
Robber Abducts a Bride

Nia a newly wedded beautiful bride. Faced a tragic incident on her wedding day. She got happily married to her long time fiance and love of her life. Families of both bride and groom were happy. It was a lavish wedding ceremony. But suddenly, something happened which changed the entire scenario and damaged the life of both partners terribly. How both of them faced the problem and do they overcome the situation or not?Do the love won or the destiny?

Al_ain · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Pyramids of Giza

Door knocked,

Mom opened the door for the room service meanwhile, Dad called Xavier and asked for a separate meeting with him without Nia as they both wanted to clear some thoughts. While Nia was sleeping mom dad had a separate meeting with their future son in law in his personal room. He made them clear that he will took them out from this situation sooner and Nia will lead a happy life with him and they will see by themselves. Main problem right now was Nia herself, she was not accepting this proposal and was not willing to marry Xavier.

Mom and Dad were very much relaxed while coming back to the room. Nia awaked and looked a surprising smile on her parents face which she could not understand. Three of them had breakfast in a light mood and nobody pressured Nia for any desicion as per saying of Xavier. After eating all got ready as they had a surprise trip from Xavier.

All sat in a car and went out. Nia was very happy after meeting mom and dad. Xavier felt a pleasant change in her behavior after meeting her parents and deep inside he was liking it and also enjoying her little laughters. Porche was all blacked out so they cannot see out. When they reached the destination Xavier suddenly turned around and asked Nia to close her eyes before stepping out from car. Nia glanced at Xavier and his happy mode and really was not in a mood to follow this man anymore but mom dad insisted her too along with him so, she closed her eyes.

Xavier took her hand and stepped her out of the black Porche. When she stepped out, firstly asked can I open my eyes? He replied, not yet. Then he held her hand and whispered in her ear, take a deep breath Nia and get ready to walk fastly, Nia was a little angry now at his casual behavior with her even after her rejection. Still she followed him as he started running while holding her hand, in despair and anger she opened her eyes.

Huge pyramids of Giza were welcoming her infront of her eyes, she was totally shocked and in this moment of surprise she just forgot to blink her eyes even because it was her biggest dream to visit pyarmids of Giza. Now she was standing infront of them just because of this strange and stubborn man. A cute and big smile came on Nia's face and she just moved her lips and said thanks to Xavier, he replied: my pleasure dear future wife. She glanced at him with anger and his huge laughters spread out in the air.

He started telling her that all of these are almost 38000 years old and oldest of all seven wonders of world. Tallest of all three man made pyramids was 146.6 meters in height and 280 royal cubits in its dimensions. She was just being mesmerized by his knowlege and interest in history. He noticed her gaze and stated with a naughty smile on his face, I am going to build a pyramid too for my wife, by the way which stone you will prefer? Limestone, ruby or sapphire?

She just pinched his shoulder with her nails as she got the joke towards her and replied with an angry face: I will prefer your skin all over it. Huge laughters of Xavier and mom dad surrounded her ears and she just turned her face in embarssement and stepped away from them.

While looking at their large structure she was thinking to visit these pyramids from inside. How huge and breathtaking they look from outside, they will be holding a beauty inside them too. Reading her mind and face he came acrosse her and said they do not have entrance and even not yet discovered since to date. It is written in history that they are holding the bodies of all the kings of old times of Egypt. These pyramids were made by all those kings for their wifes and they lived here but after their death all of them are still bodied here in these pyramids as the people of Egypt in that era had a belief that some day these Kings and Queens will wake up again and rule on them forever so their bodies should be preserved in a royal manner and hidden from the troubles of entire world.

After visiting pyramids they went for a lunch in a very artistic restaurant. After lunch Xavier made them visit the ancient museum of Giza. Nia was very happy and all diving into the sea of history. Xavier can see excitement on her face easily. While chatting with mom dad he said jokingly, you people were having an ancient spirit in your home all these years, were you not scared of it? Mom and Dad smiled together and meanwhile dad replied to him, we dealt with that old spirit now it's going to be your turn, so be careful my Dear. All of them laughed out loudly and Nia just looked at them with a surprise and thought how much comfortable they all are becoming with eachother. She was confused whether she should hate this handsome man or start admiring his intelligence.

In the evening they had a supper together. Mom was sitting with Nia and claiming that today was the best day of her life as she got to enjoy her daughter's dream along with her on the other hand Nia was also very happy and excited to write a happening day in her personnel dairy. Whereas, Xavier and Dad were busy in discussing something of which both ladies were unaware. They were serious and about to throw a sudden bomb on Nia and her Mom.