
Robotic Flow

The human race has became advanced over the years, technology has sky rocketed and things were made for human life to be much easier, quicker and faster, everything was done with the touch of a finger or speaking of words. There were no more hardship and life was simply yet trilling in a good way. But little did they know of the danger crawling towards them. After a few years unnatural things happened there was a worldwide block out and now monsters roamed the planet and survival was not easy. Doomsday came knocking on everyone's door, but they all weren't prepared and so society crumbled. How will they come back from the ashes, what will they do to put a stop to this tragedy and save humanity? NOTE: I'm not a hundred percent sure about this, and also not entirely understanding the writing competition, But I'll try my best. Thank You Also cover page not mine, i don't own it.

Senpai_Baka · Sci-fi
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37 Chs

Chapter 2: A Criminal ?

In the year 3080 something happened and changed humans, something extraordinary. Everyone was going by in that year nothing new just same routines. Year 3079 the night before 3080 people were getting ready for the New Year, others were working, sleeping and doing other things. Five minutes before the New year an earthquake struck and it was followed with a meteor, everyone who saw it was in awe as they all shouted Happy New Year that followed with fireworks, but little did they knew what that meteor truly meant. The next day January 1, 3080 the news talked about the meteor and the earthquake, even though this happen scientists didn't have anything to say, the seismometer never registered an earthquake nor was there any evidence that meteors entered earth's atmosphere. But Worldwide every said they felt an earthquake and saw meteors.

Meteors were spotted in every country as well as the earthquake was also felt, but no one had an answer, they could only reassure people that they were trying their best to come up with answers. January 1, 3080 11:00 am a meteor was found in the waters of America, no one saw it landed or heard it even though a few people were in the waters to celebrate the New Year but they all said they never saw it landed, it only went over their heads. A man called the police after spotting it that morning, it was his first time being close to a meteor and so he touch it he couldn't pull his hand back, it was as if the meteor was holding onto his hand, after a few minutes he was pushed back and sent flying and the police came right after. When the police came the man was laying in the sand and the helped him up.

"Wow, what happened to your hand?"

The police man who helped was startled when he saw the man's hand. The man didn't notice but when he looked at his hands the palmar side of his hand was missing and was bleeding non-stop. The man took a few seconds before screaming and crying in pain, the man then took off his shirt to stop with the bleeding, but that wasn't of much help. They placed him in the back of their car and rushed him to the hospital. When the doctors were about to attend to his wounds it miraculously healed and three days later he was now missing and within those days meteors were spotted were spotted in every country worldwide.

January 4, 3080, 7:00 am as the news talks about a criminal that has escaped from prison.

"Good morning to all Citizens, as we continue to remind everyone to be aware and go home early. There is a man by the name of 'Jo Jackson that' is said to have escape from prison, he is armed and carries a deadly virus, or report says that this virus kills anyone within hours if they had contact with him, the police are also offering a sum of money for information. Use the number '131' if you have information, your information will be confidential"

The news continues on the subject as they also broadcast his picture for everyone to see, including other information like where he was last seen and height, age, color and job. People watched on their devices are on the screen displaying in the areas. As the news continues numerous people mutter could be heard,

"So many things happening ever since the year started", a man said looking at his phone.

"I know right", the woman beside him responded.

"First unreadable earthquakes, meteors in every country and now this"

"Is the end of the world coming? Cause I haven't been to church in like ten year"

"Hmm, and I'm still single"

With everyone distracted by the news, a man passed in the streets unnoticed. He wore a long sweat pants, a hoodie that covered almost his entire face, gloves and a mask, he kept close to the shadows near the enormous buildings and tried his best to stay off site. As he passed from building to building hastily trying not to be noticed, unbeknownst to him people were watching him from deeper within the shadows.

"Suspect spotted passing Dunn's Mall heading north, he seems to be heading to an apartment in Dunn's apartment area"

"Ok, just wait to have him cornered. We wouldn't want to have him exposed to the public now would we", a man on the other side of the microphone replied while giggling like a lunatic.

"No sir, squad A, C and D suspect heading into Dunn's apartment area, building one five eight"

"Roger", each squad captain replied.

"I want men on all side of the building, I'll go in first as soon as you see the suspect put him down. I want no damage down let's go in and out, let's make it quick and clean".


The man in the hood entered the building and made his way up, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone watching him, but he wanted to remain calm and so carried on. The captain of Squad B followed him silently and watched as he entered the room 385. When the man in the hood entered, the captain followed seconds after. Instead of shoving his way in he gave the man a few seconds to lower his guard. While in the room he heard the voices of multiply people talking.

"Jo where have he been?" a woman asked with a concerned face.

"Listen to me Marsha, they're chasing me", Jo said with a shaky voice as he took of the hood to get some air.

"You mean the police?" his wife Marsha questions with her eyebrows furred together.

"Police? no, no, baby those people aren't the police. There all lying, I didn't do anything. I, I was captured and beaten, stabbed, even experimented on. Calling me a criminal with virus they're just using the public to help them" Jo started babbling and staring in a distance and clutching his head and was now shaking and sweating.

His wife looked at him and wondered what have he been through.

"Jo, jo listen to me, its ok. We'll think of something ok now calm down", Marsha looked into his eyes while saying this.

"We? there's no we. This is my last time here, tell the kids I love them", Jo said as he yanked away.

Marsha looked at him as a thousands of things went through her mind. Before she could open her mouth to respond a knock was heard on the door, the suddenness of sound scared the both of them. Jo started shaking again and the voice from the other side of the door spoke.

"Good evening residents of Dunn's apartment, room 385, we would like to ask a few questions that relates to the escaped criminal. This is for security reasons we ask for your corporation"

Marsha was lost with words and did know what to say and she remain silent. A louder knock was heard and Marsha was pulled away from her daze.

"Resident of room 385 we ask for your corporation"

"Give me a minute", her voice came out shakily as she said this.

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