

A teacher seems like normal,but...

Cocilo_Sam · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 57 People's police


   No one thought that Zhou Tao's real killer was not in his fists, but in his legs. The thin man never thought that when his legs were in contact with Zhou Tao's legs, he felt as if he was touching a stone pillar. . .


   The thin man hugged his legs and let out a miserable scream. At the same time, Zhou Tao punched the other opponent and knocked him away.

   "Yang Guangren, it's your turn."

   Zhou Tao's eyes fell on Yang Guangren. Without the protection of his men, what could Yang Guangren do to resist Zhou Tao?

   Yang Guangren also didn't expect Zhou Tao to be so powerful. He defeated his four most powerful opponents one after another. This made him slightly surprised. He had already stood up from his chair.

   "Young man, you are very good. It is a pity to be a teacher. How about you come here and be my subordinate? Money, beauty, you will have everything you want." Yang Guangren looked very calm.

   Zhou Tao didn't expect that Yang Guangren would say such a thing. He smiled playfully: "What if I refuse?"


   As if by magic, Yang Guangren saw a gun appear in his hand, pointing directly at Zhou Tao, saying: "Death or life, I'll give you a chance."

   Zhou Tao's pupils shrank for a while. He didn't expect Yang Guangren to take out this thing. It was extremely difficult to hide from such a close distance.

   "Don't even move!"

   When the two people were in a stalemate, several policemen appeared at the door. Next to the policemen were Cheng Cheng and Xu Haifan. It turned out that they had seen Zhou Tao go up without making any movement for so long, and they couldn't get up to the second floor, so Simply made the call.

   "You are here just in time. This teacher Zhou Tao came to my nightclub to cause trouble. I hope you police can handle this matter." Yang Guangren put the gun back casually.

   "Bring them all back."

   A relatively fat man, obviously the leader of several policemen, glanced at Yang Guangren's face, waved his hand, and several policemen took Zhou Tao and Yang Guangren back. .

   Zhou Tao and Yang Guangren were put into the police car and quickly brought into the police station, while Cheng Cheng and Xu Haifan were waiting anxiously outside.

   "Boss Yang, I have wronged you."

   When Yang Guangren was taken into a separate small room, the fat policeman's face was immediately filled with smiles. He handed Zhou Tao a cigarette and said cautiously.

   "Well, Chen Ming, that Zhou Tao is very skilled. Do you know what to do next?" Yang Guangren sat directly on the chair, looked at the fat policeman, and showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

   The fat policeman nodded repeatedly, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Yes, I know what to do." Then the fat policeman hurriedly walked outside.

   "Bring that Zhou Tao into the interrogation room." The fat policeman muttered in front of a subordinate when he walked out.

   Zhou Tao's brows furrowed. After he was brought into the interrogation room, no one paid attention to him. What made him even more annoyed was that when he entered the police station, he was handcuffed instead.

   One minute passed.

   The door to the interrogation room opened, and the fat policeman walked in, holding an electric baton in his hand.

   "What are you going to do?"

   There was a trace of vigilance in Zhou Tao's eyes.

   "Boy, it's not good for you to offend anyone, but to offend Boss Yang, you are simply seeking death." The fat policeman waved the electric baton in his hand, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

   Zhou Tao didn't expect that the other party would speak so directly. He stared at the fat policeman seriously, as if in a playful tone: "Police, is this the so-called people's police?"

   "Hey, you are the people's teacher, and I am the people's policeman. We all serve the people." The fat policeman raised his electric baton: "You'd better not resist, otherwise, the end will be even more miserable."

   While he was talking, the electric baton viciously hit Zhou Tao on the head.


   Unfortunately, before the electric baton could hit Zhou Tao, he was kicked to the ground by Zhou Tao. .

   "How dare you kick me."

   That kind of pain made the fat policeman completely angry. He never expected that Zhou Tao would dare to fight back. He got up from the ground, raised his electric baton, and rushed towards Zhou Tao.

   The kick just now made Zhou Tao realize that the fat policeman was too inferior, so when the fat policeman rushed up, he raised his leg and kicked him in the abdomen, knocking the fat policeman to the ground again.

   "Damn guy."

   The fat policeman was completely angry. He didn't expect that the other party would be handcuffed and beaten so badly that he took out his pistol, pointed it at Zhou Tao, and said angrily: "Don't move, otherwise, I can't guarantee the pistol." It will go off fire."

   Zhou Tao stared at the fat policeman coldly and said slowly: "Do you know what I hate the most?"

   For some reason, the fat policeman's body trembled inadvertently when he came into contact with Zhou Tao's cold eyes, but he still stared at Zhou Tao arrogantly: "What do you hate?"


