
Rodent Supreme

After his death, Adrian was reborn as a monster. Will he embraced his new life as a monster or will he cling onto his humanity.

Anxiety_000 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 29 Onwards

Flesh inspection was a powerful ability, by eating the brain I could see glimpse of memories. Not the whole but pieces of it, through great focus I can see the part I wanted to see. The whole experience of seeing someone's memory was not like looking at a video, it was more akin to ripping off random pages of a book and trying to somehow make sense of it.

Ideally I wanted to learn there language, their civilization, how they do thing, the tools they use, the kind of magic they possess. Seeing only pieces of the answer I am left only with more questions.

Only a small portion of the brain holds memory, I could only extract little of it before I ran out of brain to eat. By eating other parts of the body I receive other types of information. From eating the muscles you can tell how they spend most of their life, the common body motion and movement they performed. Alot of things really, all form how they hold their spoon to their sleeping posture. Form the skin you can also tell alot, form the type of cloths they wore most frequently to how much of the day they spend under the sun.

I didn't get the whole answer I was looking for but I did get alot form it. The whole time I thought I was fighting some great noble knights I was fighting your common guardsman. The archers who was so skilled I would have died if I had stayed on one place for more that a second was a local hunter and the dog whisperers were just farmboys who brought their dog along to hunt a rat.

Too bad I ate the wizard before I have the flesh inspection ability, the bone are left but the information you get form the bones are limited. Can't really tell someone's social life from just the bones, at least not at my current level. As strong as I was I'm only a months rat with single digit level. I'm still at the bottom of the food chain, alot of luck was involved in my fights. And I won most of my battles because I acted in a way my opponents didn't expect and I took advantage of that moment of shock.

I have followers now so that will make things alot easier for me. I have also become far stronger than before, no need for me to take unnecessary risks.

So I will do exactly that take the unnecessary risks. Form the flesh inspection I have found out that the forests of this world have monsters roaming around and they are far more rich in evo points and killing higher level monster was the quickest way to level up. With an army of my own I have little to fear, I don't know what kind of monsters awaits me but I'm ready for it.

I sensed movement and looked at the ratling infested corpse, it was what was left of the person I used my flesh spawn once on. I stood way back not intend on getting caught up in the disgusting liquid that burst form their birth again. It was a highly anticipated moment, just how different would they be form the ones that came before.

Will they be as obedient? Am I in for a rat heresy. Now way I'm gonna let any of my children grow up with daddy issues. I'll be a good father to them, they are obedient form the start so it is be easy to love them. If any of them betrayed me I am sure I'm the one who will be responsible for it so I just have to treat them right. But how exactly does a rat parent treat their rat children right? That I'll have to learn it the hard way.

Pops goes the bloated corpse and comes the new ratlings. Five were there numbers and giant was there size. Nearly twice the size of the first batch but still just as skinless. I was expecting three since twenty one came out of the corpse I used my flesh spawn seven times on, seven times three is twenty one so I thought it would be three ratlings per ability used. Math ain't mathing right now.

They all came forward and I approached them as well. I stand on my hind legs and all five bowed, I ordered one of them to step forward and I bit a piece of his ear as I did with the first batch. The emotions that came form them was much of the same as the ones before.

I ordered them all to finish the corpse they had burst out from, we waste none of the meat here. They did as I ordered without question, they were somehow even more eager to obey that the smaller ones. Didn't even know that was possible. Lest see how they differ, with the piece of rat ear on my mouth I use my flesh inspection ability.

[Name: ]

[Level: 1]

[Species: Flesh Ratling]

[Skills: ]

[Abilities: ]

[Partial Evolution: ]

[Health: 10/10]

[Mana: 0/0]

[Strength: 9]

[Speed: 6]

[Durability: 5]

[Intellect: 7]

[Will: 5]

[Skill point: 1]

[Ability point: 1]

[Evolution point: 1]

[Stat point: 0]

Significantly stronger than the ones before. I'm liking this alot, aside form the intellect all of the stats they are born with was significantly higher than mine. With proper training they, no, we will be unstoppable. Also like the first despite being ratlings, they didn't have the juvenile stages of life I had to go through.

Rat communicating was still limited, once it was developed enough I could start some serious experiments. For now I'll have to wait. I'm content with knowing their emotions and them blindly following my orders for now.

With them finishing their meal we decided to head out. It wouldn't be like when I was alone, these rat have no self preservation and I want to keep them alive for as long as possible. Despite them being all stronger than me when I have my first outing, they don't have the advantage of living past life as a human so I'll have to babysit them all till they are up to my high standards.