
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 79

After finishing his business with professor Mochizuki, Yoru went straight to Souichiro.

"Are your business finished?" Souichiro looked tired.

"Yes. Souichiro, where do you put all the weapons to be used?"

"Weapons? For what?" Souichiro looked confused.

"Remember I can give buffs? Buffs can not only be given to humans, but also to objects, maybe. I want to try to give buffs to weapons." Yoru looked unsure.

Souichiro then called one of Takagi's members to escort Yoru to the armory.

After arriving at the armory, Yoru gave all the weapons some symbols. For spears, and sword, Yoru gives less weight, harden up, and sharpness up. As for long range weapons, Yoru provides accuracy up, power up, faster ammunition.

After all the weapons were symbolised, Yoru proceeded to meet Saeko and the others. And finally he gathered with Saeko and the others in a room that had been prepared by Yuriko.

"What's wrong? We don't have much time do we?" Saeko asked.

Yoru didn't answer and just took out the ring, bracelet, earrings, necklace he made when he was looking after Shirley. But he only made 3 pieces each that time. Hence, he made the rest in front of Saeko and the others.

When he was done, Yoru gave Saeko and the others one accessory each.

"I know it's a magic item, because I can feel the mana in it. But how did you make all of this so quickly?" Shirley was shocked and confused at the same time.

"With a Skill ticket, you can buy skills right. I can do that too."

"But that's not the reason why you can create magic items this quickly." Shirley did not accept the reasons Yoru gave.

"Huhf, okay, I'll explain. Apart from being able to buy skills, I can also buy magic. Apart from that, I can increase my proficiency and magic skills more quickly. So I can also strengthen myself faster." Yoru explained.

"Eh... That's why whenever you do something by yourself, your mana state is always different when you finish and regroup." Shirley nodded her head.

"Is my mana condition obvious?" Yoru was confused.

"Not really, I'm a bit sensitive with mana, so I can tell the difference." Shirley answered proudly.

Yoru stroked Shirley's head while smiling.

"Now let me explain the function of all this equipment."

Everyone immediately looked serious.

"First we start with this ring. I made this ring as our wedding ring. So, each ring has my name and that of each of you, and this ring cannot be removed once worn. Except with my permission and whoever wear it."

Saeko looked very happy and gave her ring to Yoru and held out her hand. The others also followed what Saeko was doing because they knew what Saeko wanted. Yoru can facepalm because he also knows what they want.

"It's not that I don't want to, but, we're a little pressed for time." Yoru said.

Saeko and the others just smiled.

Finally Yoru put the wedding rings one by one to Saeko and the others. And continued with a kiss.

Saeko smiled, Shizuka raised her hand and looked at the ring on her finger with a very happy face. Tears were seen dripping down Shirley's cheeks. Shiiko looked calm, but Yoru could see a slight change from Shiiko's mouth which seemed to put on a slight smile. Ayaka looked a bit unruly as she laughed while kissing the ring on her finger.

[This will all take quite a while if they want you to attach each accessory one by one.]

'huhf' Yoru could only sigh.

"Let's move on to other accessories. This time I'll talk about bracelets. This bracelet can add Strength+100, Agility+100. Second is the Necklace, this accessory adds Endurance+100, Stamina+100. The left earring adds Stamina+100, Stamina Regen + 100. While the right earring adds Mana + 100, Mana Regen + 100."

Yoru prepared himself to jelp them wear the accessories one by one. However, that didn't happen, Saeko and the others wear all the accessories themselves. Yoru became confused.

"You don't want me to help you wear the accessories one by one?" Yoru asked.

"Waste of time." Shiiko answered and the others nodded their heads.

Yoru could only smile.

[Hahahahahahahahaha..... They say waste of time]

"Now, can you guys take off your shoes? I'll try to give him an endowment."

"I know that rings and other accessories are probably made of some material to give them mana. However, the shoes we use are just regular shoes. Are you sure these can be endowted?" Shirley asked with a confused and worried face.

"I don't know I haven't had a chance to try it with normal objects. But if endowment doesn't work, at least I can provide symbols."

Shirley hesitated a bit, but she finally took off her shoes and gave them to Yoru. Saeko and the others finally followed suit. Yoru tried to give an endowment, but failed. More precisely Yoru canceled the endowment he did when he felt the flow of mana was unstable. In the end he decided to only give Agility+1 and Stamina+1 symbols.

Seeing Yoru's process of putting symbols on their shoes, Shirley made a suggestion. "Why don't you put symbols on our clothes too?" Understanding what Shirley said made Saeko immediately stood up and started to take off her clothes.

Yoru could only look at Shirley and Saeko with a strange face and said. "Do you want me to put a symbol on your bra and panties too?"

Shirley looked a bit embarrassed, but Saeko just nodded her head confidently and said. "The more the better."

Yoru gave up and ended up giving Saeko and the others clothes symbols, but the bra and panties were not included. He also didn't forget to give a symbol in his own clothes.

After all is done. Yoru put on a serious face and said. "I want to talk about something else."

Everyone didn't answer and just looked at each other. Saeko looked serious, Shizuka smiled, Shirley sighed, Ayaka looked embarrassed, and Shiiko looked unconcerned.

"Did you want to talk about Fiona?" Saeko said.

"Yes." Yoru didn't argue. Because he was sure that Saeko and the others knew what he wanted to talk about.

"Does she not mind being number 6? Even though she have known you for a long time. But, in this matter, we are ahead of her." Saeko was a little worried.

"It doesn't matter." Yora smiled.

"We never forbid you to find another wife again. But, she must know that you already have us." Shizuka said.

Yoru looked relieved and calm after hearing what Shizuka said.

"Why are you still here?" Shiiko asked.

Yoru looked confused.

"Have you prepared anything for Fiona yet?"

Yoru seemed to have realized something.

"Sorry, I will be out for a moment." Yoru then stood up and walked out of the room.

After Yoru came out, Shiiko looked a little tired. "I don't know why, but he sometimes forgets the most obvious things."

"Maybe because of the pressure." Shizuka said.

"While we usually don't mind all this, it's possible that he still feels that we can ban or dislike someone." Saeko made a suggestion.


After leaving the room, Yoru immediately tried to meet Fiona. He also made accessories that he needed during his journey to find Fiona.

Finally Yoru met Fiona in the director's room.

"Yoru? What's wrong? Why do you look rushed?" Fiona looks confused.

"Huhf... Huhf... Huhf... Sorry, I have something we need to talk about. So I'm in a bit of a hurry." Yoru answered with irregular breathing.

"You better sit down first, and catch your breath first." Fiona looks a little worried.

Yoru then walked up to Fiona with a serious face. He then knelt in front of Fiona and took out a ring from his inventory. Even though Fiona already knew what was going to happen, she was still shocked by what happened.

Yoru then held out the ring he prepared and said. "Fiona, will you be my wife?"