's considered a personal matter. Although I can do something about Olivia."

"That would still be very helpful. Thank you Lilith."

"It's only my duty as vice president. I'll make sure to help you out as well Sean. We'll go clear up those rumors too."

She said with a nod.

If there was anybody I trusted to get something like this done, it had to be her. Despite not knowing her for a long time, I could tell she was competent and collected.

Being able to read people was truly a blessing.

"What about Vincent?"

Sean asked.


Lilith and I looked at each other before coming to a mutual understanding.

"I'll take care of him."

I said.

"B-but he's stronger than you."

"Yeah, he is stronger than me. I'll manage though."

Lilith didn't look worried in the slightest. If anything only her and the headmaster knew about my abilities. She didn't doubt that I could handle myself.

"When are you gonna take care of him exactly?"

"Midterms tournament."

I said in response to Sean's question.

If I could master my RC manipulation and learn more rift arts from Nishil I could get stronger quickly. Of course, it would take a ton of training to get where I want to but it should be enough for the tournament.

"That's in less than two months…are you really sure you can handle him Keir?"

"Yes, I've had enough of this. I'm sure you've had enough as well Sean."

In reality, I wasn't sure at all. I wasn't sure if I had the capability of such feats.

"Ah that reminds me, I need to tell you both something about the midterms."

Lilith suddenly said whilst grabbing a book from a shelf.

"What is it?"

What's up?"

Sean and I asked in sync.

"We'll be planning a school trip in the next two weeks, so be prepared. You might have less time to train."

"Well that makes things a bit more difficult doesn't it?"

Said Nishil speaking to my mind directly through my reflection.

He was right.

If I had less time to train then it would complicate things more than I'd hoped.

I had to find a way around it.

"I have to go pick up some books, that was what I was originally here for. You two have a good evening."

Lilith said before taking off.

She waved us goodbye and swiftly made her way out of the library.

"Let's get some rest Sean. You've had a long day."

Sean and I left soon after Lilith did.

We made our way to the fountain and split paths. The night was cold and so students walked around shivering in their uniforms.

Beep beep-


I felt a vibration coming from my pocket and to my surprise, it was a text from Lilith.

'I never gave her my number...'

- Hey Keir, it's me Lilith. I'll make sure within the next couple of days Olivia is taken care of, I have some things I need to do first. -

- Thanks a lot. How did you get my number tho??? -

- Jenna gave it to me. She said she wanted to make a study group. -

- Oh...okay then, have a nice evening. -


"Haaa- I seriously need to talk to Jenna soon."

I said with an audible sigh.



Charm: E


- Advanced Swordsmanship: Mastery of the blade

- Advanced Martial Arts: Make your body the weapon

- Free Running: Extreme affinity with running over obstacles and escape tactics


- Tempest Rush: Imbue your body with white lightning from the heavens to increase movement exponentially, can be charged up to gain a massive burst of speed (NEW)