
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 58

Their trip was not long, it only took two hours. They had arrived at the gates of Megurigaoka Private High School.

"Tadashi, do you think there are survivors here?" Souichiro asked the man sitting beside him.

Tadashi is a police detective who is also Rei's father.

"Don't know either. But judging from the condition of this gate. I think there are some students who survived." Tadashi answered.

"Half of members of Takagi and the police are clearing the school area. Saeko, your group and me and Tadashi will clean up what's inside. Yuriko, Kiriko, and Hanako, and the rest. You guys are standing guard here."

Kiriko is Rei's mother who has hair like Rei's only shorter. Meanwhile, Hanako is Takashi's mother. She looks like an ordinary housewife. But her image is shattered when she holds the sniper rifle.

After the assignment. Everyone started doing their respective tasks.

Souichiro and the others, who were in charge of cleaning at the school found the stairs leading to the third floor blocked by piles of chairs and desks.

"With this it is certain that there are survivors here." Say Tadashi.

"Force in or shall we wait?" Saeko asked.

"We force it. But stay alert, maybe whoever is here is not friendly." Said Souichiro with a serious face.

After that, Souichiro, Tadashi, Takashi, Kouta focused on moving all the chairs and tables that were blocking the way. Meanwhile Saeko and the others guarded against any zombies that approaching.

But before they could clear away all the chairs and tables, they heard footsteps approaching. Everyone immediately got ready for attack. But to their surprise, what appeared was a young woman with a petite build. She has long, straight, pink hair, which is slightly wavy at the ends. Her hair was tied back in a white ribbon in a long ponytail that reached her hips. She also has shoulder-length strands that frame her face, and she has an ahoge on top of her head that point up and curl at the ends. She wore a gray hairpin on the right side of her hair.

"Who are you?" asked the woman.

Souichiro and Tadashi immediately lowered their hands and the others followed.

"I'm Souichiro Takagi. We're here to find out if there are still survivors in this place. If so, we plan to take the survivors to Mochizuki General Hospital, because the SDF will make an evacuation attempt there." Souichiro replied.

"I'm Tadashi Miyamoto. Detective from the police. I can guarantee that what Souichiro said is true." Tadashi added.

"When it comes to zombies, our other members are trying to clean up everything here." Souichiro added more.

The woman was silent for a moment and then said. "I'm Megumi Sakura, the teacher of this school. Right now, there's only me and 4 other girls here. For the others..." Megumi lowered her head.

"Sorry if we made you remember something uncomfortable. But, can we talk in a more comfortable place?" Say Saeko.

Hearing Saeko's words. Megumi came to her senses and then led Souichiro and the others up to the third floor after clearing away the chairs and tables covering the path.

Once on the third floor, they entered a classroom that was set up like a meeting room.

"Takashi, Kouta, can you watch over the stairs earlier. We haven't been able to clean every corner of this school yet. I'm not taking any chances." Say Saeko.

Takashi and Kouta nodded their heads.

"I'm going too, I'm not comfortable with this kind of atmosphere." Said Rei who then followed Takashi.

Asami and Yuuki also then walked to chase Rei for the same reason.

After everyone entered the room. They continue their talk.

"Is that true?" Ask Megumi.

"Yes, it will be done on September 7th at Mochizuki General Hospital." Answered Tadashi.

Megumi looked relieved. "But may I ask for a little help?"

Souichiro and Tadashi looked slightly confused but nodded their heads.

"My students family, can we find out their condition first?" Ask Megumi with a hopeful face.

Tadashi wanted to answer immediately, but Souichiro prevented him from doing so. And Souichiro then turned to Saeko.

"We can do that, but tomorrow. For today, we'd better rest here. Traveling at night is very dangerous." Say Saeko.

"We can leave tomorrow morning before we head to Saint Isidore University." Saeko added.

Megumi looks happy hearing Saeko's words. Souichiro and Tadashi also smiled and nodded their heads.

After the talk is over. Megumi helped Souichiro and the others set up the classroom they would use for the night.

With all the overnight preparations completed. They then talk about their travel plans for the next morning, much to Megumi's students being very happy about the plan for searching their family.

After all is done, and they finish with their dinner. Everyone immediately rested in a place that had been prepared. And before ending the day, Saeko and Shizuka opened their inventory which made them a bit surprised but happy.

Because they found a message from Yoru.


I'm safe and sound. But I'm having a little problem. The place where the space rift happened, a woman came out from there. So I have to look after her for a bit.


"Looks like we'll get a sister." Saeko said.

"That's fine right?" Shizuka answered with a smile on her face.

Saeko then replied to the message Yoru had left before she slept soundly with Shizuka.


Back where Yoru and Shirley were.

After teaching how to use the status panel to Shirley. Yoru saw that there was a new message in the inventory which made him a little surprised.

"Yoru, what's wrong?" asked Shirley.

