
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Might as well reap what we sow.


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Potion class went unexpectedly without any hiccups. It seems Snape had better things to do than mock him for being the Goliath between midgets. Making a Exceeds Expectations grade potion also helped Robert to stay under his radar. Now he had a free period thanks to no History of magic nonsense. He went outside to enjoy the last few moments of summer weather. As he was heading towards the black lake he saw the three Power Girls heading towards what he presumed Care of magical creatures class. After greeting them and having a few laughs at Tonks expense he ran away dodging hexes coming his way.

'You can't call it a productive day unless you tease a couple of maidens.' He thought with a smile.

Robert came out here with another purpose. To try his newest spell, Revelio. When he used it in the abandoned classroom where he trained the spell revealed to him a map on the wall. On the map a tree near the lake was marked with an X. Maybe he'll find some treasure there.

After searching for a couple of minutes he found what he suspected the remnants of the tree in question. Only a stump was left. But only Revelio will show if this is the spot. Or if someone came before him. Casting the spell Robert saw a shape appearing. It looked like a chest. Looking around he ensured nobody was in sight and then used a small shovel he had hidden in his robes. He quickly dug out the box and scrutinized it. It looked simple. Probably made from birch wood. He opened it to find a small bag with seeds in it.

"Well this was disappointing." He groaned. "All that work for nothing." He'll probably give these seeds to professor Sprout for Christmas. Cleaning himself off from the dirt he headed to school for lunch. On the way he bumped into Harry with Ron talking about their earlier Transfiguration class.

"How are you both doing? Everything's alright?" He asked

"Yes, sir." Ron said with uncertainty behind his voice.

"It was alright." Harry said.

"Well if there's something you need help with you can just ask." He ensured the boys leaving them to their own devices. He was also amused as to what lengths the headmaster probably went to make him not have even a single class with Harry. A curious situation indeed. After lunch he went to Charms class. It was mostly theory driven. Although they did the first proper charm of the year, Lumos.

After class he was called in by Argus Filch. It seemed that already dung bombs were flying around the hallways. There's no sleep for the wicked, some would say. Robert patted himself on the back for learning scourgify and a couple of cleaning spells from a handy book for housewives. After the ungrateful work, he left for dinner. When he entered the great hall he looked towards the Griffindors and found the twins having a laugh. Robert knew why were so jolly. It seems he'll have to make his message stick. Otherwise he'll have no time for other things. He went up to them.

"Hello gentlemen. It looks like you have a celebration on your hands. Ready to share your accomplishments?" He said with a sadistic smile on his face. The twins slowly turned around and you could see the gears turning around in their heads.

"We don't know what you're talking about." Said Fred

"That's right. You can't just go around accusing good people." Said George.

"I'm not accusing George. I'm just going by what the portrait had seen." Robert said calmly. "I'll ask you nicely. Don't make me waste my time. Don't make me do unnecessary work. Don't give me a reason to handle your punishments. And stop looking at me as if I was some kind of challenge."

Robert almost sighed when he saw their change of demeanor. He'll have to learn some spells to check his food. Suddenly this gave him an amazing idea. But first things first, dinner.

Robert stood before a painting. He reached towards it and tickled the pear. Elves were tirelessly working in the kitchen. Robert went up to one of them and asked them to check the food for pranks in the future. Since the twins didn't want to stop he'll cut their options. He also warned them of the twins and their penchant for brewing up trouble. And Robert didn't want the hard work of the elves go to waste. Future Hermione would be so proud of him. They cried when he acknowledged their work. He quickly escaped the cacophony of cries and headed towards the meeting spot of prefects.

Somehow the second night passed by without any problems. Which a problem in itself. Maybe the student body is just waiting for a good moment to make a ruckus. After checking the map for the final time he ended his rounds and went back to his room. Before going to sleep he trained his accio and levioso combo on a pillow. Trying to cast the spells silently. During this he wondered if there was a good way to learn wandless magic. He remembered how people from a show from his past were able to use chants and then just call out its name or even cast them silently. He was curious if the spells would work here. After all it seemed that magic had some connection to the soul. Ghosts and Voldemort were a testament to that theory. Having nothing to lose Robert stood up and opened the window. He raised his hand and started chanting:

"Begone the wickedness of soul." Robert started to feel the air moving. And something pulling from deep inside of him.

"Trembling before the almighty's rage." A small ball, barely a flicker appeared in front of his pointing finger.

"Let the world experience pain of freedom." The ball suddenly blew up in size to about a tennis ball.

"Art of destruction number one, Thrust!" The ball shot through the window lightening up the blackness of the night after exploding in air. Sweat was raining down from Robert. He felt so tired from this stunt.

"It seems that I'm too reckless for my own good." Robert said when he reached his bed. He quickly fell into the arms of Morpheus. A tired smile written on his face.