
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 77

'She's definitely Fiona. But damn, she's strong. I will be dead if she's angry.'

Yoru looked worried and made Saeko a little confused.


"Eh... Ah... It's fine, just a little surprised by something."

[Now, what matters is whether she knows who you are. It shouldn't be. Because the body you are using now is not your body.]

'That is true. I'd better calm down and go out as calm as possible.'

But, unexpectedly by Yoru. Souichiro came out first without waiting for Yoru. After that, Tadashi and the others came out one by one.

'She seems to know Souichiro and Tadashi. So maybe she's not the Fiona I know.' Yoru looked calm.

Finally Yoru decided to get out of the car normally because he thought the Fiona here wasn't the Fiona he knew. Saeko and the others also followed Yoru out of the car.

Fiona, who was talking with Souichiro and Tadashi, looked a little surprised. But the look on her face didn't change, so no one knew.

[That woman.]

'What's wrong System?'

[Nope, maybe just my imagination]

'In that case, okay.'

Yoru calmly walked over.

"This man is the leader of this group. Even though he looks young, he is quite competent." Souichiro said.

Yoru held out his hand to Fiona.

"My name is Yoru Kagami. Nice to meet you" Yoru said with a smile.

Souichiro and the others found it a bit odd the way Yoru greeted Fiona. But they didn't care about it.

Fiona looked at Yoru and then at Yoru's hand which he held out. Fiona smiled and then held Yoru's hand.

"My name is Fiona Ran Winchester. I am the director of this hospital."

Both smiled and then broke their handshake.

"Can I ask a few questions?" Fiona said.

Yoru was confused but allowed it. "Please, if I can answer it, I will."

"Who are the five women behind you?"

Yoru turned his head and saw Saeko and the others standing behind him. And Yoru smiled.

"Oh, they are my wife." Yoru replied with a big smile on his face. He answered without any embarrassment, instead he felt proud of his answer.

Fiona looked slightly angry. But she didn't really show it.

"Oh . . . then. Can I ask you a favour."

Yoru was even more confused. "Okay, please say it?"

Fiana took one step back. She stood normally without any particular movements. But in an instant.

Fiona was right in front of Yoru with clenched fists ready to punch him as she said. "Then drop dead you fucking man whore."

Fiona hits Yoru hard. But luckily Yoru swiftly created a barrier in front of his face that was strong enough to withstand Fiona's blow.

But even with that, the barrier he created broke and Yoru was thrown 10 meters away from where he originally standing. With what happened and what he heard from Fiona's mouth. Yoru snapped and shouted.

"What are you doing you blonde Gorilla!!!"

Yoru then walked quickly towards Fiona.

"That's should be my word you man whore!!!"

"You fucking brutes! If I'm not fast enough to make a defense, you will blow my head off you know!"

"Yeah, that's good then. Let me hit you again and blow off that head of yours!"

"What did you say?! You want some huh?!"

"Yeah, let see what you can do!"

Fiona and Yoru were both angry and almost fought each other, making everyone not dare to come closer. But all of that stopped because someone laughed out loud at what Yoru and Fiona were doing.

"Hahahahahahahahaha..... That's some nostalgic scene there!"

Yoru and Fiona suddenly stopped and turned their heads. There they saw a middle-aged man sitting in a wheelchair.

"Sensei." Fiona ran up to the man.

"Why are you here doctor?" Fiona looks worried.

"Professor Mochizuki. Long time no see."

"I got tips from Jessica that you came to Japan. I didn't expect you to get here sooner than I expected." Professor Mochizuki looks pleased.

But Yoru looked very serious looking at professor Mochizuki.

"Did you fail to make the serum you wanted?"

Professor Mochizuki smiled. "No, I succeeded. It's just that the serum is useless for me. My body is too damaged to be able to accept the effects of the serum I made. How long do you think?" Professor Mochizuki asked jokingly.

"Today." Yoru replied with a heavy heart.

Fiona looked very surprised and worried.

"Hahahahahahahahaha... You're sharp as always! No, maybe you're sharper now. That's good then." Professor Mochizuki looks very happy.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions. But we better talk inside. Fiona, call everyone. Yoru, and the others too. We have important things to discuss."

Fiona then rushes into the hospital and professor Mochizuki enters slowly pushed by a silver haired woman.

Yoru then with a serious face give everyone instructions.

"Miamura, Matsudo, Yoshioka. The three of you focus on strengthening the defenses of this place. Yuriko, sorry, can you arrange everything else? Saeko and the others help Yuriko. Souichiro and Tadashi come with me. Apart from the ones I named, you are free. " With a serious face and firm tone Yoru gave instructions.

Everyone knows this is serious stuff. So serious, Yoru doesn't involve Saeko and his other wife. Hence, no one dared to refute and they could only nod their heads.

Yoru then follows professor Mochizuki with Souichiro and Tadashi.

[Mission: Go to Mochizuki General Hospital

Reward : Lvl +1



Yoru followed professor Mochizuki until they arrived at a large meeting room. There were already several people waiting including Fiona.

"Everyone has gathered. First, I will introduce to you. The man with the long white hair is my old colleague. The last time we met, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't it 7 years ago."

"Yeah, 7 years ago when I finished my studies."

