
Road to the Crown

Political marriage, war taxes, subsidies, a tribute... All those terms sound nice when one juggles them from behind the screen of his trusty computer! Junk food? Check. Sugary drinks that will cause me diabetes? Check. Two weeks of leave from the work? Check. A fresh copy of the newly released game finishing downloading as I'm going back from the grocery store? Check. Oops! My emotions got better to me, and I tripped on the stairs. I'm so silly! Then... Why the hell am I kneeling in a throne room, watching the marriage and coronation ceremony of the King, dressed in the noble robes with the game itself only flashing in the corner of my eyes? Discord link: https://discord.gg/pJTVGZZ

MotivatedSloth · History
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335 Chs


8th August 1574

"As you might guess from the fact that the final blueprint is not yet tested, the factory will still take a while to properly start, but most of the machinery is already in place, used to manufacture the parts we used in the prototype you just saw, sir."

From the very moment my foot stepped inside the simple looking but grand in its size building, I knew that it implemented the most modern solutions that the development officers managed to assimilate into mining town's architecture and designs. From the way the conveyors were run alongside the wall of the entire factory, through an entire side-building serving as the unloading station for the prototrains that could reach this place via the sect of rails, all the way to the damned walkways that allowed one to oversee the entire production from the elevated position.