

A teacher seems like normal,but...

Cocilo_Sam · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 58 Hares may pull dead lions by the beard

"Zhou Tao, the head teacher of Grade 1 and Grade 3 of Lanyun School!" Regarding Zhou Tao's identity, Lu Lu frowned slightly. Originally, from Zhou Tao's demeanor, he guessed that Zhou Tao had a certain background, but he did not expect that the other party was just a student. People's teacher. .

   Thinking about it carefully, if Zhou Tao had any identity, with the courage of Captain Chen's fat guy, he would definitely not dare to take action easily. Thinking of this, Lu Jun hesitated.

   Currently, he is risking falling out with Chen Jun and imprisoning Zhou Tao under him. Is it worth it? The Army was not willing to offend Captain Chen easily.

   This is probably the fundamental reason why the Army can retain the position of captain.

   "Lijun Lu, Lanyun School is an aristocratic college. Does this teacher Zhou Tao have a good relationship with the students? Many students have unusually deep backgrounds!" A young policeman named Xiao Wang could tell at a glance After realizing what Lu Jun was thinking, his mind moved slightly.

   "That's right. Why didn't I think of this? Xiao Wang, go give that teacher Zhou Tao some hints and see how he reacts." Lu Lu's spirit perked up, and he believed that he would not be mistaken.

   While the army was discussing Zhou Tao's matter, Yang Guangren was angry with Team Chen. He didn't expect that Team Chen not only failed to relieve his anger, but was also beaten up by the opponent. He really couldn't swallow this breath.

   Staring at the fat policeman coldly: "Captain Chen, if you can't do it, then I will go directly to Deputy Director Hua."

   "Don't, don't look for him. I can handle it. I'll handle it immediately." When Team Chen heard this, he felt anxious. If he bothered Deputy Director Hua to come over for this kind of thing, he would never be able to work in the police in the future. The game is messed up.


   Looking at the fat policeman's disappearing figure, Yang Guangren said coldly.

   After leaving the interrogation room, the environment has undoubtedly improved a lot. There are beds here, so you can lie down and have a good rest. However, the handcuffs have not been opened. Obviously, the previous force has made the police vigilant.

   When Zhou Tao closed his eyes to rest, the door was opened and the little king walked in. .

   "Can I go out?" Zhou Tao opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Wang.

   "Zhou Tao, the person you offended this time is not an ordinary person. It may be difficult to get out." Xiao Wang showed a troubled expression.

   "I'm not guilty, why should I be imprisoned?"

   Zhou Tao frowned slightly, and he vaguely guessed the reason.

   "Hey, let's put aside everything else. Just attacking the police is enough to make you drink a pot. Our Captain Lu won't be able to resist for long. That Fatty Chen will definitely want someone. When the time comes, I'm afraid you will only get beaten. ." Xiao Wang said while observing Zhou Tao's expression.

   Seeing that Zhou Tao's expression did not change, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, Xiao Wang's mind moved slightly: "Zhou Tao, if it has anything to do with you, it's best to move, so that you may be less vulnerable. bitter."

   "A tiger falls flat and is bullied by a dog."

   This sentence suddenly appeared in Zhou Tao's mind. He knew that if he wanted to go out safely, he would definitely not be able to do it on his own. He glanced at Xiao Wang and said, "I'll lend you your cell phone."


   Xiao Wang perked up, and then gave Zhou Tao a meaningful look: "You have to be clear about Zhou Tao, the Yang family is behind Fatty Chen."

   Obviously, this also hinted to Zhou Tao that if the person he asked for help was not powerful enough, it would be useless.

   Zhou Tao smiled playfully. He did not answer, but dialed a number. A crisp voice came from the other side: "Captain, we just broke up. You don't miss me, do you?"

   That was Shangguan Feng's voice, and Zhou Tao didn't say any nonsense and said directly: "I'm at Lanyun Police Station!"

   "Okay, I know."

   Shangguanfeng's answer was equally short.

   "Just come alone."


   A total of two sentences made Xiao Wang stunned. Is this asking for help from the outside? Especially the second sentence, just one person is enough. What is the identity of the other person?

   Zhou Tao didn't even mention the power background of the Yang family, which made Xiao Yang look very weird. .

   "Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang..."


   After shouting twice in succession, Xiao Wang came to his senses. He took Zhou Tao's cell phone and said quickly: "Wait a moment, I'll go out to find Captain Lu." After that, he hurried out.

   Lu Jun was also waiting for news from Xiao Wang. When Xiao Wang came in and told what happened just now, he also frowned and looked a little weird.

   "Xiao Wang, do you think Zhou Tao will invite someone?" Lu Lu suddenly turned his attention to Xiao Wang and asked seriously.

   Normally, Captain Lu would never ask himself these questions. Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment, and then said hesitantly: "Captain, I think there are two situations."

   "Tell me."