"Yup, that was also the last time you saw Fiona."

Yoru and Fiona nodded their heads.

"His name is Yoru Kagami, you can call him Yoru. And the two men beside him are Souichiro Takagi, you guys already know who he is. He's quite famous. And Tadashi Miyamoto, he's a detective from the police."

Yoru, Souichiro, and Tadashi lowered their heads.

"And here we have 6 members. Firstly, the only male here besides me. Arashi Mikami. And the one pushing my chair is Mikoto Kiba. The little one is Oriha Nashida."

"Sensei, that's rude to call someone else small." Oriha smiled and stuck out her tongue.

"Hahahaha..." Professor Mochizuki just laughed.

"After that. The one with red hair, Miki Tsurugi, she is an anesthesiologist. The one with blue hair, Sayo Hitsugi, the head nurse. And lastly, Yuko Sagiri, she is a surgeon."

All lowered their heads.

"Because the introductions are over. We'll go straight to the current problem."

Fiona looks sad. But others are confused by what happened.

"I'm going to die today. Or tomorrow at the latest."

All were shocked by what they heard.

"Yoru, so what do you mean outside just now." Souichiro accidentally spoke in a slightly louder voice that everyone could hear.

"Yeah, what I said earlier is when Professor Mochizuki will pass away."

"Yoru, don't you have anything that can help sensei." Fiona looks really sad.

Yoru just lowered his head and fell silent. 'System, you have a way?'

[I don't recommend it. But we can do something with Professor Mochizuki's body. If he alright by stop being human, I have a way]

"Yoru..." Fiona looked very hopeful.

"Fiona. We can't refuse this. All living things will die."

"But sensei!" Arashi looked very angry.


Arashi could only sit silently.

Everyone seemed unable to accept what was happening.

"Huhf... I have a way."

Everyone turned to Yoru.

"What? Say it quickly!" Fiona was impatient.

"Did you know that magic is a real thing now? With the zombie apocalypse, humans can now use magic too." Yoru then make a fireball from his hand.

However, everyone are not surprised.

"Looks like you guys already know. Then this will all be a little easier."

Everyone looks happy.

"There's only one problem."

Everyone looked tensed after what Yoru said.

"Professor Mochizuki. Are you willing to stop being human?"

all are shocked. But everyone also didn't understand what Yoru was saying.

"Yoru, what do you mean by stop being human? Are you suggesting that I should become a zombie?" Professor Mochizuki looked calm. But Arashi and the others looked really offended.

"Not really. I don't know what you will become, because the results will be random."

Everyone was confused by what Yoru said.

"Explain further."

[Repeat what I said]


[I have a magic that I can use.]

"Sigh. I have a magic I can use."

"This magic is called Re:Birth. As the name suggests. You will be reborn. It's different from resurrection or reincarnation. This magic is used to reborn anyone who is the target of this magic. It's just what you will be born into, that's what I don't know. This magic falls into the Taboo category along with resurrection and reincarnation."

"Reborn. If I was born as a human, I need 9 months to be in the womb." Professor Mochizuki tries to come to a conclusion.

"Not really. If we did it normally, that would be the case. But since I was planning to have the professor born right here right now, the outcome is uncertain." Yoru explained according to what System ordered.

"Can you tell us what sensei will become?" Arashi looked worried.

'He looked fierce earlier, why is he so obedient now? And others too.'

"I don't know. But I will try to make sensei became humanoid. At least he can talk. The thing is, do you agree, professor Mochizuki?"

'System, this magic does exist doesn't it?'

[Yes, but we need to prepare a few things beforehand]

Professor Mochizuki looked a bit in a dilemma.

But, amidst the atmosphere of a dilemma. A notification popped up and made things even more out of hand.

[Mission : Survive the Zombie attack.

Reward : Yellow core*2]

[Mission : Everyone is safe.

Rewards : Lvl+1]

'Damn you fucking chess pieces!'

Fiona, who had been focusing on Yoru since earlier, saw the change in Yoru's face clearly.

"Yoru, what's wrong?" Fiona asked.

"Is there a slightly tall place here. I want to confirm something."

"Yes, the roof of the building next door is quite tall."

"Alright, I'll be out for a bit. Professor Mochizuki, please think carefully about what you want to do."

"Souichiro, Tadashi, please help Miamura to speed up the preparations for the defense of this place." Yoru didn't wait for an answer and went straight out.

"What's wrong with him?" Fiona was a little confused.

Souichiro looked worried. "Damn it. Tadashi, can you go first."

Without answering, Tadashi ran outside.

"You guys have to be prepared too. If Yoru is like that. That means this place will be attacked by Zombies. Last night we were also attacked by more than 5000 zombies. Even one of the zombies that attacked could use magic, and make a huge tornado. And the zombies that survived gave a warning that he's going to attack again with more and stronger zombies. I need to go now. I need to help Tadashi organize the defenses." Souichiro immediately ran outside without waiting for a response.

Everyone in the room looked worried.

"He's sharp as always." Professor Mochizuki smiled

"All of you help prepare the defense. And if you meet Yoru, tell him to meet me." Professor Mochizuki said firmly.

Everyone quickly left the room and did their job.

"Stop being human. Why was I hesitating? Didn't I make this serum so that I can stop being human."