"It's fine, I just got a message from my wife." Yoru answered followed by a sigh.

"What's in the message?" Shirley became curious after seeing Yoru's reaction after reading the message left by his wife.

"Earlier, I told you that I left a message for my wife about what happened now, didn't I? That message also contained something about you. Even though I just said that I met a woman and now I'm helping that said woman. But their answer was a little bit unexpected for me." Yoru said while giving a piece of paper to Shirley.

Shirley took the paper and read what was on it. After that, Shirley's face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

Of course Shirley was embarrassed, because of the contents of the message.


Will that woman be our sister?


Yes, the contents of the message did not ask about Yoru's condition at all. But asking if Yoru would like to make Shirley his third wife.

"So what's your answer?" Shirley asked shyly.

"I won't answer. You better meet with them tomorrow. Do you want me to answer the message?" Yoru asked slightly confused.

Shirley nodded her head shyly.

"Then I will write my answer. I only need one word to answer it."

Yoru then took the paper and wrote "Yes" and then put the paper back in the inventory.

"Wh... What's your answer?" Shirley with a blushing face asked.

Yoru didn't answer and just looked right at Shirley which made Shirley feel even more embarrassed and covered her face.

"I guess, I have no choice." Yoru then removed Shirley's hand that was covering her face and then kissed Shirley.

Yoru kissed Shirley deeply and used his tongue. Shirley didn't refuse and kissed Yoru back. Shirley even wrapped her arms around Yoru's neck.

'She put her arm around me and let out a sweet moan while sucking my lips.'

Yoru then lifted Shirley's body and placed her on his lap. After a few minutes, Yoru broke the kiss.

Shirley's face was red with irregular breathing and a grin dripped from her mouth. She says.

"Just a little more..."


Shirley then hugged Yoru tightly and kissed him. Yoru, on the other hand, began to use his hands to squeeze Shirley's breasts and play with her nipples.

Yoru also slowly caressed Shirley's stomach and finally caressed her pussy.

Yoru then inserted his finger into Shirley's pussy which made Shirley moan a bit. Not to be outdone, Shirley let go of one hand and then stroked Yoru's penis.

Yoru then fingered Shirley's pussy faster and faster. And Shirley started to touch Yoru's penis directly and give him a hand job.


Shirley moan everytime Yoru put in his finger inside her pussy.

"Let it out. Don't hold back." Yoru said softly in Shirley's ear which made Shirley moan louder.


"Ahh... Mmmmm..."

"Ahh... Ahhhhh...."


Shirley also ejaculated hard. And lying on the bed limply.

With a limp body. Shirley tried to sit up.

"Yoru..." Shirley said as she started to take off her clothes.

And it wasn't long before Shirley also took off Yoru's pants.

"It's not fair if it's just me..." Shirley said while holding Yoru's penis which was released from his pants.

Shirley then looked at Yoru's fully erect penis and started licking it.

"Ahh... I can taste your precum." Shirley said.

Shirley then put Yoru's penis into her mouth and started sucking it hard.







"Let it out." Shirley said


"It's out!"




"You cum a lot."

"It's still hot and hard."

Huff... Huff...

"I want it inside me."

Shirley then pushed Yoru and made Yoru lie on the bed. Shirley then sat on top of Yoru.

"Let me put it inside. And I will make sure to catch everything."

Shirley then slowly inserted Yoru's penis into her pussy.



In the end, all of Yoru's penis entered her pussy.

Ahhhh... Huff... Huff...

"It's full"

"It's feel good...."

"I'm going to move now."

Shirley slowly moved her hips up and down.





Yoru didn't want to waste the opportunity and started squeezing Shirley's breasts.


Shirley slowly accelerated the movement of her hips.



"Are you going out?"

"Just get out, it's okay, I want everything to come out inside."



"It's coming..."


Both ejaculate simultaneously.

Ah... Huff... Huff...

"You're still so hard. Should we keep going."

Hearing invitation from Shirley. Yoru then immediately changed the position of the two of them.

Now Shirley was lying on the bed with Yoru on top of her.

Yoru immediately pushed his penis into Shirley's pussy.


And suddenly Yoru moved his hips quickly.







"Ah... you're making me feel so good."

"This is the first time I had someone deep inside me."

"Ahhh... Right there..."

"Ahh.... You're so rough..."



"Ahh... Yoru..."

"Ahh... I-I'm cumming!"

"My... My pussy is tingling..."







"Shirley... I'm cumming..."



"You're moving and cumming inside me. It feels great..."

Shirley instantly fainted after ejaculating hard.

"Did I do it to hard?" Yoru was a little worried after seeing Shirley faint.

[Possible. Shirley just had a miscarriage this afternoon. And you two have a hard sex in the same day]

Yoru smiled and then lifted Shirley's body and laid her on the bed in the right position.

Yoru then created a magic circle to clean up all the mess the two of them had made. And after that, Yoru slept beside Shirley.