

A teacher seems like normal,but...

Cocilo_Sam · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 59 Helicopter

"Don't worry, she's coming soon..." Zhou Tao was very satisfied with Army's smart choice, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

   "Then where did she come from?"

   When Lu Jun heard Zhou Tao's words, he felt relieved, and he couldn't help but ask another question.

   "J City!"

   Zhou Tao replied calmly.


   Hearing Zhou Tao's words, Lu Jun was dumbfounded. He rushed from J City. It would take at least three hours by car. How could he make it in time?

   "Deputy Director Hua, you are finally here!"

   Just when the army was extremely anxious, Fatty Chen came over there with a smile on his face. He was none other than Deputy Director Hua of the Lanyun City Police Department.

   It was a middle-aged man with a big belly. He walked in with a gloomy face. When he saw Fatty Chen, he patted Fatty Chen on the shoulder and didn't say much nonsense.

   Then he walked over to Army: "Transfer the person you have to Chen Ming." It turned out that on the way, Deputy Director Hua received another call from the Yang family.

   It was hinted to Deputy Director Hua that Zhou Tao would be taught a lesson.

   Moreover, the most important thing is Zhou Tao's identity. They have found out that he is just a highly educated people's teacher without a strong family background.

   Such little people are simply allowed to be ravaged by them.

   "Deputy Director Hua, this does not comply with the regulations of our police station!" Lu Jun knew very well that when things got to this point, there was no turning back.

   If there is really no big background behind Zhou Tao, then I am afraid that I will be dismissed or transferred tomorrow.

   "Army, you are so bold. At the Lanyun City Police Station, what I, Mr. Hua, said is the rule. If you don't implement it, I will remove you immediately!" Deputy Director Hua's expression changed. He did not expect that, The army, which was usually submissive, dared to go against his will.

   "Yes, hand him over immediately."

   Fatty Chen was happy in his heart. If the Army offended Deputy Director Hua, he would be dead. .

   "Director Shen, you are here."

   Just when the army was in a dilemma and the situation was at a deadlock, Xiao Wang's voice suddenly rang out, and an old man in his fifties came in from outside.

   Lu Lu, Deputy Director Hua and others were startled at the same time. They did not expect that Director Shen would come to the police station in person. Under normal circumstances, Director Shen would only come to the police station when something major happened.

   Otherwise, ordinary matters would often be left to Deputy Director Hua. When Army saw Director Shen, he felt suddenly. In his memory, Fatty Chen only called Deputy Director Hua.

   And this Director Shen is not from the Yang family. Due to his age, he is about to retire. Therefore, Director Shen often turns a blind eye to the matters handled by Deputy Director Hua.

   "Could it be that Zhou Tao called to invite you?"

   Immediately, the Army also rejected this point. According to Xiao Wang's description, Zhou Tao seemed to have called a woman and asked the other party to come alone.


   Suddenly, there was an exclamation outside the police station, and Lu Jun's body trembled. He thought of what Zhou Tao had said before.

   "J City, we can get here in less than three hours. Cars are indeed not good, but if the other party is flying a plane and a helicopter, then everything is no longer a problem." Thinking of this, the army couldn't help but turn his eyes. Zhou Tao.

   Zhou Tao's expression was still so calm, as if what happened outside had nothing to do with him. Seeing this, Lu Jun was even more convinced that the people coming from outside must have something to do with Zhou Tao. It seemed that he was right in his bet this time. .

   Deputy Director Hua and Fatty Chen looked at each other, and they saw the confusion in each other's eyes at the same time. If Director Shen came here, it was just an accident, then the helicopter landed in front of the police station, then This is no longer a sightseeing trip.

   Director Shen had already walked out, and Deputy Director Hua, Fatty Chen, Lu Lu and others also came to greet him. .

   "Very good."

   When Lu Jun saw a young and beautiful woman stepping off the plane, he felt ecstatic in his heart, and he was finally able to confirm that the woman was called by Zhou Tao.

   "Hello, Miss Shangguan."

   Director Shen greeted him with a smile on his face. He did not dare to offend the person coming down from above, especially if the person came from that department, which held the power of life and death for some big shots.

   For some urban criminal bigwigs, they even have the power to kill them first and deal with them later, so when Director Shen received the call from above, he broke out in a cold sweat.

   He never thought that a small police station in Lanyun City would be related to that department. When he arrived at the police station and saw Deputy Director Hua and the others, he understood that Chen Ming and the others must have arrested them. Someone who deserves to be caught.

   Alas, Chen Ming was too arrogant. He had secretly reminded him several times to restrain himself, but he refused to listen. Alas, something happened finally.

   And Deputy Director Hua, why is he involved in this matter?

