
Rogue King: Claim Her Back

Klaus: She's my fated mate...and my enemy's daughter. My sanity screams to steer clear of her, but I can't shake the magnetic pull between us. I know it's because of the mate bond. Annoyed, I reject her on our wedding day, aka my revenge day. The day my rogue army storms her land and throws them in chains. She is shattered, her eyes full of pain. I see it and I wait, wait for the rush of satisfaction to come. But it doesn't. Instead, I feel an aching emptiness in my heart. The bond is broken. Why I still desire her? ----- Aurora: No one rejects their fated mate, but mine did, in the cruelest way. He was an orphan. I brought him home and tried to fill his cold heart with warmth. I can't wait for the day we claim each other, but turns out my love and feelings are merely his revenge tools. My stupidity has plunged my people into misery. I must find a way to undo the damage before it's too late. Will I rise from the ashes of betrayal, or go down in flames?

Mua_a · Fantasy
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5 Chs

She Is Not a Priority

Klaus's POV:

I slow down as I move forward, my eyes fixed on the girl.

I hardly have any visitors because it takes a lot of physical effort to get to my place due to the steep incline. Aurora is the exception; she enjoys coming over frequently.

The little slope in front of my cottage was covered with lavender by her. I never really care much for it, but she seems to love it a lot.

Right now, she's lying on the bed of lavender she planted, with a blade of foxtail grass in her mouth. Above her, it's a clean, starry sky.

The moonlight softly illuminates her face, casting a gentle glow over her serene features. Her silver curls cascade around her like a halo, shimmering as they catch the light. The way her silver hair stands out against the deep purple lavender and her emerald green eyes is just stunning.

She looks like something out of a myth, like an elf of the night.

'Mine!' Magnus roars. Having not seen his mate for a year, he is going crazy.

'Calm down.' I say.

Whenever he smells and sees Aurora, he is always drooling over her. For five years, Magnus has been fighting against me. He wants to be set free and claim what is his.

Typically, werewolves don't know their mates until they both come of age and get their wolves. After all, one can't mate with a minor, and underage sex is strictly forbidden in the werewolf law. So, when I got Magnus five years ago and he said Aurora was our mate, I didn't buy it. Though I already found Aurora special, I hoped it was a mistake. I could accept anyone as my mate but her.

She is off-limits.

Until she turned 18 last year, everything fell into place. I didn't know how Magnus managed to foresee it in advance, but she's indeed the one for me.

Sensing me, Aurora sits up from the ground, her eyes brightening. 

"Klauzy!" She exclaims delightfully, waving her hand, "You're here, finally!"

"It's been a while, little one," I put on a gentle smile.

Rebel Throne clearly doesn't want me for her daughter. The day after Aurora figured out we were mates, she got shipped off to Siberia for the Alpha Academy—a place strictly for alpha heirs. Her mom hoped she'd fall for an alpha guy and reject me. Honestly, I hoped for that too. But now she's staring at me, and that sparkle in her eyes says the plan backfired.

Her obsession with me grows even thicker. 

Standing up she brushes the grass off her jeans with her hands. Suddenly, she totters, swaying unsteadily, and her feet slipping slightly on the grass. She appears on the verge of falling. Her eyes widen in surprise as her hands reach out to grasp at anything in the air.

For a tense moment, Magnus almost unleashes my control to help his mate. I stop him.

I just slip my hands into my pockets, watching.

Aurora peeps at me from the corner of her eyes. Seeing me unmoved on the spot, she regains her balance at once, staying on her feet.

"I was about to fall and you just stood there watching? A year apart, and Klaus's lost all his chivalry!" She pretends to be pissed off with a mock pout, complaining to me.

"A year apart, and Aurora's tricks have only gotten sneakier." I quip. 

Then we exchange a glance and laugh.

She has combat skills that rival mine, so the last thing I'd believe is that she couldn't catch herself from a fall. 

I stroll over, gently tweak her nose, and flick away the bits of grass tangled in her hair with a chuckle. 

Admittedly, I like her.

She is young and simple, nothing like her mother. It's fun to jest with her every now and again, and my wolf needs such connection.

But still, she is not a priority.

After I achieve my revenge, I will reject her and exile her. It's the best possible fate she can expect.

"I missed you, Klauzy," She gazes up, lips curling into a radiant smile, showing a glimpse of her pearly white teeth. As she tilts her head upwards, those rosy tender lips are so close to my face that I can see her cute dimples.

I take a casual glance to eye her from top to bottom. She is even more beautiful than before, with all curves and muscles in the right places. The jeans hug her hips tight, her waist is slender and her butt is plump. 

'Rip off her clothes!' Here my wolf again. I roll my eyes inside and shove him back to my mind. I'm not someone who thinks with their d*ck.

"Why do you smell of blood?"

Before I can respond, Aurora throws out a question that catches me off guard. She moves closer and sniffs at my clothes.

I briefly narrow my eyes.

"Well, I met a few rogues on my run and got into a fight with them," I reply with a shrug, cool and easy.

"Wow! I bet you have made them bite the dust!" She cheers, showing a big grin on her face. "Oh, speaking of this, I came across a girl today. She said she knows you. Red-haired, middle height, high cheekbone, do you know her?"

Another surprise question pops up.

Aurora stares into my eyes, examining at my face for something. No matter how innocent and affable she looks, she is an Alpha. Alertness and a predatory instinct are etched into her very blood. 

Surely I know who the redhead is. She's someone I couldn't be more familiar with. I wonder how they met and what they talked about, but I can't show my curiosity. I will figure out myself. 

I smile and say, "I think it's several days ago at some bar, a red-haired girl did chat me up. But I didn't get her name and I barely remember her face."

Aurora seems to let out a sigh of relief.

"The night is nice. Feel like going for a run with me?" I know how to divert her before she can dig any deeper.

Her face lights up with excitement.

"Yes!" As soon as the word leaves her mouth, I hear the sound of bones cracking.

A pure white wolf breaks free from Aurora's binding. She's standing on all fours, with white fur glistening in the moonlight.

I'm stunned.

She's beautiful. And powerful. I can feel the confidence she oozes.

Magnus is impatient, urging me to unleash him. He can't wait to meet his mate. I turn around, slipping a drug into my mouth, and then take off my shirt and pants and let Magnus out.

Now my wolf is in control. When he lays his eyes on Aurora's wolf, sparks flying like crazy. He swaggers over under her coy gaze. They circle and sniff each other before frolicking on the lavender bed. Magnus lets out a low, affectionate growl, and Thea responds with a soft howl. She leads the way, darting toward the woods, with Magnus hot on her trail.

Despite the physical pain the drug brought him, Magnus is over the moon. He mumbles to me that it's a shame he can't reveal his real mighty physique to Thea. He would like to hook her even more.

They hunt oxen and deer and chase around, totally losing track of time. After I've told Magnus for the twentieth time, they finally get back to my place.

It's pre-dawn. I need some shut-eye to recharge from the day's hustle and the night's raid.

I turn my back to give Aurora privacy to get dressed. In the mean time, I shift into my human form and throw on my clothes while my thought goes to my fellow rogues. It's been a long while since I run with them.

If only I could make time...

With a wandering mind, I turn back to face Aurora, then a sudden tension grips my body. 

My eyes are all over her nudity.

She is perfect. A work of art. 

I can't control where my gaze goes. It roams wherever it wants. 

My breath heaves, and I can feel my pulse quicken. 

Her b*obs are round and perfectly sized. Not too small, while not too big. I imagine my hands on each of them, grab them roughly and suck in those two pink n*pples.

My d*ck hardens in a second.