
Ronald Weasley: I have a Choice System

Charlie was one of the best hitman in the mafia where, between one mission and another, he could only find entertainment by watching his favorite movies. After an unsuccessful mission, Charlie transmigrate into one of his favorite films as the character Ronald Weasley. Now able to enjoy life, Charlie will use all of his knowledge as a hitman, theories as a fan of the movie and magic to rise to the top. Despite Ron having developed a lot over the course of the films, Charlie was never very satisfied with this boy's personality. And with this new life, he intends to change that. ------ Toru Notes: This will be an AU with some changes to the world's history and some personalities that I feel could fit in more, as well as new spells that I feel fit well with the story. If you want to read something that faithfully follows the events of the movies, this novel might not be for you. Now, if you want to read a story a little different from the original world, with a new proposal, you are welcome. Discord: https://discord.gg/VDQdW6gDQC

Toruu · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 7 - Evolution of the Book

Ron remained silent for a few minutes, sitting in his desk chair, wondering what he could do.

As he looked to the side, he saw that dusty old suitcase with the initials 'R.W' that he had repaired earlier.

Most wizards, even if they had great freedom of learning, did not have the knowledge to repair magical objects. Due to lack of interest or lack of knowledge.

This meant that these wizards needed to take damaged objects to a specialist in magical repairs, such as craftsmen or technicians.

This sparked an idea for Ron.

He could start doing these small services for these wizards, charging less than usual, since he would need the trust of the customers for being just a child.

With the money he could collect, he could buy the ingredients he needed to evolve the book and, depending on how the evolution was going, he could start selling the potions that he had more easily.

For that, he should improve his Reparo skill further. He managed to fix a small handle on a suitcase, but how far could he go with that if he improved the spell?

Sitting at the table, Ron, now more serious and distant, is concentrating on one of his school books. His expression is cold. He went through the pages meticulously, making sure to absorb all the knowledge of that spell.

He already knew every theory by heart. He just needed to practice that skill more.

Ron, now immersed in his new goal of mastering the Reparo spell, looked around the room at the various broken objects scattered around the room.

'Let's start with something simple.'

Ron thought.

He held out his wand to one of the broken objects next to him, a cracked ceramic vase. With concentration, he channeled his magical energy to perform the spell. A bright spark erupted from the wand, and the crack in the vase coalesced, restoring the vase to its original condition.

'Right. Now, let's go to the next one.'

Ron thought.

He moved on, picking out other damaged objects around the room. The desk chair with a broken leg, a clock with misaligned hands and a Quidditch picture whose frame was chipped. With each object, Ron gained more confidence and determination to perform the spell.

As the training progressed, Ron realized that to truly test his skills, he needed to completely destroy objects and then repair them.

He goes to the garden and finds some broken and useless objects, such as old brooms, dented pots and broken toys. Utilizing their knowledge in destructive spells were few yet.

So, with a large stone close to him, Ron decides to throw the objects he had found.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

Ron said, pointing his wand firmly towards the stone. The stone began to levitate after a few seconds, but as he moved the wand, he noticed that the stone moved slowly with the wand.

Ron didn't have enough strength to make the stone fly quickly towards the objects, causing them to be destroyed.

It was then that he gave up on the idea, putting the stone down again, and decided to make a small exception to his serious nature, allowing a moment of fun.

Ron walked towards the stone, picking it up from the ground and hurling it hard against the old items which were broken into smaller pieces.

He repeated that move a few times.

The feeling of destroying items without worrying about the impossibility of recovering them later was excellent.

After the items were completely unusable, Ron concentrated on repairing the objects he had destroyed. It had become more challenging, requiring precision and control to reconstruct the objects from the fragments.

After several trials and errors, Ron began to perfect the Reparo spell, overcoming obstacles and repairing increasingly complex objects.

Ron stayed around for 2 days fixing things around the house while the others weren't around to disturb his silence.

So, determined to accelerate progress, Ron decided to put his skills to the test on his main goal: repairing magical objects.

He picked up a broken Family Clock and Enchanted Feathers that were ungainly.

[ Family Clock: A special wall clock that shows the location and status of family members. Each hand on the clock represents a family member, indicating whether they are at home, work, school or in danger. ]

[ Enchanted Feathers: Pens and quills that have enchantments to facilitate magical writing. They can move and write automatically, following the words dictated by the witcher.]

Concentrating intensely, he channeled magical energy, performing Reparo with astonishing accuracy. Magic objects are restored in a matter of minutes, revealing their exceptional ability.

The Family Clock, which previously indicated that half the family was dead, is now back to the status it should be, accurately reporting the location of each family member.

The Enchanted Feathers, which before scribbled on the sheets of paper like an out of tune violin, now danced making beautiful rounded letters on the sheets.

This lasted a few days, but it was enough for Ron to evolve his skill absurdly. He seemed satisfied with the mastery that was performing the spell, excited about the next step he would take, but it was then that something popped into his mind and he started to doubt what he would do.

