
Rogue King: Claim Her Back

Klaus: She's my fated mate...and my enemy's daughter. My sanity screams to steer clear of her, but I can't shake the magnetic pull between us. I know it's because of the mate bond. Annoyed, I reject her on our wedding day, aka my revenge day. The day my rogue army storms her land and throws them in chains. She is shattered, her eyes full of pain. I see it and I wait, wait for the rush of satisfaction to come. But it doesn't. Instead, I feel an aching emptiness in my heart. The bond is broken. Why I still desire her? ----- Aurora: No one rejects their fated mate, but mine did, in the cruelest way. He was an orphan. I brought him home and tried to fill his cold heart with warmth. I can't wait for the day we claim each other, but turns out my love and feelings are merely his revenge tools. My stupidity has plunged my people into misery. I must find a way to undo the damage before it's too late. Will I rise from the ashes of betrayal, or go down in flames?

Mua_a · Fantasy
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5 Chs

On Fire

Aurora's POV:


I shift back from the wolf form, only then do I realize my clothes were in pieces. When Klaus invited us for a run, Thea and I were so excited that I forgot to strip off before Thea broke through my control.

Now I am standing in the nude, at a loss for what to do next, and Klaus suddenly spinning around leaves me even more flustered.

His piercing eyes map over my body until they rest on my chest. There is a hungry look of lust deep within them. Subconsciously, my hands fly up to cover my naked breast.

"My clothes...were...ruined..." I stutter.

He swallows. I watch his Adam's apple dancing up and down. So sexy, yet so dangerous. My breath hitches. I can't help but take him in as well.

He is even more gorgeous than he was a year ago. The ruggedly handsome type, with short dark hair, eagle-like nose, and his sharp jaw dusts with dark stubble. He is in a white shirt with the first two buttons left open, standing at an impressive height. The masculinity he holds is stronger than that of any male Alpha I've ever encountered.

A glow of pride rises in my heart as I look at him: this male is mine!

Raw desire shots through me. My body heats up. I feel my knees weaken like jelly, and the buds of my breasts get hard. Every nerve in my body craves for him.

I want to have him kiss me and caress in ways that no other man ever has. And the increasing fire in his deep dark blue eyes tells that he would like to do so too.

I fight back the wave of shyness.

He is my mate; I shouldn't have felt shy. The thought encourages me. Slowly, I put down my hands which are on my breast, baring my body and my soul to the man before me.

He starts to walk toward me, while unbuttoning his shirt with his fingers unhurriedly. How does it feel to be touched by these long, strong fingers? I think as a breeze grazes my skin. Wet and tickling. I feel like on fire.

One step, two steps... His every step radiates off an aura of power. My heart is beating wildly as he approaches me. Licking my lips, I steady my gaze and hold his scorching heat stare.

He stops, inches away from me, so close that I find it difficult to breathe. His figure towers over me like a mountain, enveloping my body in his huge shadow.

Klaus pulls off his shirt with a tug, revealing his eight pack and well-sculpted muscles. Our eyes lock and time stops.

What's he gonna do? I'm nervously waiting.

"Put this on." He gives me his shirt, the deep voice breaking my wild thinking. And the tiny droplets of sweat on his face betrayed his effort to remain calm.

"I'm sorry, I acted rudely," he adds, turning his back.

"Oh..." is all I can manage to answer him. My face is still burning hot. Taking the shirt from his hand I scramble to put it on.

The fabric carries his smell. I can't help but take a big sniff.

It's a rich, earthy scent, like fresh pine needles and the damp soil of a forest floor, with an underlying musk that hinted at smoky cedar wood. No matter how familiar it gets, my heart always flutters with butterflies upon smelling it.

"Ahem...I'm OK." I say. His shirt is too long on me, hanging down to my thighs. I can feel the night breeze brush against my bare bottom.

When Klaus turns, he takes a glance at my revealing legs before saying, "Come with me, little one. Your legs need some covering."

Those blue eyes are still filled to the brim with burning desire, but he holds it back. I follow him to his place.

It's a single-room setup, in modest size, but enough for a bachelor to live comfortably. The furnishings are simple, with just the basics.

"Do you run often in Siberia?" He asks casually while fumbling in the wardrobe.

"Yeah! I got to know some great friends there, and we regularly go out for runs." I reply.

"Any male friends?" He pauses what he is doing, voice shifting from casual to stern. When he tilts his head to look at me, I'm hit by his gorgeous eyes once more. There is a hint of seriousness in those sapphire orbs, as if the answer is crucial.

My heart skips a beat.

"Any male friends? Hm?" He repeats again, in a rushed tone.

"Yes, a few." A smile creeps over my face. I like the concerned look on his face. It's glad to know he cares about me.

His eyes turn dark suddenly. Something flares in them. Something dangerous and formless.

Is it jealousy?

My smile widens.

Wolves are protective and possessive of what is their own. Some women cannot stand this but I find myself quite enjoying it. Am I nuts?

"But they're simply friends, not as special as you," I explain, bringing a chuckle to his lips.

"Thank you, little one. Help yourself, I'm gonna take a quick shower." Klaus hands me a pair of his shorts and strides over to his bathroom.

The girl's demeanor suggests to me that I should say goodbye and leave. It's not ladylike to stay at a man's home this late. But I decide to push the code aside.

Since I first laid eyes on Klaus 13 years ago, I knew he was my mate.

It was at a sword forge. My mom took me there to choose a weapon for my sixth birthday gift. Klaus worked there as a child labor, and with just one glimpse of him, I was struck by an irresistible infatuation.

He was special.

I was only six years old back then, but the feeling was so strong, so intense that I couldn't explain it. I busted my ass to convince my mom to take Klaus into the pack. Thankfully, my mom agreed at the end.

No doubt, he is the best gift from the Moon Goddess. I'm so grateful.

There are obstacles between him and me. The restraint in his eyes is clear to see. But I will go through whatever difficulties with him.

And the first step is: I need to act bolder!

Tonight, I will become his, and he will become mine.