
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 59

The next day, Yoru woke up with Shirley in his arms.


'Morning, what time is it?'

[Four in the morning. You better wake up and prepare what you have to do today]

'Not much we need to do today right? We just need to go to Saint Isidore University.'

Yoru looked a little lazy.

[We need to clear out all the jewelery shops and banks. Do not waste what is in front of you]

'System, we still have enough points, don't we?'

[No. We don't have enough points and gild. We need over 300 million points for me to carry out my plan.]

Yoru gawked at the number of points the System needed.

'How many?'

[300 million. The more the better.]

'What's that many points for!!!'

[Did you forget that bishop is 10 times stronger than you. Not to mention knights, rooks, queens, and even kings. How strong do you think they are.]

Yoru was silent.

[Let's assume we only have to face one of all types. You alone may not be enough to fight them all. But. In fact a set contains at least 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, 1 queen, 1 king. Imagine how strong you must be if one bishop is already 10 times stronger than you.]

[If you think 300 million is enough. No. You need more than 10 billion points so you can fight all alone. And it's not efficient.]

'Are you also thinking about strengthening Saeko, Shizuka, and Shirley?'

[Of course. But if you take another new wife. We need more points]

Yoru could only be silent hearing what System said.

[Hurry up. And earn as much money as possible]

'Why do you sound like a money-grubber wife.' Yoru answered a little lazily.

After messing around with System a few minutes. Yoru then woke up Shirley who was sleeping while hugging Yoru with her naked body.

"Shirley, wake up, it's morning." Yoru said softly.

Shirley still looked a little lazy, so Yoru had to kiss Shirley to wake her up.

Shirley, who didn't expect to receive a kiss from Yoru, looked shocked and opened her eyes wide.

"Now you are awake." Said Yoru with a smile after seeing Shirley wake up.

Shirley's face was very red with embarrassment. Of course, Shirley had never been treated this way. So she still couldn't adjust.

"Wanna take a bath together?" Invite Yoru.

Shirley just lowered her face in embarrassment. Having received no answer from Shirley, Yoru decided to take a bath himself. But before he could walk out Shirley grabbed his hand.

Yoru was confused by what Shirley was doing because she just lowered her head. Not knowing what to do, Yoru decided to hold Shirley and went to the bathroom together. Shirley didn't resist at all, but she covered her face in embarrassment.

But unfortunately, nothing memorable happened between the two in the bathroom. And they went straight back to the bedroom to change clothes.

[Why don't you do anything]

'What do you think I am?'

[Horny Rabbit who can have sex even though he is only 1 day old]

Yoru immediately looked angry. But fortunately he was able to hide his expression from Shirley.

"What should we do today?" Shirley asked after they came out of the bathroom.

"Not much. We're going to meet up with the rest of my group. But we need to make a few stops first."

"For what? Are there still others like me?" Shirley was a little worried.

"No, I need to collect some items so I can strengthen myself. And maybe strengthen you and the others as well." Yoru replied.

"Do we need to collect magic stones or something?" Shirley was curious as to what Yoru wanted to collect.

Because according to what Shirley knew. One could strengthen themselves using magic stones.

"No, I don't collect things like that. And actually magic stone doesn't exist in this dimension. I'll explain more later. We better have breakfast first."

Yoru and Shirley then came out of the bedroom after finishing changing. And they saw Yuusuke and Mitsuki already awake and sitting in the living room when they came out of the bedroom.

"You guys are awake. Have you guys showered yet?" Yoru asked.

Already finish. We were actually waiting for you to come out of the bedroom." Yoru said

"Then, can you go down and look for a vehicle first."

"Right now?" Yuusuke looked a little dispirited after hearing what Yoru said.

"The sooner the better." Yora smiled.

"Huhf... Alright." Yuusuke gave up and then walked out of the hotel room.

After Yuusuke go out. Yoru decided to make breakfast. But Mitsuki stopped him and took his place to make breakfast with the help of her two younger brothers.

"Yoru, who are they?" Shirley was a little confused.

"Yesterday, when you pass out. They came here to find a place to spend the night. So I just let them sleep here." Yoru answered.

"I also invite them to join my group." Yoru added.

