
Battle of Laketown(2)

Lake Town

Garen POV


Two thousand five hundred legionnaires rushed out of the camp and attacked the wainriders.


Thousands of wainriders fell as they faced the might of the legions of Rome before they can charge at them with their chariots and horses.

"To the bridge! Kill that stands in our way!"

Clearing the wainriders outside of the camp they quickly marched towards the bridge and do battle with the enemies that blocked them. With the bridge having limited space the wainriders horses barely can gallop as more and more legionnaires cross the bridge.

"Faster! Reinforce the town!"

I command my men while I slay more of the wainriders, thanks to the bridge having limited space my men easily brought down the enemy blocking our way as we entered the town through the broken gate.

Just as we entered the town I heard a loud roar, looking towards the source of the sound, I saw a golden light from the mountain and a silhouette of something flying towards us.


I heard one of the militia screaming and I finally understand why the dwarves lost their home. Flying towards us I see a red dragon one hundred thirty meters in length flying towards the town, I see red the dragon swoops down with red light from its chest while opening its jaws, flames burst out from its mouth as the dragon burns everything in its path including the wainriders.

"Look out!"

I heard a voice and someone pushed me down dodging the slash aiming for my head. I see my guards throwing a javelin and brought down the wainrider. Looking at the person who saved me I see a familiar face.

"Bard! How is the defense of the city?"

"There will no defense if that dragon burns the entire town! We need to a slay it!"

"How? We are too preoccupied fighting the wainriders, there won't be enough time to prepare for a counter-attack!"

Bard looks worried before finally replying with a determined face.

"It would take hundreds of thousands of arrows or slash of a blade to finally soften the dragon's scale but I know a better way, we need to go to my house and get the only thing that can penetrate the scales of a dragon."

I looked at him and nod without waiting for an explanation on why he has it in his house. Assembling my men we quickly rushed towards his house, entering the small wooden house we saw his two daughters and his son.

"Bain take your sisters to the boat and leave the town!"

"How about you, father?"

"I have to defend the town, Now GO!"

Bard grabbed a large black spear on the wall but looking closely at it's wasn't really a spear but a giant arrow because of the fletching attached at the lower end of it. Grabbing the black arrow Bard looked towards me.

"We need to find a wind lance to fire this black arrow."

"Wind lance? Ah, you mean that giant crossbow the dwarves mentioned, I saw one near the watchtower let's go!"

We rushed towards the watchtower near the town's hall when suddenly the Nazgûl blocked us along with the wainriders. Just as we were about to engage them, a rain of arrows from the sky hits them. Looking towards the side I see Legolas and Melody along with two hundred elves arriving. Legolas looked at the black arrow in Bard's hand and shout.


I nod and ordered my men to fight with them while me and Bard go up the tower. Running up the stairs I see from the windows the dragon burning more of the town while my men fight with the wainriders.

"My God, it's like hades descended"

Arriving on the roof I see the wind lance, Bard quickly loads the arrow and aims at the flying dragon.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot!"

"We have only one chance! I need to make it count."

Just as Bard was about to shoot I see the Nazgûl climbing up from the stairs and slashed its sword at Bard. I quickly blocked the hit with my shield but I was pushed towards Bard who was just about to fire the black arrow.


I watched the arrow fly through the air towards the dragon hoping it would kill it but alas the spear went through the dragon's wings instead.


I watched the dragon roared in pain as its wing tore opened a huge hole as the spear went through it and landing somewhere we can't see.


I quickly blocked the Nazgûl with my shield who once more slashed its blade. I stab my swords towards its head but the Nazgûl blocked it easily and kicks me down on the ground. Just as the Nazgûl would finish me off I see Bard charging towards the Nazgûl furiously and pushed the Nazgûl off from the roof, Before Bard can fall off I see Legolas grabbing the edge of Bard's clothes and pulled him back to safety.

"We failed Damn!"

"Not exactly look"

I looked at what Legolas was pointing and see the dragon losing altitude, it flapped opened its wing and barely not fall as it flew away from the town towards the dark forest retreating.

"The Nazgûl!"

I heard Bard scream and look down to see the Nazgûl standing up while limping towards its black horse before riding it in retreat along with the wainriders as they rush out from the burning town.

"Evacuate the Town!"

Everyone rushed to get out of the town as it burns while the townspeople paddle their boats or run on the bridge to escape their homes. We looked back to see the burning town while the wainriders retreat back towards the forest as the sun rises bringing back light to the world.

"So many innocent dead..."

I spoke in a low voice while Bard wipe tears in his eyes as he sees his home destroyed while failing to slay the dragon.


I watched Bard's children hugging him in a reunion while I listened to the status of the army from a centurion.

"Three thousand dead from the night attack, if it were not for Lady Melody timely warning and the elves reinforcements we could have lost more."

Looking towards the camp I see elves and legionnaires walking around the battlefield killing enemy survivors which are still breathing.

"Thank you, Legolas"

"No, the reason we came was because of my sister who ran away again, which I will make sure she never does again, EVER!"

I looked at Melody who is crying while Legolas yank her ear, turning my head I see the townspeople of lake town who are still in shock from losing their homes in one night and asked Bard.

"What's your plan?"

"The mayor is dead, I will try to lead the townspeople go to Dale now that the dragon is gone to recuperate and make a plan on how we will rebuild the town, how about you?"

"We will still stay here for now and wait for the prince, our scouts reported the wainriders haven't completely retreated, they are camped six kilometers south east from us and are probably going to strike again the moment we break camp, it would be too dangerous for the legions to fight them in the open with their cavalries."

Legolas stopped punishing his sister and looked towards us: "We will go to Dale as well, this is your battle, not ours, I've already sent word to father to meet us there. With Smaug alive and leaving his mountain probably means that the dwarves and your prince might be dead. We will take back the white gems of Lasgalen which belonged to us and leave, while you Northmen can take some of the wealth to rebuild your town."

Bard's eyes shine as he remembers the great wealth within the mountain, enough wealth to rebuild the town and more. I looked angrily at Legolas who assumed the death of the prince and was about to rebuke him when I heard a voice behind me.

"It's a good that you guys survived."