
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Urban
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70 Chs

Fight for love.

ANITA. "Ash.. Asher" It came out faintly as he smirked and his gaze fell on Xavier. "Your new catch? I've alway knew you are a slut" That seems to anger Xavier and he came in between us. "And who the hell are you to call my wife a Slut?" He thundered but I held his arm. Asher can be fierce, Why did I have to bumped into him in the first place? "Wife?? " He bursted into laughter and his gaze fell on me again."He doesn't know? You belong to me remember, I don't care if my dad sold you off or not, You are mine, remember how you use to call my name whenever I bang you. Yeah I want that again with you. Come with… . " He didn't even land his words as Xavier's punch landed on his cheek. My eyes widened as Asher fell to the floor "Xavier" I called, he shouldn't do this. "So you are the uncle's son, You animal! I know all what you did, if you touch a hair on her body, I will make sure to skin you alive" Asher only smirked and wiped away the blood that stained his mouth due to the punch. "Let's go" Xavier grabbed my hand and use the other to carry the stuff we bought. Dropping them into the car, we hopped in and he drove away. I closed my eyes wishing Asher will just become my nightmare. I don't want to think of how he hurt me in the past. How they injected me? So now Uncle is dead and he wants me. No way, I love Xavier and can't even think of going back to that beast. "Babe" I opened my eyes to noticed the car had stopped. I look around to see that we are in the middle of nowhere. I felt Xavier's hand on mine and I jolted. "Look at me, I'm here and won't let anybody take you away from me, no one, even that animal" He cooed and I nod. I should trust him, of course I do. He has been my shinning armor these days. "I love you" He kissed my hand, I breathed out and smile "I love you too"GENIEVE. How could they disappeared like that at late night, did they knew? Did they knew I was coming for them. No matter where they are hiding, I will find them and make sure I eliminate them with no traces. Those kids thinks I'm a fool. I'm sure they are here to ruin what I've built for the past twenty years and that… I won't let it happen. "Genieve" Logan walked into my room "what do you wanna do? I'm sure they knew we were coming or someone might be backing them up" I think that makes little sense "someone might be backing them? But who? Who dare try to ruin my plan in getting those kids?" I fumed standing up from the bed and moved to the balcony. "That someone might have to deal with me" I gritted my teeth, because I won't let any fucking body ruin my damn plans. **MRS ABIGAIL. I rubbed my forehead slowly trying to cooe down from the stress I've been passing through lately. I heard Vincent is out of the country and I'm sure it is to look for that bitch. It is still a shocking news that he can see now. What can I possibly do to him now that he can see? The door to my office opened swiftly and I looked up in anger to see who lacked manners and couldn't knock and it turns out to be Amelia. "Mum! " She rushed up to my table smiling. "Amelia, you should learn to knock, this is my office and not Home" I rolled my eyes and she apologized but I guess she is too happy about something. "I'm sorry, next time. Mom, you won't believe it" She screamed in joy and I scoffed. "How can I believe it when you didn't tell me what is going on" I told her and she rolled her eyes. "Mom, don't be a joy killer, okay. The modeling industry you enrolled me into just two weeks ago" She started and I nod. "The manger picked me yesterday for the X-Beauty shoot which is today" She smile and I chuckled "really?""Yes mom and the shockest of it all, is that I performed well and I met Mr. Ling, the Owner of EZ Beauty care and guess what? He said he likes me and will love if I be a model for EZ beauy care. Mom, I'm going to China! " She screamed loudly that I had to chuckled. Now that I think of it, I gave birth to a beautiful girl who is soaring around the world. Right from when she was a kid, she is so bright. "Come here Amelia" I told her and she looked surprised at first. She moved closer and I surprised her by pulling into a tight hug. "Mom? " She called and I smile. "Amelia, I'm sorry if I've not been a good mother right from the start, I want to tell you that I'm very proud of you" She smile and raised her head to look at me "I'm happy to have you too mom, i'm happy that you are ready to change" She said and I chuckled. "Okay, we are going to celebrate your success, I'm taking you out" Her eyes widened and suddenly, she exclaimed "Yo!" VINCENT. "She really did that??" She scoffed with a roll of eyes "She is cruel, how could she lied and forced Mr. Lennon to did that just because of her selfish interest, and Stella what did she do?" She asked. I shrugged "she had to left" I told her and she smirked softly "That fucking bitch, I wish I had seen her fuck up face" I smile at her words, I looked at her and smile again. "Skylar" Pulling her to myself, she look up to me. "You still haven't tell me why you are in Daniel's apartment" I remind her and she look down "it was Uncle Genieve" I furrowed my brow "Uncle? You had an uncle? " I asked because she had never mentioned it to my ear before. "Yes, My Daddy's brother, We are happy family before. Mom, Dad, Annie, Uncle Genieve and Me" She chuckled softly staring into space. "we trusted Uncle Genieve so much, he lived with us. Even my Dad trusted so much that he told him most things about his work and all but Uncle Genieve woke up one day and betrayed my dad, betrayed our love and took… took every single things from us" I noticed her hand shaking already. "Skylar" I turned her to face me but she is already whspering, tears glinting in her eyes. oh shit! "He…he… killed mom… .. And… . Dad." She burst into more tears that I had to pulled her to my chest. How could their Uncle did this to them? Why does it seems like those people we called family are always bound to hurt us? "It's fine" I rubbed her back soothingly trying to calm her down. She raised her head from my chest and sniffled him. My heart tightened seeing her like this. "Skylar, You have me now" I cooed holding her hand but she scoffed. "Vincent, he took what belongs to us, everything, almost kill us back then but we escaped and now he is back, he wants us dead and I'm sure he won't stop until he see us dead. Vincent, I'm scared, I don't want them to hurt Annie" She rasped but I chirped in. "Skylar! I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you and Annie, I will protect you and bring justice for your parents, He can't just go scot-free like that" I told her but she shook her head. "Vincent, Uncle Genieve is not an easy man, he is wicked, I don't want to bring you into this, Let's go back to Mexico" I don't think I will agreed to what she said because why will that kind of man still be breathing and living in peace when he hurt and brought sorrow to a family. "Skylar, No. I told Ben to get me a spacious apartment. So you and Annie are coming with me. Trust me" I cooed again and she looked at me for a while before she finally agreed. "I trust you" I smile and cupped her cheeks into mine. "I love you, I feel miserable when you left, I couldn't think because you're everywhere in my head, Your touch, your voice, I missed it all" She smile melting into my touch. "I love you too" She brought her head closer and took up my lips into her closing her eyes. I reciprocate immediately with my eyes closed also melting to the hormones the kiss released. I missed this too. Her arms wrapped on my neck while my arms tightened around her waist. I can't just get enough of her, she gasped when I carry from the bed and placef on my lap not giving her any inch of breath or to pull away. "Fucking Vincent! How dare you?" Daniel angry voice pulled us apart. What a bastard! We both turned to him as he watched from the casement. I throw him a hard glare and make Skylar to face me ignoring him totally. He can go to hell for all I care! I stare down at her lips that is swollen due to the kiss. "Where did you learn to kiss like this? " She scoffed with smile. "I don't know, You" I chuckled. "Seriously, Skylar, you shouldn't trust this bastard!" Daniel voice came again but I didn't bother to look instead I went for her lips again. "Asshole!! Stay away from her! " I ignored pulling her more closer to myself.