
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 76

The white place then turned into a room containing a human-sized capsule. And a man standing beside the capsule.

The man has long white hair who was tied up, and he has red eyes. The body is white.

"Albino. Who is this man?"


"Why does my head hurt now? I've never felt like this before."

Soon a ring tone rang. The albino man walked over to a box-shaped object on the table. The man then touched it and a hologram in the shape of a human head appeared from the box.

"Mr. Night. How about the development of the full dive device you promised?"

"Don't worry. The device is finished. I just need to wait for the results of a few trials. Another hour to finish." That albino man said with an indifferent face.

"As expected of Mr. Night, you're really the best in this field?" The head hologram looks happy.

"You should say your thanks to Professor Masamune. If it weren't for the data he provided. This device would have taken even more time to be completed."

"Hahahaha... I know, I'll contact Professor Masamune after this. How about we go out for dinner after this. I'll invite Professor Masamune and the others too."

"Fine. Just send me the place and time. I'll be there."

"Okay. I'll send it after I contact Professor Masamune. See you later at the restaurant."


The hologram disappeared and the Albino man's conversation was over. After that, the man walked closer to the capsule again.

"After this, I will be able to create the second world and connect this world to it."

Before long, a knocking sound was heard. And someone is talking behind the door.

"Professor Yoru. The test results have come out. What are we going to do next."

"Go to the lab now. I'll be there after this."

"All right," answered the voice from behind the door.

The albino man then took a lab coat and put it on. And on the lab coat there is a nametag that reads "Yoru Kagami".

The albino man walked out of the room leaving Yoru there speechless.

"Is that man really me?"

Yoru then walked closer to the capsule that was there and observed the capsule.

"This is exactly the same as what I create for ten years."

Yoru then saw a computer and walked over. There Yoru saw that it was July 9, 2734.

"To much different from my memory."

Apart from that, Yoru also saw a document entitled "Full Dive Project" and Yoru could read a bit of the contents of that document.

"This document is exactly the same as what I made for the development of Virtual technology. Even though my proposal was rejected due to resource problems." Yoru looked confused.

"Many things here are the same as my memories, the capsule, this project, even the second world. But these are not my memories."

When Yoru entered a dilemma what exactly was going on. A black door appeared.

"This door. Can I see Istra again?"

Remembering what happened last time, Yoru entered that door without hesitation.

But contrary to his expectations, he did not see Istra or the garden before. But he is now in a classroom.

There he saw students sitting neatly at their desks quietly. Not long after, the classroom door opened and someone entered.

Yoru saw himself walking into the classroom. A man with a height of 170 cm, short black hair, not too fat or thin. A man who looks average from any angle.

"That's me, but why I'm in a high school. Did I'm a teacher here?"

"Morning classes."

"Morning teacher."

"Damn, I'm really a teacher here." Yoru made a strange face.

"Let's review a little bit about what we learned last time before I give you a little quiz."


"Why a quiz in the morning?"

"Don't be a jerk, teacher!!!"

The student voiced their respective grievances.

"Please quit. If you got 100% in this quiz. I will give you a paid voucher for World of Magic." Said Teacher Yoru.

"Are you for real!!!"

"Do not lie!"

"I will get that voucher."

"No, that voucher is mine."

All the students started to get excited after hearing that there was a prize in this quiz.

"Things are so different from my memories. But, it's really me. And I became a high school teacher, to my surprise." Yoru smiled.

"But, the game he said earlier was World of Magic. It was the game I wanted to play after I successfully create my own capsule. But I was sent to another dimension before I could play that game."

"The albino Yoru has the same capsule and project as me. Meanwhile, this Yoru plays the same game as me."

"Actually what happened here."

Not long, a white door appeared and opened. Yoru immediately entered the door hoping to find another memory. However, he finds nothing and returns to his imaginary world.

"Yoru, what's wrong with us? Why are you silent?

"What did you see?" Syatem sounded a little worried.

"I'm fine. Just a little confused and in disbelief." Yoru looks like an idiot.

"What do you mean? What did you see?"

"I see memories that are not mine."

"You mean?" System sounded confused.

"What I saw were memories from "Yoru Kagami". But not "Yoru kagami" me. The Yoru kagami that I saw was so different. First, I saw Yoru Kagami but he was albino. And second, I saw Yoru Kagami but he was a high school teacher. System, do you know anything about this?"

System was silent for a moment and did not answer.

