
Rodent Supreme

After his death, Adrian was reborn as a monster. Will he embraced his new life as a monster or will he cling onto his humanity.

Anxiety_000 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 2: A new world

Arggghhh... It hurts, it hurts alot. No one is supposed to remember it but as a newborn with the mind of an adult the whole birthing process is just as traumatising to baby as it is for the mother.

I'm not celebrating my birthdays here that's for sure. After what felt like a full five minutes my entire body was finally pushed out, my body was fully covered in a slimy substance I will not describe.

I was curious on what the baby rat's stats would be so i looked.

[Name: Adrian Walts]

[Level: 1]

[Species: Rat rat (infant)]

[Skills: Bite(level: 1)]

[Ability: Flesh stack(level: 1)]

[Partial Evolution: Monstrous muscles +1]

[Health: 1/3]

[Mana: 0]

[Strength: 0]

[Speed: 0]

[Durability: 0]

[Intellect: 12]

[Will: 4]

[Skill point: 0]

[Evolution point: 0]

I don't like those numbers at all, monstrous muscles with zero strength seem odd, hopefully you don't need to levelup to gain stats, maybe it's because of the infant status and I'll have to grow up a little for my monstrous muscles to have an effect. I noticed that the partial evolution is +1 whatever that means and also the word partial would imply that it was not a full evolution so I'm interested in what a full evolution would be.

I tried to open my eyes but to no avail, good thing I can see the stats with my eye closed. A realisation dawned on me, I don't know much about rats but I do know that rats are mammals and most mammals live on there mother's milk for the earlier stages of there life. Meaning I'll be living on a rat's milk for awhile.

I really should have gone with the other choice. Monster race are supreme my ass, human body are poorly designed my ass. Choosing to be reborn as a monster to rule the world my rat's ass and where had all that choices and decisions I've ever made in my life and death led me? Sucking a rat's tit, that where I am right now sucking a rat's milkers.

I haven't even been alive for even half an hour but I'm already desperately feeding, cause I really need to grow up fast and be an independent rat. For a while there I was quite worried I wouldn't be able to find the feeders, being blind an all but turns out rats have a really good sniffers.

With a little sniff here and there and crawling with all the strength I had in me it wasn't that hard to reach the milkers. I could tell from the smell alone that there are several other rats in here with us, which was quite wierd for me since I didn't expect to be able to tell different rats from each other through scent alone, atleast not as a newborn.

I can also tell who is an adult and who are newborns like me, mainly because newborns have a distinct smell and the adults have a different smell with them they got from the outside, or what feels like the outside, can't really tell.

As I was smelling my surroundings, lost in the world of scent all the while feeding, one of the other baby rat comes close to me and started pushing me.

Hey! Hey get lost this is mine get your own! I know your my sibling and all but I ain't sharing. I need to grow up quick for I have a holy mission your rat brain couldn't possibly comprehend.

With no actual way of communicating my thoughts I desperately slap it until it got the message and contest for another spot. The first battle in my new life was a flawless victory, I expect nothing less of myself.

A rat's baby life was not the most exciting to say the least. Fight for your milk, drink it, sleep, shit and repeat. I sometimes feel bad for my siblings because a former human's greed for there own benefits is not what they could really compeat against. Sorry my brothers and sisters but I must grow, I'll share you a slice of cheese when I'm grown up.

After several sessions of feasting something poped up.

[+1 evolution point]

Oh! You get your evolution points by eating! That's good to know. Hopefully you get it from other sources and not just rat milk. System show me the menu.

The list of evolution I could undergo shows up but there was something different this time. The heck, there are only a few to choose from now. Also a new option shows up it was simply called [growth], so growing is a part of evolution or atleast partial evolution, that's interesting. So if I don't choose it could I become a super short stack? Small but mighty rat? That would be nice.

I'm still disheartened that the options we get is so little now. Is there some sort of requirement to unlock them or you can only choose it at birth? Also if I grow now will I need more milk for evo points, like the bigger you get the more sustenance you need. I'm too tired for this I'll think about it later maybe after a few more feeding sessions.

The next few days was alot harder for me, since it appears that I was the only one among my siblings that chose to delay their growth. But I have my spot reserved for me since I was quite violent when I was contested, they seems to be somewhat traumatized by it and even though they could totally take it from me they usually don't even try or retreat quickly with just a few scratches without putting much of a fight. My guess it that aside from the trauma their rat brain couldn't really comprehend that they had grown stronger than me and just think I'm still stronger.

Even though our strength all starts at zero I could tell that I was slightly stronger than them, before the growth anyway. Which I believe to be due to my monstrous muscles evolution, my theory is that only whole number is shown in the stats the system provides us and number in the points are round up someway. Like my strength is actually at 0.3 while my siblings are at 0.2 or something but the system displayed them all as 0. I'll experiment on it later.

[+1 evolution point]

Strengths aside I finally got my second evo points. Looks like I was right my siblings are needing alot more milk since none of them have gone through there second evolve yet. I still can't open my eyes yet but it is not hard to tell if they have undergo an evolution, when their body evolve partial or not the change led to a subtle shift in smell. Not enough to make me mistake one from another but enough to let me know that there has been a change.

I don't really think I should hold of my growth any longer. I want a better and bigger body now. Before the more aggressive sibling realise the one who bullied them is weaker than they are. System give me the menu.

What! A lot more options shows up. Wait don't tell me there is a requirement for certain evolution and they only show up when you reach said requirement. Yep, there it is. When you have one evo points the options you have is one you can get with the amount you have and when you have two evo points the evolution that requires two evo points shows up.

Wierdly enough the two points evolution are all within the one I had as a fetus, in fact the one I had as a fetus is still much more abundant in options you could choose. I only had one evo point then so where does the other points for it comes from, it is from my mother? If it is so than I'm glad I choose the one I did and not some cheap evolution that only requires one or two points cause monstrous muscles are still not showing up in my list so it should cost more.

For this evolution I choose eye upgrade and growth, just incase a +2 growth is still not at the stage where I could use my eyes. It's far too horrible to live in the world of darkness and since I'm an infant I need to sleep every few hours or so making my sense of time completely messed up. I don't know if I have been here for a day or days or even weeks, I need my eyes back.

Hopefully I'll get to do something more the fighting for milk with this evolution. And with my evolution confirmed I went back to sleep.