


Luciis · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Rumor [3]

"I know who caused the rumors."

Nathan said discreetly.

He was currently whispering into my ear without trying to be seen. His facial expression said all to be heard.

He was cautious.

"Why are you so paranoid?"

"Because I'm closely tied with the person starting the rumors."


I couldn't understand why Nathan would be related to the rumors. Ever since I met him, he's only ever treated me like a good acquaintance.

"Was it you?"

I asked while glaring at him.

"What?! No no, it wasn't me."

"Then who was it?"

Nathan looked around before whispering his answer.

"Sean, Sean Morris."

An answer I didn't expect at all. The boy that barely knew of my existence was the one to spread these rumors.

It didn't make any sense.

"Where is he?"

I asked.

"He's in his research class, room number H56."

"Thank you Nathan."

Nathan looked at me with a concerned expression before taking his seat.

I looked back at my tablet and started studying my notes once more. With the information given to me by Nathan in the back of my mind.

I'd be confronting Sean later today it seems.


"Did we get the rumors spread?"

"Yeah, that guy is gonna be ruined haha."

A girl said with a chuckle.

The two people were in a dark area. Behind the shadow cast by a building.

An Aethra building.

"What rumors did you make?"

Asked the young boy with long brown hair.

"We made your brother tell everybody about how Keir blackmailed Lilith. Shit like that you know?"

"I see, good work you'll be compensated."

"It's no problem. I mean how could a guy like that get into the student council? He got in despite having zero presence in the academy."

She said with a scoff.

"Don't think you're special either Olivia. You should be lucky your brother asked your young master to endorse you."

"What the hell did you just say to me Vincent?!"

"I said what I said."

Vincent said with a domineering gaze.

The confrontation was tense. Both Olivia and Vincent were strong students within the top 50 at Aethra. In terms of strength they were very similar in level.

Vincent had the edge though.

"Tch- fine. I better be getting my reward."

Olivia said whilst leaving.

The air had calmed down and their confrontation was coming to an end.

"Don't worry, I'll send it over within the next couple of days."

'Fucking bitch.'

Vincent's eyes were full of disdain and anger. He couldn't stand the presence of Olivia and the way she was as a person. He didn't like how she thought she was special.

He couldn't stand the idea of anyone else besides him being special.

Vincent made his way out of the shadow cast by the building to his dormitory. When he got to his room it was a mess with broken vases and glasses on the floor.


He said while looking at the mess.

"I shouldn't lash out so much, mother won't like it."

After reflecting for a moment, Vincent began to clean his room up. Picking up the glass shards with care before taking out an item that pulled in all the debris.

The sun settled soon after, and evening had set in.


5:00 PM, H56, Aethra Academy

"Excuse me, do you know where Sean Morris is?"

"Ah, who are you?"

The professor asked.

I finished my classes early today but went to the training courtyard at my dorm to get some extra training in. It was evening now and the professors wouldn't be busy teaching classes.

Other than students that needed extra help after class.

"I'm Keir Licht, I'm looking for Sean due to some student council reasons."

"You're apart of the student council?"

The professor asked with a doubtful look.

She had long brown hair that was styled into a ponytail. She looked at me like I was suspicious with her dark blue eyes.

"Yes I'm a member of the student council."

"That's a very renowned position to be in. Though I've never heard of your name before. Why is that?"

"I'm a new member, recently appointed by the headmaster himself."

She squinted her eyes and looked me up and down like I was a peasant.

"Very well, Sean is the library from my knowledge. I told him to go there for some more research resources."

"Thank you."

I said while looking back at her with disdainful eyes.

'Rude as hell. For what?'

When I walked out of the H building the sky was already dark. Winter was approaching and the air was even colder than before.

The moon glinted in the dark sky.

I quickly made my way across campus to find Sean. The library was around a 7 minute walk away from the H building where I had class today.

Tap tap tap-

The subtle tapping sound rang out when my shoes made contact with the stone pathways beneath me.

Before I knew it I had already arrived at the library.

The building was massive and taller than all of the ones on campus. It had 10 floors and it was situated behind a large courtyard with a fountain in the middle.

The fountain had a circular design with the Aethra symbol at the center.

It was a sight to behold.

The sheer beauty of the courtyard made me appreciate getting into this school.

Even if I didn't belong here in the first place.

The entrance to the library was led by a large stone staircase. Resting atop that large yet short staircase were the massive doors to the library.

As I opened the doors I was met with a large open area. The library had a warm hue inside with students going back and forth finding the resources they needed.

"How the hell am I supposed to find him in here…"

The scale of this place was too large and it was full of students.

It would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Are you looking for someone in particular?"

A voice suddenly rang out.

"Yes, I'm trying to look for a boy named Sean."

"Well you can come up here and see where he is."

The security at the front desk suddenly offered me an option. If I could find him based on their records that would make it easier by a mile.

"Alright then, what do you need me to do here?"

"Just slide in your ID here."

The man said while pointing to a device on the desk.

"Ah, sorry sir I don't have my ID on me currently. I lost it a couple nights ago."

If eyes could speak the face of that man could be seen saying "that's unfortunate."

"Then I can't help you out, sorry kid."

The man said while shrugging.


Grabbing the attention of both me and the man was a soft voice. A girl with dark hair was handing me a card.


"Here's your new ID, I made an order for it the night you lost your old one."

"Thank you…"

She spoke in such a confident yet peaceful manner. A quiet and straight to the point type of girl.


As soon as I slid my ID through the device it lit up green.

"Who were you looking for again?"

"Sean Morris."

Lilith looked at me in curiosity when she heard who I was looking for.

"He signed in at the third floor."

The security officer said whilst giving me a nod of approval.

I nodded back and quickly made my way to the stairs before I noticed I was being followed.

"Hm? What's up Lilith?"

She was climbing up the stairs alongside me.

"Why are you looking for Sean all of a sudden?"

"Haven't you heard about the rumors?"

I'd be surprised if she hadn't heard about the rumors yet. They spread like a wildfire this morning.

"What rumors?"

Her face turned into pure confusion. It was strange since she didn't really express much emotion at all.

"You really haven't heard?"

"Mmm no I haven't, I've been pretty busy lately."


I paused for a brief moment before explaining the situation.

"Well basically, there's this rumor going around on how I blackmailed you into getting a spot in the student council."

"Is that so?"

She asked with an aloof expression.

"You aren't bothered at all?"

I asked.

"No I'm not, I've had plenty of rumors go around before due to my family status. Are you bothered by it on the other hand?"

"Yes, yes I am a bit bothered by it."

She raised her eyebrows slightly at my answer. It looked like she didn't expect me to be so straightforward about it.

"So why are you going to find Sean?"

"I got a tip saying he was the one that started spreading the rumors."


"We'll find out soon enough."

After walking for a few minutes Lilith and I had arrived to the third floor.

The floor was lined with shelves of books and tables that had lamps for reading. All of this technology we had access to and yet this library was beautiful without it.

Not long after exploring the floor a bit and going through the lanes of tables we found a boy with short brown hair sitting alone.

It was Sean.