


Luciis · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Combat Student? [1]


"Ughhh- ouch.."

What the hell? Did I seriously just fall out of bed? After rubbing my head for a brief moment I could see that my blankets were in a mess, as if a tornado had torn through them.

'Ah there it is'

Laying on the floor in front of me was the holo-card from last night. I'm glad it didn't get lost within the tornado of blankets surrounding me. Gathering all of my strength I twisted myself out of the pile of blankets in order to get ready.

Aethra actually accepted me as a combat trainee, when I look into it I find it more and more difficult to believe. After all I'm only an F rank in terms of RC capability but I guess my level 10 combat proficiency helped me out.

Kiran is gonna be blown away when he finds out.


As wind swiftly blows leaves in the air the sun could be seen rising. It was early morning and it was time for the people of Haneul City to start their day.

As the leaves sway in the air they could be seen headed towards a young man. He had a sharp jawline with crimson red eyes and black hair. He seemed to be pretty fashionable as well, sporting a red and black jacket along with a clean hairstyle.

"I'll take this table thank you."

The young man took a seat at a café and proceeded to talk to the waitress at his table.

"What can I get for you today sir?"

She said with a friendly smile.

"I'll take one cup of espresso thank you."

The young man replied quickly with an indifferent expression.

'Where the hell is this kid?'

He started to tap his shoes on the clean brick floor beneath him as if he were stressed out. The man seemed rather impatient and perhaps slightly angry.

"Oh you're already here, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

Grabbing the attention of the red eyed boy was another young man. Though this man had eyes as if the moon itself were his eyes and his jet black hair was in a frizz.

"Fucking finally Keir how long does it take you to leave your apartment?"

"Ah- about that Kiran, you see I had to clean up the place before leaving and don't forget that I had to walk here unlike a certain rich kid."

Keir responded with a defensive tone.

"Tsk- fine then, anyways what did you wanna meet up for?"

As soon as Kiran finished his question Keir had his eyes light up with excitement.

"I got accepted into the academy! Now we can go together."

Kiran's eyebrows lifted up as his eyes widened. He seemed pleasantly surprised.

"Ah that's great Keir, they accepted you into the research field right?"

"Here you go sir your cup of espresso."

Suddenly coming from the cafe interior was the waitress with a cup of espresso in hand.

"Ah thank you."

Taking the small cup of caffeine and lifting it towards his lips Kiran continued.

"As I was saying they accepted you as a research student right?"

Suddenly Keir's lips curled up into a cunning smile as he spoke.

"No I got accepted into the combat role."


All of a sudden Kiran spat out his drink all over the table.


Keir scooted his chair backwards in surprise as he didn't think the reaction would be so sudden. Kiran on the other hand had a face of dread and shock, his eyes were dead and his lips were trembling.

"K-Kiran are you alright?"

Keir extended his arm forward in order to ensure the well being of his friend but was instead met with a cold reply.

"I'm fine just get me some tissues."

Kiran glared at Keir for a brief moment before he looked down towards his clothes.

'I'm fucking soaked now.'

While Keir was off to get tissues and paper towels Kiran took some time to process what he had just heard. His best friend would be enrolling as a combat trainee at Aethra Academy, and so his face sunk into a worried look. Aethra was no ordinary school, people can get severely injured or crippled there with the competitive nature of the school.

He knew this well because he was one of the strongest students enrolling this year.

'Is he gonna be okay?'

Kiran truly felt sympathetic for his friend and had wondered if he could hold his own at an absurdly scary place like Aethra.

"Here you go Kiran."

Snapping Kiran out of his thoughts was Keir. He was currently handing over a handful of paper towels and tissues with an awkward look on his face. Quickly grabbing the paper towels Kiran started to wipe down the table.

"Combat trainee huh?"

Kiran suddenly spoke up.

"Yeah it's pretty insane, even I have a hard time believing it."

Kiran stopped wiping the table for a moment as he paused before speaking.

"But you can't even use RC."

There was a long pause in the conversation as the only sounds surrounding them were of other café customers and the leaves blowing in the wind. Keir looked distraught but not surprised as he knew Kiran would say this.

"I know you're worried about that but I got this, just trust me."

Keir said with a solemn smile.

Kiran turned away as he looked towards the rising sun before speaking.

"You still got tuition covered? Or do you need me to pay?"

Keir's eyes widened at the question Kiran had just asked him making his face brighten up, until it suddenly turned into an awkward smile.

"Eheeee about thaaat.. I'm gonna need some help paying for that."


Kiran suddenly voiced his disgust as he slowly creaked towards the direction of Keir and looked him in the eye.

"You are so lucky that we have been friends for 10 years Licht."

Kiran said as he cringed in disgust and frustration.

"So that means you'll help me out right? Your best bud in the whole wide world right?"

Keir could be seen giving his best efforts to convince Kiran to pay for his tuition. He was using his relationship to his advantage, knowing that Kiran and his family could pay for the tuition and act like they had just bought a bottle of water.

That was how rich and influential they were here in Haneul.

"I'll make a few calls and contact you later Keir, just don't piss me off or I'll change my mind."

"Yes sir I promise not to piss you off."

'For now.'

Kiran soon left the café and waved bye as he stepped into a limousine, he even had his own personal chauffeur.


Grabbing Keir's attention was the notification on his holo-watch. It must've been the school but Keir had other plans he needed to fulfill today.

"Time to get a weapon."


Second chapter woohoo~ once again just leave any criticism or just tell me what you liked about this chapter o(^▽^)o

Luciiscreators' thoughts