   "Where is Zhou Tao?" Shangguan Feng politely shook Director Shen's hand, and Shangguan Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she asked directly.

   It's best to hope that the captain is okay, otherwise, everyone will be left with nothing to lose, this is what Shangguan Feng said in his heart.

   "Zhou Tao!"

   Director Shen was startled and instinctively looked at Deputy Director Hua. Deputy Director Hua's scalp felt numb. He naturally knew who Zhou Tao was. When Shangguan Feng got off the plane, he wondered if he was looking for Zhou Tao?

   However, according to the information reviewed, Zhou Tao had no background. However, the facts told Deputy Director Hua that the so-called information was completely equivalent to waste paper.

   "That Zhou Tao is a criminal. He attacked the police, but you didn't..." The stupid fat man obviously hadn't woken up yet. When he saw someone trying to rescue Zhou Tao, he instinctively stood up and shouted.

   Shangguan Feng frowned. The injuries on Fatty Chen's face reminded her of Zhou Tao. She didn't think twice and kicked Fatty Chen.

   Fatty Chen never expected that in front of everyone, the other party would dare to beat him, and the other party was a young, beautiful, seemingly weak woman.


   With that kick, before the fat man could finish his words, he was kicked to the ground.


   "Shut up!"

   Seeing that the angry Fatty Chen was about to curse, Deputy Director Hua next to him secretly yelled "No," if he really wanted to curse, half of Fatty Chen's life would be buried in the ground.


   I saw Deputy Director Hua kicking Fatty Chen in the face. Fatty Chen screamed in pain from the pain. Naturally, he did not curse the following words.

   "Mr. Zhou is being held by me. Miss Shangguan, please come here." At this moment, Lu Jun also knew that it was time for him to play, and he came forward with a smile on his face.

   Shangguan Feng looked at Lu Jun and suddenly asked, "Is the phone yours?" You know, when prisoners are imprisoned, their phones are confiscated.


   Lu Jun smiled calmly and led Shangguan Feng towards the detention center.

   "You fucking pig head, she's from above. If you offend her, even ten of your heads won't be enough to chop her off." Deputy Director Hua slowed down slightly and twisted Fatty Chen up from the ground. A few words of warning were whispered.

   Cold sweat broke out on Fatty Chen's forehead. He knew that he had made a mistake, and it was not a small mistake.

   When he saw Shangguan Feng, Zhou Tao smiled lightly. He knew that Shangguan Feng would arrive soon, but the speed was much faster than he expected.

   "Zhou Tao, are you okay?"

   Opening the door, Shangguanfeng walked in and inspected it carefully.

   Except for a heavy blow on the shoulder, there was nothing else, and from the outside, it looked like nothing serious: "If you come later, maybe something will happen."

   When Zhou Tao said this, his eyes glanced over the faces of Deputy Director Hua and Fatty Chen. Both of them felt a chill at the same time. Zhou Tao walked up to Lu Jun and looked at Lu Jun deeply: "Thank you."

   It was a simple word, but Lu Lu felt extremely warm in his heart. He had done nothing wrong. Of course, just the next day, Fatty Chen was fired from the police station, while Deputy Director Hua's position remained unchanged, but he fell down and was in charge. Security work in a certain district.

   As for the army, which was outstanding in all aspects and was promoted to deputy director by Director Shen, and became the successor of Director Lanyun City, of course, this is a story for another day.

   Zhou Tao and Shangguan Feng walked out of the Lanyun City Police Station. Deputy Director Hua and Fatty Chen looked depressed...

   "Captain, I saved you this time, how should you thank me?" The two people walked to a relatively empty place, Shangguan Feng blinked his beautiful eyes and asked playfully.

   Zhou Tao knew very well that only when Shangguan Feng was in front of him would the ice and snow melt and show such tenderness. He shrugged and said, "Then I will suffer a little loss, come on!" After saying that, Zhou Tao closed his eyes. On the eyes.

   Seeing this scene, Shangguan Feng stomped her little foot slightly: "Captain, you are so bad. How can you thank me? You are clearly taking advantage of me."

   He said this, but Shangguan Feng raised his heels, and his cherry mouth gently covered Zhou Tao's mouth.

   Of course, the kiss was very fast. Just after covering it, it was quickly moved away.

   Zhou Tao opened his eyes and looked at Shangguan Feng with an innocent and hurt look: "My innocence has been stained by you, you must be responsible for me."


   It was obvious that he had taken advantage of him, but it looked like he was injured. Shangguan Feng stamped his feet: "Captain, I'm going back."

   "Okay, be careful."

   Zhou Tao did not try to keep Shangguanfeng. In fact, he knew that unless he and Shangguanfeng went back together, what was the point of keeping Shangguanfeng?