
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

The joys of work.


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Professor McGonagall welcomed the new students. 'It was nostalgic looking at this scene. Probably the whole day will be like this.' Robert thought after seeing Neville finding his toad Trevor again. The children were taken before the doors of the Great Hall where their sorting will commence. Since Robert's job was done he used the staff's secret passage to enter the hall from the other side. Loud and cheerfulness would describe the room, almost filled to the brim with children. Almost since there was still place for our new batch of firsties. Robert could see the power trio sitting at the Hufflepuff table. He could swear that Tonks looked at him with come kind of appreciation. He'll file that observation for another day. The headmaster asked the room to quiet down. The sorting will shortly begin.

The doors opened with McGonagall leading the first years up to the front. The children saw an old dusty hat sitting on a stool. Some of them sighed from relief. Robert found out later that apparently there was a rumor about fighting a troll. Somehow that snippet from the books slipped from his mind.

Professor McGonagall started calling out names one by one. From Robert's perspective everyone got sorted the same way as in the books. He looked towards the Griffindor table and saw Harry sitting with Ron Weasley. Somethings are just destined to happen.

'However I won't allow the children to not have any true adult guidance. Because what happened in the books was truly criminal and in my opinion child abuse.' Robert thought with conviction.

After the feast Dumbledore said a couple of announcements. He introduced the new teacher for dark arts, professor Quirrell and then shortly explained Robert's role. Warnings about the Forbidden Forest and the third corridor didn't seem to phase anybody. The first years and the Weasley twins didn't know any better. As for the rest they just didn't care. The prefects took the new students to show their dorms. Robert stayed behind because today was his first day on the job. His map will make it easier for him. Hopefully no one will challenge his authority on the first day.

'I should have known.' Robert mentally sighed after looking at the redheaded boys before him.

"And please tell why aren't you two in bed right now? It's midnight." He wasn't expecting a truthful answer from them anyway.

"We were." Said Fred

"Just trying." Said George

"To enjoy a nice stroll in the castle at night during a full moon." They both said

"Aha. And just by chance you lost yourself on the the road of life and found yourselves on the third floor trying to unlock a door in the forbidden corridor?" Robert massaged his eyes.

"And what should I do with the both of you. I don't believe for a second you'll stop trying." He said in resignation.

The twins chuckled at the tired young man. Seemingly agreeing with his statement.

"You do know that this hall is heavily warded and that the headmaster knows of your escapades? Not only this one but all of your previous ones." He smirked at their shocked faces. It seems they truly didn't know.

"Not to mention the paintings are his greatest spies. Isn't that right, Clermont the second?" He glanced towards the nearest painting which nodded in response.

"So what now?" Said Fred

"Oh wisest of them all." Said George. They mocked bowed trying to look for an escape route.

"You do understand that I have already caught you? There's no need for running away. I know where the two of you live." Robert said with mirth looking at their antics.

"So what happens now?" George asked.

"Nothing George. Let's just end this with a slip on the wrist." Robert said thinking about the repercussions of McGonagall's wrath. And it just wasn't worth the trouble.

"But I'm George. He's Fred." Fred said.

"That's right. How can you call yourself a teacher?" Said George.

"Yeah, we're not doing this. Unfortunately for the both of you I know who is whom. And secondly I'm not the teacher. Ok, let's go to your dorm. The both of you had enough thrill for today." Robert said sternly.

The boys lowered their heads in disappointment and in shock at the remark about how he is able to identify them. After the whole ordeal of taking the twins to the Griffindor tower Robert made his way towards McGonagall's quarters. Even though he didn't take any points he still had to report to her. The professor thanked him for not docking points and gave him his school schedule.

"Since you somehow managed to pass first year History of magic with an Outstanding grade, would you like to attend with the second years, Mr Crow?" She asked with a barely visible smile of appreciation.

"I'd rather not professor. I'll try my chances to pass the exams without attending." He said with a grin.

"I hope you'll keep out of trouble. Especially during my classes Mr Crow." She said with amusement in her voice.

"Even though I'm not in your house I'll try to make you proud professor."

After saying goodnight Robert returned to his room to copy yet another book about enchanting to his phone. He had a hunch that maybe something will unlock within a couple of months. He shuddered with anticipation as to what that may be.

Thank you all for ready and coming this far.

See you next time

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