
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 006 A Delayed duel


Maile Gai is celebrating with his friends after receiving the Konoha forehead protector. Even Kakashi is there. The instructor deemed him worthy and it was finally time for Gai's final graduation in the taijutsu assessment.

He passed at the age of 7 and half, which was also a huge milestone. This was also related to his advancement in the taijutsu specialization advanced version, which he completed with ease.

"How did you pass? I never thought you would leave the Academy with such ease," Kakashi asked Gai with a surprised expression. He hadn't been to the battlefield or joined Team 7, so his words were still harsh due to his arrogant nature.

"I took the Taijutsu specialization course, as well as the advanced course. After passing both, I became eligible to take the Taijutsu test during my graduation exams. I passed with flying colors. Mr. Chen is a very legendary Taijutsu user who taught me." Gai explained his actual course of the graduation process. His friends listened intently. Kakashi seemed bored by the conversation. Rin and Obito were also present.

"I heard that small kid came second in whole taijutsu specialist class after you. And he is four year old," Asuma said at that time. Kurenai and other also paid attention to his words.

Gai said at that time, "Now that you remind me, I have a match with him. Mr. Chen told me last time that Menma created a beast type combo. But that kid was absent and won't meet me after exams. Since I got assigned to a team, I must experience that combo."

Kakashi said at that time, "Gai, do you really want to fight a small kid?" He knew Gai's strength in taijutsu.

Anko interjected at that time. "Let's go and have a meal like we planned before."

Gai and his friends were walking towards the newly opened ramen shop when suddenly he and Menma ran into each other on the street.

"My bad luck," Menma said at that moment. Many of Gai's former classmates understood why he said it.

"What a lovely day, Menma kun. Do you want to play one more game? We can still play here or at another location." Gai asked with a serious expression on his face.

"Let's go to the nearby empty field," Menma replied immediately.

Gai and Menma immediately went to an empty field nearby. Kakashi and the others followed to watch the show. They had never seen the challenges of Gai from their own perspective. So this was a good opportunity for them.

Ebisu said at that time, "The kid's going to get bullied by Gai."

Gekko said, "That kid is no pushover. I've seen him in the Basic Sword Arts Special Class. He's good."

Gai quickly moved and went for Menma's leg. Menma jumped backward, but he was followed closely by Gai. Menma blocked the attack of Gai with both hands above his head.

Menma counter attacked with a butterfly kick but it was blocked by Gai. He followed up with another kick from his other leg, but Gai caught it.

Soon Menma gave a very fast one inch punch in the stomach of Gai. And Gai is caught offguard because he was expecting other hand for face attack. Gai body moved backwards from this punch.

Menma stood in the iconic Rock Lee style and pointed his right hand at Gai, indicating him to start attacking with a 'come on' gesture. Gai smiled after he saw his action. He went into the same iconic gesture, as if he was ready.

This kind of action shocked many of Gai's classmates. It is very rare for them to see Gai take hits in taijutsu, from anyone other than Kakashi. Gai and Menma move together, exchanging punches and kicks while avoiding being taken down.

Menma had gotten used to the kicks and punches from Gai during their special classes. He began using feints, and Gai was still blocking him. Suddenly, Gai delivered a fast chin kick to Menma, sending the other flying through the air.

Menma's body floated in the air. Gai came behind him instantly. But Menma rotated his body and delivered a super elbow into the face of Gai. He intercepted the primary lotus before Gai could deliver it. Gai fell down, but he landed on his feet.

Gai said at that time "You have improved a lot, you even interrupted my primary Lotus, before I could even say it's name."

Menma intercepted Gai's hurricane kick at this time. Suddenly, his hands moved like a snake, and he landed quick snake-type punches on Gai. It shocked Gai quite a lot. Not only that, he suddenly found a kick as agile as a snake attacking his abdomen. It was blocked by Gai.

Menma smiled at that time,"Too much pattern in your movements. Be agile like a snake, strike at the first gap."

Gai gave him a roundhouse kick at that moment. Menma blocked it unsuccessfully, and his body flew through the air.

He caught Gai in an eagle grasp and used it to slow his descent.

"Eagle claw"

" Counter flip"

Menma gave a weird smile and tried to give Gai a reverse flip in the air. But Gai managed to balance himself in the air and landed safely.

Gai went for punches again but suddenly Menma started deflecting the punches and later kicks with the hands in a position similar to how a dog would press its paws into your hand when you pet it.

"Dogs paw"

The name of this move irritated many of the students watching the fight. After all, it is not easy to pull off such a move.

They felt that such kicks were haunting them, but somehow managed to counter it and gave it the name of Dog Paw. It is really insulting them indirectly by saying that they didn't block it.

Gai was kicked by Menma's agility. Suddenly, instead of backing away, Menma stood on one leg and said, "Swan kick." He then jumped and landed his other leg on the ground, but his jumping leg kicked Gai before he could react.

Gai really felt the pressure this time. Instead of removing his weight or doing any other spectacular moves, he ran around Menma in circles at a fast pace and started punching him every time he got confused.

Menma soon fell to the ground after taking ten or so kicks and punches. He said, "I lost." He had no shred of shamelessness at this time; he said it while smiling. He knew that he had lost at this point.

Gai said to Menma with a smile "You really surprised me many times today. Your animal and bird movements really took me by surprise, just like Mr. Chen said last time. You also blocked many of my punches and kicks. Your one-inch punch also gave me some inspiration. It's really impressive."

"Okay, it's lunchtime. I'm going home," Menma said at that moment. He looked at Anko who was with her classmates. Last time she came with other girls to catch him. Kurenai, Rin, and the others girls were pulled by her to assault his cheeks. This is what Menma thought when he saw their gang together outside the special class once.

He stuck his tongue out and pulled his lower eyebrow down to show Anko a smirking face. He said, "You will never catch me! My little cheeks will not be harmed by you!"

"Cheetah Speed Escape!" Menma's voice rang out as his legs ran at lightning speed, his movements mimicking those of a cheetah. His figure became smaller and smaller before finally disappearing from their sight.

Rin said to Anko, "You teased that little guy too much. He now holds a grudge against you for pulling his cheeks." Anko could only smile in response; she only teased him because it was fun to do so.

"Let's go to lunch," Kakashi said at that time.

"It is really a good match. Now I am feeling hungry," Gai said afterward.

Soon, they all left to eat at the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.