


Luciis · Fantasy
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38 Chs


I was currently standing in front of a mirror, my reflection directly opposing me and yet we were the same. His hair was white whilst mine on the other side was pure black, even though we were complete opposites one thing about us had stayed the same… our eyes.

Those eyes that could be recognized no matter what, those eyes that haunted me all my life. Those bright white eyes that shimmered like the moon on the darkest hour of the darkest night. I was so engrossed in the reflection that I hadn't noticed my surroundings.

My feet were soaked and the air was chilling, I had yearned to see the sky but all I saw was obscurity and my own breath.

Suddenly the world around me flashed white, it was blinding.

The twilight around me had collapsed, and within its wake a new scenery was born. The mirror in front of me had shattered and instead a door had replaced it, a door made of a dark material. I looked at my surroundings to find myself within a hallway of sorts, a temple perhaps. I walked forward towards the door until suddenly.


I had stepped into a large puddle of water on the ground. I looked down into the water and what stared back was not me. It was him, the reflection that's been with me all of my life. A man with hair white as snow but an aura that was stained with death.

Is this even me? I once again was so distracted that I couldn't see what my biggest issue was currently, I couldn't control the movement of my body. Hell was this even my body? My body moved forward but not of my own volition, whoever was controlling this body was inching towards the dark door with every passing second.


The atmosphere was suffocating, within this dark room of sorts a meeting was going on. Upon approaching the center of the room a table could be seen holding up a mysterious object. Not only that but six hooded figures could be seen speaking at the table in a frenzy.

"What will we do?! These creatures do not know mercy!"

"Calm yourself 3rd we have obtained one of their artifacts, they won't make any moves."

"How do you know for sure 1st?! These entities wear veils of deception and deceit; they are unpredictable."

"These veiled beings are ruthless, and will not stop at anything to obtain their goal, even if we stand in their way."

"Silence all of you, the prince is here."

As all of the figures in the room turned towards the dark door it could be seen opening. What greeted them on the other side was a young man with hair like snow and eyes like the moon. Nearly instantaneously the room was under immense pressure exuded from their "prince".

"What shall we do, your majesty?"

The nameless prince then walked forward towards the artifact, it was revealed to be a sword of pure twilight.

"We will fight, fight until we can send a message."

"A message?! With all due respect your highness who will be getting this message if we are all vanquished?!"

The prince made a face of seriousness and determination with his eyebrows taking on an angle.


"Posterity? Are you referring to all future generations?'

The six hooded figures tilted their heads downward in thought, if they could come up with a plan perhaps they could truly be saved. Suddenly one of the figures raised their hand as if they had thought of something.

"Excuse me your highness but would it not be too stressful on our physical forms to send a message to the entire future?"

The hooded figure, seemingly a female had stated her concerns for what their prince had just suggested.

"It seems you have misunderstood my intentions dear nobles, I do not intend to depend on the entire future but instead just one being."

The council went silent as the air in the room got more still than it already was beforehand.

"And who is this being you are referring to your majesty?"

A long pause ensued as the entire room was suddenly enveloped in an immense aura. The prince looked towards the Sword of Twilight and soon the edges of his lips curled into a terrifying smile.

"We shall see soon enough."


Tap Tap Tap-

My eyes shot open as I woke up.

'Is someone at the door?'

Struggling to find the energy to get up I had suddenly realized something odd.

'Why am I soaked?'

Quickly sweeping the hair out of my eyes and rubbing them for a second I took a look at my mattress. My face instantly made an expression of cringe as I took in what was in my vision.

My bed was soaked with sweat.

I was on the verge of soaking it even more with my tears. I had just bought this mattress three days ago. When the hell did I even fall asleep? Instinctively reaching for my watch I groaned and sighed.

"Augh what time is it?"

Tap Tap Tap-

'Oh right was someone at the door?'

Taking off the rest of my blankets I picked myself up and waddled towards the door. I had an absurdly hard time getting out of bed for some reason. I'm glad my apartment wasn't messy at all, if it was I think I would've died by tripping on something in the dark.

Tap Tap Tap-

"Yes give me a moment!'

'This guy is awfully persistent.'

Reaching for the door I had tapped on the holographic screen to slide it open. What greeted me on the other side was a young woman that looked no older than 24 wearing a suit.

"Hello is this the residence of Mr.Licht?"


"Sir are you Mr.Licht? Keir Licht?"

"Ah yes! Sorry about that but yes that would be me."

I started to doze off at the door, how stupid of me.

"Here you go sir take this."

She reached into her pockets very swiftly and pulled out a holo-card. Gesturing me to put out my hands with a hurry I of course laid them out.

"The Academy will contact you soon, I hope to see you there Mr.Licht."

The girl then gracefully made her way out of the complex with a smile on her face. I on the other hand was in a hurry to get back into bed, and so I quickly shut my door and scurried off to my bedroom. Before lying down within my perpetual tomb I call a bed I took a look at the holo-card she gave to me as it read.

'Congratulations Keir Licht you have been accepted into Aethra Academy as a combat student.'

'Aethra huh? I'm glad.'

I wasn't just "glad" I was absurdly happy about this news though I was too tired to show any reaction.

'Anyways off back to bed.'

I plopped onto my bed like I had just gotten done running a marathon for 10 hours straight. The world around me quickly faded to black as I went to sleep with a happy mindset looking forward to the future.