"Eh.... Are you also going to make that woman your wife?" Shirley asked with a straight face.

Yoru was taken aback by Shirley's question.

"What kind of man do you think I am?"

"You will not?"

"Of course not! I don't make all the women I meet become my wife. I also have the right to choose."

"Ehhhh....." Shirley looked in disbelief.

Yoru looked lethargic because Shirley couldn't believe it.

"Even if she were your wife, I wouldn't mind it." Shirley said.

"I told you, I also have the right to choose." Yoru almost cried.

Shirley laughed at Yoru's state and patted his head. "Yes I believe."

Not long after that. Yuusuke was done with what he had to do and went back into the hotel room.

"What are you doing." Yuusuke said when he saw Yoru and Shirley's behavior.

Yoru and Shirley immediately turned towards Yuusuke when they heard Yuusuke's voice. And the two of them couldn't say anything and could only silently look at Yuusuke.

Not long, Mitsuki appeared from the kitchen.

"Yoru-san breakfast is..." Mitsuki was silent after seeing Yoru, Shirley and Yuusuke looking at each other but they all fell silent.

"What are you all doing?" Mitsuki asked.

Trying to hide his embarrassment, Yoru immediately clapped and stood up.


"Since breakfast is ready, we better eat first." Yoru said confidently.

"Don't just change the subject." Shirley said.

"I'm not." Yoru defended himself.

"Ehh.... Alright then." Shirley stood up and then patted Yoru on the shoulder.

After that Shirley walked away from Yoru with a satisfied face.

"Wa... Wait, I'm really not changing our conversation."

"Yeah, yeah, you're not."

"One yeah is enough."

"Yeah, let's just eat and then do what we need to."

"Now, you're the one who changed our conversation."

The two of them walked towards the dining room while arguing a bit.

"Why are you two just sitting there?" Yoru asked because he saw Yuusuke and Mitsuki just standing there in silence.

Yuusuke, and Mitsuki then followed Yoru to the dining room with strange faces.


After finishing breakfast. Yoru started explaining what they were going to do.

"Before we talk about what we should do. Let me first introduce my partner who was sick yesterday." Yoru said.

"My name is Shirley, nice to meet you." She said.

"I'm Yuusuke Takemura." Yuusuke said while lowering his head.

"I'm Mitsuki Fujino. And these are my two younger brothers. The one with long hair is Masaru, and the one with short hair is Takashi." Add Mitsuki.

"Since the introductions are over, let's proceed with what we have to do."

"First Yuusuke, is there a vehicle we can use?"

"There are several vehicles we can use. There is a small one and there is a minibus as well. I also found some jerry cans and hoses. We can use them to fetch fuel from other vehicles." Yuusuke answered.

"Yuusuke, can you drive?"

"I can. Even though I don't have a license to drive a car."

"How's the underground parking lot? Are Are there a lot of zombies there?"

Yuusuke was silent for a moment. But Yoru knows what answer Yuusuke will give without having to look at the map. Because all of that was clearly seen from Yuusuke's very worried face.

"There are quite a few. There are even some that look ferocious."

Yoru was silent. To Yuusuke and Mitsuki, Yoru looked speechless and thought. But actually he opened the map and counted how many zombies there were.

[For the current you. This amount will not be a problem. But if you're still not sure. You can use symbols in addition]

'I also think that way.'

Yoru then seemed to have made up his mind.

"We'll go down to the underground parking lot together. First we need to get to the minibus first. After that, Yuusuke and Mitsuki are in charge of retrieving as much fuel as you guys can. Shirley, you're in charge of escorting the two of them. As for the zombies over there. Let me handle everything." Yoru said with a calm face.

Yuusuke looked a little disbelieving.

"Are you sure Yoru-san? There are quite a lot there you know."

"It doesn't matter, as long as there aren't more than a hundred of them. I think I can handle it." Yoru answered while nodding his head.

Yuusuke was still a little disbelieving, but he gave up and complied.

"We're getting ready now. After that, wait for me in front of the hotel room." Yoru concluded the conversation.

After that, Yoru entered the bedroom and was followed by Shirley. Meanwhile, Yuusuke and Mitsuki, who didn't have many things on them, only took a moment to prepare themselves and immediately waited in front of the hotel room.