   Army's eyes lit up.

   "First: Zhou Tao couldn't find anyone at all, so he asked the other party to come alone. That was to prevent his family from worrying." Xiao Wang analyzed carefully.

   "Yes." Lu Jun nodded slightly. It seemed to make sense, but it didn't convince him. If he really didn't want his family to worry, wouldn't it be better not to make a phone call?

   "The second reason is that the Zhou Tao family is very powerful. Just one person can take care of things here, so there is no need to rely on any connections." When Xiao Wang said this, his expression was not very sure.

   In fact, it's not just Xiao Wang, the army also has such a doubtful attitude. You know, even if Zhou Tao's family has a huge power, this is Lanyun City. If the other party wants to speak, if they don't open up the relationship above, I'm afraid Still unable to command the system below.

   It would take at least an hour or two to get busy, and there would be a lot of people involved. However, Zhou Tao only asked one person to come over, which was definitely not in line with common sense.

   Lu Lu thought about it carefully. Zhou Tao's calm demeanor didn't look like a reckless person!

   For a moment, Lu Lu and Xiao Wang fell into deep thought.

   "Army, Captain Chen wants to recruit someone." Just as Army was thinking about the problem, a young policeman ran in and said anxiously.

   "Team Chen wants someone."

   Hearing these words, Lu Jun's heart tightened. He didn't expect Fatty Chen to come and ask for someone so soon. If he didn't give it, he would definitely fall out with the Yang family.

   By then, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in the Lanyun City Police Station, but what is Zhou Tao's identity? What kind of people would he invite over?

   At this moment, the Army was caught between a rock and a hard place.

   "Okay, I'll go take a look."

   Lu Jun understood some things and simply relying on avoidance would not solve the problem. He took Xiao Wang and the young policeman and walked out.

   At the door of the holding room, an army subordinate was in a stalemate with Fatty Chen and his four subordinates.

   "No one is allowed to take Zhou Tao away without an order from the Army."

   The little policeman's attitude was very firm, but Fatty Chen looked a little ugly. In the entire Lanyun Police Department, only the Army's subordinates dared to talk to him with this attitude.

   Humph, when he ascends to the position of deputy director in the next world, he will let the army go immediately. By then, they will know who is the real master in Lanyun Police Station.

   "Captain Chen, what makes you come here to pick someone up in person?"

   The army greeted him with a smile.

   "Army, I want to interrogate the prisoner. You are not allowed to do it. You said it was your order. I hope you will order him to get out of the way quickly and don't delay my business." Fatty Chen looked ugly.

   Lu Jun glanced at Fatty Chen and then at Zhou Tao in the detention room. He hesitated for a moment. He knew very well that there was absolutely no way he could remain neutral.

   When he came into contact with Zhou Tao's calm face, the Army said something out of nowhere: "Captain Chen, I have Zhou Tao in my hands now, and that is the person who is interrogating. Besides, it was you who was attacked by Zhou Tao. As the person involved, you cannot Participate in the interrogation of Zhou Tao."

   Lu Lu's words made Fatty Chen's face change drastically. He didn't expect Lu Lu to dare not buy it. Fatty Chen narrowed his eyes, stared at Lu Lu and said, "You have to think clearly before talking."

   Of course, Lu Jun knew the meaning of Fatty Chen's words, but now that he had taken this step, he had no intention of looking back. He said coldly: "Yes, according to the regulations of our bureau, you are not qualified to interrogate Zhou Tao."

   "Okay, okay, okay, Army, you wait, I will let you know whether I am qualified." Fatty Chen was completely angry. He said three good words in succession, then took out his phone and dialed a Number.

   "Director Hua, the Army has rebelled, you have to come back and seek justice!"

   "Rebellion? Please speak clearly."

   Deputy Director Hua's confused voice came from over there.

   Fatty Chen told the story exactly. Deputy Director Hua on the other end of the phone was thinking in his heart that a little people's teacher could express his gratitude to the Yang family.

   Of course, Deputy Director Hua was also a little hesitant. This was mainly due to Lu Jun's performance. According to what he knew, Lu Jun was definitely a smart and capable person.

   He would always be patient when encountering something, so he could always stay at the Lanyun Police Station. Now, why would the army choose to side with the little teacher?

   Deputy Director Hua thought about this several times when he came to the police station by car, but could not explain it.

   Of course, Lu Jun was also very anxious. He knew that after Deputy Director Na Hua arrived, he would definitely side with Fatty Chen, and all his previous efforts would be in vain.

   When will the person Zhou Tao calls come?

   More than half an hour passed. As the saying goes, distant water cannot save a nearby fire. Thinking of this, Lu Jun glanced at Fatty Chen not far away. He couldn't care so much. He walked up to Zhou Tao and said hurriedly: "Zhou Tao , Isn't your person here yet? If Deputy Director Hua comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you."