
Out of plan! 2

"Master, Master!" Feng Shui called as he ran towards the mist pavilion, as soon as he got there, he saw the fourth prince, standing in the middle of the hot spring situated in the middle of the pavilion surrounded by rocks with a source of clear water flowing into the spring constantly, mist surrounded the spring, wetting the blossom flowers around the mist pavilion.

His hair was neatly styled to the back with a single plain pin holding it down and the ends submerged into the spring, he closed his eyes with his hands above his waist and the white inner robe sticking to his body.

Feng Shui stopped for a minute, remembering the fourth prince is meditating in the spring to heal his injuries from the last setback he had.

"Master," he softly called.

"What is it?" his voice sounded serene, revealing his state of mind, he moved closer to the spring and stood at the edge.