
Robber Abducts a Bride

Nia a newly wedded beautiful bride. Faced a tragic incident on her wedding day. She got happily married to her long time fiance and love of her life. Families of both bride and groom were happy. It was a lavish wedding ceremony. But suddenly, something happened which changed the entire scenario and damaged the life of both partners terribly. How both of them faced the problem and do they overcome the situation or not?Do the love won or the destiny?

Al_ain · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Xavier proposed Nia

Nia packed the things and met Xavier at the breakfast table. Table was filled with variety of arabian dishes. "Khubus" became one of her favorites in these days. She grabbed a khubus and started eating with greek honey yogurt.

Xavier also tried the khubus in her way and it was delicious full of honey flavour. Both of them chatted delightfully while doing breakfast. Suddenly, he asked, What thing on Earth you want to have desperately and immediately? She looked at his face, what kind of a question was that? Are you going to fulfil my will? Maybe, he said in a softer tone.

She closed her eyes and with a little sadness on her face gasped, my parents.

When she opened her eyes, he was busy wiping his face with napkin and ready to leave the table. She knew he was just asking her by the way, so she cleared the thought and stand up behind him. They sat in the car and left for the airport in the next hour. All the way she was sad and just thinking about her lovely parents that how much they loved and cared for her all past years and now from a month she is just unable to reconnect with them. God knows what this handsome angry young man sitting beside her wants from her. He was protecting plus prisoning her at same time.

They checked in and board inside the plane, as the plane was running to fly she just listened a familiar male voice asking someone to put on seatbelts properly. Next female voice was more familiar which replied, I don't know how to put it propely as Nia always do it for me. Hearing her name in a shock she turned her neck backwards and her eyes got into contact with the couple sitting behind them. Suddenly the tears flowed down her cheeks in pain and looked at them once and then at Xavier, who was smiling softly at her and nodding yes with his eyes.

Mom Dad told her that Xavier brought them here. She wanted to hug them but had to follow some rules of journey. In a few hours flight landed and Nia was running towards mom dad in the airport area with her arms opened towards them. Xavier was looking from behind towards her innocent and loveable act. She hugged her parents and three of them cried a lot. They were kissing her madly as she was their only child. Xavier also felt something clenching his heart while watching this view so he put on his sunglasses and moved towards the exit to load the luggage into the cars.

All of them reached at huge villa. Got inside and Xavier told them that this villa belongs to him. After an hour's rest four of them gathered at dinner table. Nia's parents thanked Xavier for saving her life and also saving their property from that fraudulent Shin and family. Nia was watching them all in a shock and could not understand the whole situation dad was talking about. Dad told her that Shin and his family was a big fraud they looted them and also were going to sale out you their beloved daughter for the sake of money. It's their business and they held this deed with the stepdad of Xavier who is a big business tycoon in their country. Shin was going to sale her to them but when they arrived Shin stepbacked from deal for sake of more money due to which they started a huge fight and in return they started robbing that place.

Xavier said, I was aware of black deeds of my step dad but when I got to know that he is going to buy some girls and going to send them to other countries for the sake of money my anger touched the sky. I chased him to his destination and saved you from that scene. Since that day a fight is going on betweem my step dad Gong lu and me as he is non-reluctant to leave you with me. He wanted his girl back as he paid for it on the other hand I am also very non-obedient to give you back to him because I want him to get arrested and stop these black business things from happening anymore.

Nia looked at him with a shock and fear in her eyes. She asked, so she and mom dad cannot go back to their hometown ever now? Xavier looked at her with a no in his eyes but stayed quiet, after a pause he added you are not safe on this entire Earth without a protection along your side because Gong lu had strong connections everywhere he can find you anywhere easily. There is only one solution to this problem.

Nia and mom dad looked at him with hope in their eyes. He said, I can give you that protection if you become my wife, he will stop chasing you and mom dad also if you all stay with me as my family because he will not dare to touch my famliy and likewise this run and chase can end.

Nia screamed at him, I was married to Shin but this did not stopped your dad at all. Xavier replied, Shin was the one who indulged you in this crap, he wanted to sale you up and Xavier is not Shin. I will burn his eyes who tried to look wrongily towards my family. With this phrase he left the table.

Mom dad took Nia with them to their room and asked her to get some rest as she was tired. They made sure that they will stand by her in every scenario so she should not worry anymore. She slept in the lap of mom while holding dad's hand. Her parents were also worried in taking this decision but they do not want to leave her daughter now in any kind of trouble. They did not sleep all night but thought about the situation and came to the only and safe conclusion.