   As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Tao started to move. He moved very quickly. In an instant, the foot hit his arm and sent his gun flying. At the same time, he did not give the fat policeman much chance to react.

   Hit him in the belly again.


   The fat policeman fell heavily to the ground. Before he could react, he felt a huge pain on his face. It turned out that Zhou Tao's foot had already stepped on his face viciously. As long as Zhou Tao exerted a little force, it is estimated that his whole face would be hurt. A fat face will deform your face.

   "What... do you want to do? I am... a policeman. You are attacking a police officer. Quickly let go." The fat policeman panicked when he saw Zhou Tao's cold expression.

   "Assaulting the police? I'm just attacking the police. What can you do to me?"

   Without even thinking, Zhou Tao suddenly increased the strength on his feet.

   The fat policeman grimaced in pain. He had deliberately left his men outside the door just to deal with Zhou Tao privately. Now he was fine. Because his face was stepped on by Zhou Tao, even if he wanted to shout for help, he couldn't.

   "Captain Chen, are you okay?"

   A policeman's voice came from outside the door. Apparently, after such a long time, he felt that Captain Chen's personal matter should be settled.

   "Captain Chen, Captain Chen..." I shouted several times, but there was still no response in the interrogation room. The two police officers guarding the outside looked at each other. They realized something was wrong and pushed the door open and rushed in.

   "Damn it." When they saw it, they saw their captain being trampled under the feet of Zhou Tao. The miserable look made them rush forward with their electric batons raised at the same time.

   Zhou Tao bent his body slightly to avoid the attack of a policeman, and then kicked him, causing him to fall to the ground.


   Because his hands were cuffed, he had difficulty moving around. When Zhou Tao raised his hand, another police officer had already attacked him on his shoulder.

   When the electric baton hit, the electric current made Zhou Tao feel numb in his shoulder. Zhou Tao's face changed slightly. He endured the pain and clenched his hands to avoid the opponent's second attack, and hit the opponent with the clenched hand. Face.


   The power of the angry fist was naturally stronger than expected, and the policeman was knocked unconscious by Zhou Tao at once.

   At this moment, the alarm bell rang loudly in the interrogation room. It turned out that the fat policeman took advantage of Zhou Tao to deal with the other two policemen and rang the alarm bell. Suddenly, the police outside ran towards the interrogation room.

   Looking at the police officers with live ammunition, Zhou Tao was not stupid enough to fight. Otherwise, if the other party fired, he would be the unlucky one.

   Zhou Tao gave up resistance, looked at the policemen in front of him calmly, and said slowly: "Why, is this the way the Lanyun City Police Department interrogates innocent people?"

   "Captain Chen, what is going on?" A middle-aged policeman with a rank similar to that of the fat policeman came out and looked at the fat policeman with a surprised expression.

   "Assaulted a police officer. During my interrogation, he actually attacked a police officer." The fat policeman pointed at the injury on his face, shouted angrily, and waved the electric baton in his hand, about to pounce on Zhou Tao.


   Zhou Tao would not let him beat him stupidly. He raised his leg and kicked the fat policeman to the ground again. Then he looked at the middle-aged policeman coldly: "Does your Lanyun Police Department have such a rule?" , regardless of whether you are guilty or not, you have to be beaten by the police when you enter the interrogation room?"

   The middle-aged policeman noticed that in addition to Captain Chen, two other policemen were also beaten by Zhou Tao. Of course, having worked with the fat policeman in the police station for so many years, he also knew his character very well.

   Under normal circumstances, those who were brought back often chose to turn a blind eye or close one eye after being beaten, but now, Captain Chen kicked the stone.

   An attentive middle-aged policeman, he noticed that Zhou Tao, despite his young age, still showed no panic even after beating the policeman. His calm demeanor in the face of danger made his heart move slightly.


   Seeing that several other subordinates of Team Chen were about to surround him, the middle-aged policeman suddenly stopped him. He looked at Zhou Tao and said: "My name is Lu Jun. No matter what, it is wrong for you to attack the police. But the specific matter is still... It needs to be investigated and I hope you can cooperate."

   As Lu Jun said, he motioned to a policeman beside him. The policeman immediately stepped forward and took Zhou Tao into another holding room. Zhou Tao did not resist.

   The army soon had a systematic understanding of the matter. His eyes almost narrowed into a straight line. This happened more than once.

   Yang Guangren is just a small figure in the underworld, but with his sister Yang Lijuan being the deputy minister of the Municipal Department of Justice, and his brother-in-law being a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, he is able to do both black and white, and Captain Chen just now can be considered Half of the Yang family members.

   Every time, as long as there was something related to the Yang family, he would definitely take action personally, and he would beat the person involved without asking any questions.