Ron wasn't good at dealing with ordinary customers. He wasn't endearing, much less kind. The way he knew to convince others was through threats and extortion. That would ruin his reputation and worse, it could cause him bigger problems.

He gets up and goes down to Fred and George's room, looking anxiously for his brothers.

Ron knocks on the door politely.

"Huh? You've never knocked on the door before."

Fred said, opening the door and looking confused when he saw Ron.

"What's the news now? Do you already have a new plan for us to catch the gnomes again?"

George said getting up from the bed excited.

"I think we should give them a rest now. We just made them float for hours at a time."

Fred said, closing the door behind Ron who had just entered the room.

"That was nothing! They need to understand that we are the leaders and…".

Before George could finish speaking, Ron cut him off.

"It's not that!"

Ron said, pointing his wand towards the broken cupboard in the brothers' room.


A bright light began to emerge from the tip of the wand and was quickly cast towards the broken cupboard in the corner of the room.

The cabinet quickly began to shake, and in a matter of seconds, it had completely fixed itself and was as good as new.

The brothers widened their eyes in amazement.


Fred and George squealed in excitement, staring at the locker with twinkles in their eyes.

"Disorganizing cupboard?"

Ron asked, watching the brothers run towards the closet.

The moment Fred opened the closet doors, the perfectly organized clothes began to be thrown around, shuffling in the middle of underpants and pants that were stacked by matching colors.

"What the…"

Ron said, looking at the clothes flying around the closet.

"Ever since our closet broke, Mom forced us to keep it organized all the time, but now that you fixed it, we can be peaceful again!"

George said, hugging the cluttering closet warmly.

"Why hadn't they fixed it sooner?"

Ron questioned.

"We didn't know how and Mom said it was too expensive to have it fixed."

Fred said, looking at the closet in awe.

"Anyway, I had a serious plan this time. I am interested in carrying out repair services to earn money. I believe I can succeed, but I have to admit that I don't have any charismatic abilities, so I need you to do this for me."

Ron was saying as he walked across the room slowly.

"And since I've already done a lot of favors for you like fixing your closet or helping you with gnomes, I believe it's about time you repaid me, am I right?"

Ron stated menacingly.

The twins look at each other, taken aback by Ron's sudden seriousness. After a moment of reflection, they exchange a knowing look and smile.

"You're right. We can help you. But what are we going to gain from it?"

George raised only one eyebrow.

"Gain from it? Haven't I given you many things already?"

Ron frowned, a little irritated by the brothers' ingratitude.

"Yes, you did! And we'll help with the start, but… what will we gain further down the line? After all, you don't think we're going to work for free forever, do you?"

Fred crossed his arms.

Ron got serious, reflecting for a few seconds.

Quickly, he took his wand out of his pocket and pointed it towards the brothers' closet.


A small flame of fire started to appear in the middle of the cabinet, causing the wood to start absorbing the flames and catch fire.


George screamed desperately.


Fred yelled, as he reached for the closet not knowing what to do.

"I hope you make the decision soon!"

Ron said, putting his wand in his pocket and turning to leave the room.


Fred yelled with tears in his eyes through the closet.


George screamed in despair seeing the dear object being burned.


They yelled at Ron amidst a few whimpers.

Ron turned to them and watched them in silence for a few seconds, admiring the two begging for his mercy.


Ron said, pointing his wand towards the cupboard.

A strong jet of water flew towards the small flame of fire that was in the closet, causing it to extinguish quickly, but wetting the brothers around it.

George and Fred, who were now wet, were staring at the closet, breathing heavily in despair.

"I'm glad we came to an agreement. As soon as I have everything ready, I call you to put my plan into practice."

Ron smirked and walked out the door, heading towards his room.

Fred and George remained unresponsive. While they had felt many emotions at once, it was strange for them to see little brother Ron being so cruel, without even thinking about his actions.

They had never gotten along so well, but seeing Ron act without fear of consequences was frightening. He could have set the whole house on fire if he wanted to, but he didn't think twice about performing that spell to threaten the brothers.

Upon reaching his room, Ron thought the best way to start this would be to create some kind of tent in Diagon Alley.

For this, he began to map the place with the memories he had from the last visit.

He was so impressed the last time he visited that he ended up memorizing most of the stores in that place, including where it was busiest and where it was emptiest.

At the entrances to Diagon Alley was a great place to be, as most people would pass by there, but that could end up getting in the way of people's movement.

Ron remembered that next to some busy stores, there were small garbage alleys to the side. Placing the tent in front of these alleys would not hinder the passage and would be a great busy place for them to stay. Fred and George could serve customers and get people's attention, while Ron just did the manual work of fixing things quickly.

Now, he just needed to know the best days and times to sell the items, but that he would end up finding out over the days. He didn't have so much time to spend studying about where they would stay.

After everything was ready, he would start the next day.

Thank you for read my story, add it to your library to keep reading this :3

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[Chapter edited by: Roku]

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