
Road to the Crown

Political marriage, war taxes, subsidies, a tribute... All those terms sound nice when one juggles them from behind the screen of his trusty computer! Junk food? Check. Sugary drinks that will cause me diabetes? Check. Two weeks of leave from the work? Check. A fresh copy of the newly released game finishing downloading as I'm going back from the grocery store? Check. Oops! My emotions got better to me, and I tripped on the stairs. I'm so silly! Then... Why the hell am I kneeling in a throne room, watching the marriage and coronation ceremony of the King, dressed in the noble robes with the game itself only flashing in the corner of my eyes? Discord link: https://discord.gg/pJTVGZZ

MotivatedSloth · History
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335 Chs

Moving forward

10th June 1574

"And that's what you will be responsible for. Remember, we don't really care about the profit for now. All we need to do is make everyone addicted to our beer, and then make the local merchants seek it in Tarnow. That's why, if even a single one of you will be caught selling the beer at more than double its price, not only you will be put to hard physical work for as long as it will take you to repay everything that you earned, but you will never be allowed to work under me again in your life. Is that clear?"

With the first batch of the future managers already taking part in the second to last set of lessons, rather than teaching them the tricks that the corporate life taught me about the economy, I preferred to keep nailing the short set of rules that they would have to follow when doing their jobs.