"I know what happened, but at the same time. I don't know why this happened." System sounded a little hesitant.

"Please explain."

"You know the multiverse theory right?"

"Yeah, not only in theory, but I know for a fact that the multiverse really exists. For example this dimension and Shirley, and Rize and Mumei."

"True, but, apart from the multiverse. There is another theory which is called an alternative universe."

"I know about this, a lot of fan fiction is made based on this theory. The theory where if a story goes different from what actually happened."

"That's right. And this theory is not wrong. Because alternative universes really do exist."

"Ah..." Yoru seemed to understand something.

"So you're saying the Yoru I saw earlier is from an alternate universe?"

"Yes, they are still Yoru Kagami, but they live in the same or similar dimensions as you. Sometimes they are different and sometimes they are exactly the same. But alternative universes usually have different histories and realities."

"Ah... That's why the first Yoru is an albino. And the second one is exactly the same as me. And because of that both of them have the same thing with me and at the same time soooo different." Yoru nodded his head.

"That's right. But even if you understand that. We still have a problem. Why can you see their memories."

"Ah... That's the problem. But at least I know what's going on. And it seems those two memories have something to do with this game. VRMMORPG World of Magic."

"Maybe another memory will come up later. We'd better get out of here first. Because we have urgent matters."

Yoru looks serious.

"Yeah. Mochizuki General Hospital. The albino Yoru also know about profesor Mochizuki. Let's go. Let's see what problem will emerge."

"Okie dokie"

A door labeled "Exit" then appears and opened. And Yoru confidently walked through that door.


Two women are seen on the roof of a hospital building. One of them was taking shelter under a big umbrella and wearing a white bikini. And the other one was wearing blue tight clothes and was looking somewhere through the scope of a sniper rifle.

"A convoy of vehicles was seen heading this way. A Humvee led the way and was followed by three buses and three trucks from the police and several cars." Said the woman who saw through the scope.

The bikini woman then stood up and took out a pair of binoculars after hearing what her partner said.

"Oh... A delegation from the police. With that many vehicles, maybe hundreds of them. Oh... I saw Yuriko-san there."

"So, can they be trusted?"

"Of course. The Takagi are a nationalist family, so they won't do anything. Moreover, it seems they are also with the police."

"Zombies in sight. Ready to fire."

"Nope, looks like we don't need to help them. Look, someone came out and shot all the zombies that approached them."

The woman in the bikini then took the handy talkie and called someone.

"Groups of survivors are heading here. The number is probably over a hundred people. Takagi and the police are among them. Over."

"All right. Report received. Over."

The woman in the bikini put down her handy talkie and then lay down again.

"Someone with white hair came out."

"Eh..." The woman in the bikini was a little surprised and immediately looked through the binoculars.

"Opss... Looks like we forgot to report something. But so be it. They're headed here anyway, so there's no need right?"

The other woman looked at the bikini woman with an incredulous face.


Yoru opened his eyes and saw breasts before his eyes.

"Good morning." Saeko greeted Yoru.

"Yeah. Where are we now?"

"We will arrive soon." Saeko answered.

Yoru then opened the top window of the Humvee and got out to look around.

[Are we going to get in trouble later]

'I hope not.'


After a few minutes passed. Yoru arrived in front of the entrance of Mochizuki General Hospital. There a woman Yoru knew was waiting.

'That's Fiona for sure.'

[And she doesn't look in her 40s.]

Yoru immediately activated his Eye of Truth and looked at Fiona.


Name : Fiona Ran Winchester

Gender : Female

Age : 25

Level : 6

Race : Enchanted Human


Strength : B - 455 (+80/LVL up)

Endurance : B - 690 (+80/LVL up)

agility : A - 727 (+100/LVL up)

Luck : C - 338 (+60/LVL up)

Mana : E - 135 (+20/Lvl up)

Stamina : B - 525 (+80/LVL up)

Mana Regen : E - 34 (+2/Lvl up)

Stamina Regen : A - 96 (+10/LVL up)



- Mochizuki General Hospital Director


- Marksman*1 (C Lvl 5)

- Mana Gathering (B Lvl 6)

- Mana Manipulation (B Lvl 6)

- Multitasking*1 (A Lvl 7)

- CQC*1 (B Lvl 8)

- Commanding (C Lvl 9)


- Body Strengthening


- Body : Blue Stripe Shirt (Inner)

- Body : Black Suit (Outer)

- Legs : Black Pants

- Feet : Black High heel
