
Road to becoming the wealthiest: Starting From Treasure Hunting in the Cabinets

What was in the container that nobody wanted? What could be found in an abandoned warehouse? You thought there was only junk? No, no, no! Antique jewelry, limited edition racing cars, aerospace instruments, helicopters, cattle'... be creative so that you'd come up with a lot more! With the ability to turn waste into treasure, Zhu Yu, who had awakened the heavenly eyes, collected unlimited wealth from the unclaimed containers, and walked step by step on the road to success!

Street And Breeze · Urban
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926 Chs

Chapter 5: Earn a Year's Worth of Money from Others!

Translator: 549690339

The fight ultimately didn't happen.

George Qiao held back Elder Joey and apologized to Sean:

"Chinese boy, I'm sorry, you know Elder Joey has some personality issues, so... how about I compensate you with 500 dollars?"

"Alright," Sean wasn't really determined to beat Elder Joey anyway.

Although these container treasure hunters were competing with each other, they were also intricately linked, so it could be really troublesome if they got on each other's bad side.

George Qiao handed over 500 dollars to Sean and then left with the disgruntled Elder Joey.

Sean made a call to Mr. John:

"John, I've got a batch of goods here, can you find someone to buy them?"

"Sean, you've gambled on a container? Looks like it's a big harvest? Tell me, what kind of goods?"

"About fifty boxes of printing paper and fifteen laser printers, I'll send you the model number later."

"Nice! I'll contact someone right now. If it's all new stuff, it could be worth a lot of money!"

Sean waited there for half an hour, and a truck showed up.

A middle-aged man in a suit stepped out of the truck and immediately approached as he saw the items.

"Are you Sean? I'm John's friend Nathan. I heard you've got a batch of printers and copy paper?"

"Yes." Sean pointed to the boxes on the ground, "They're brand new; you can check them."

During the wait, he had already checked online, and the official retail price for each printer was 700 dollars.

Nathan carefully inspected each printer then made an offer,smiling:

"We're all friends of John's, so I'll give you a fair price, 9,000 dollars, how about it?"

Sean shook his head:

"If it was just the printers, that would be fair. But there's also the copy paper, and there's a lot of it!

If I were to sell them online, I could get at least twelve thousand dollars..."

"Okay, okay!" Nathan initially thought Sean would be easy to talk to, but he realized Sean knew the market well, "The most I can offer is 10,000 dollars..."

"Deal!" Sean smiled and extended his hand.

Nathan hesitated, as he thought Sean would still haggle a bit more, but he was surprisingly decisive!

They shook hands, and Nathan paid up, then loaded everything onto the truck.

Nathan practically cleared everything from the container, leaving Sean to just clean up the old table and garbage.

Half an hour later, Sean handed over the empty container to James feeling refreshed, then set up and cleaned the table in his own container home.

Not bad!

Next, it was time to take inventory of the earnings.

He originally had 2,001 dollars, and with Mr. John's 1,000 dollars, that made 3,001.

Then he made 3,000 dollars from selling the typewriter, and another 10,000 dollars from selling the printers, making a total of 16,001 including the 500 dollars from George Qiao.

Add to it the 100 dollars from selling clothes, his total balance was 16,101 dollars which was a pretty good number!

Expense-wise, the third container cost 125 dollars, and the one from George Qiao cost 2,900 dollars, which came to 3,025 dollars.

With the ins and outs accounted for, he ended up with 13,076 dollars, paying back Mr. John's 1,000 dollars leaving 12,076 dollars in total!

He earned over 60,000 RMB in just one day!

In the Online Literature Community, this would put him at a top-level!

Sean laughed to himself for a while, feeling satisfied, then went out.

Getting such a harvest on his first container gamble, despite the help of Sky Eye, he still had his fair share of wit and resourcefulness!

People like Madden and the Joey brothers had an eye for treasure.

It was probably because they recognized he was a newbie, they wanted to take advantage of him, which is why they pulled that stunt earlier.

I should be more cautious in the future.

Of course, when it's time to show off, I can't act cowardly!

At that time, when Elder Joey approached, if he really tried something, Sean Knight would definitely not hesitate to fight back!

At home, the moves taught by Grandfather, although the old man humbly said they were just farmhand maneuvers.

But Sean absolutely believes that those moves are definitely lethal techniques!

Taking down the Joey Brothers would surely be a piece of cake!

Sean had that much self-confidence. Otherwise, his father would not have let him go on this adventure on his own.

After leaving the container and locking it up, Sean walked out of the Port District and took a cab to the city.

He bought a jade pipe for Mr. John for 500 dollars, considering it a small luxury.

Sean bought a new set of clothes, originally planning to go to the second-hand car market to buy a car, but after calculating his money, he realized he didn't have much and decided not to buy it.

He went to a Chinese restaurant, had a Chinese meal, which was average, not particularly bad, and had a bit of a hometown taste.

The most important thing was to buy a mobile phone and get a SIM card.

After the attack, Sean lost his phone; while recovering from his injuries at the bar, he only used Mr. John's phone to call home twice, saying a few brief words and not making any calls since then.

He inserted the SIM card and couldn't wait to dial the number he always remembered.

The phone was picked up immediately after ringing once.

"Sean, is that you?"

It was his father, Mark Knight's voice.

"Dad, it's me." Sean's voice trembled slightly, and he could hear his father's voice trembling too.

"Finally, some news from you! Before, you said you were busy and didn't elaborate, and your phone was unreachable. Your mother was worried sick!" Mark's voice suddenly relaxed, "Now, can you tell me in detail what happened? The lawyer called earlier claiming you committed a crime, killed someone, and became a fugitive?"

"That man was lying." Sean immediately explained, "When I arrived here, Uncle was already dead, and the lawyer wouldn't let me see anyone..."

Sean described the situation to his father.

After hearing the story, Mark expressed his concern, saying:

"You should come back. Don't get involved with your Uncle's affairs anymore... Your grandfather also said that you shouldn't have gone out."

Sean's grandfather had always been indignant that Uncle Jeremy Phillips went to America and went so far as claiming not to have such a son.

That was why he was against the idea of Sean going to America to inherit the property of his Uncle Jeremy.

The Old Master was very traditional; he believes that Jeremy's becoming an American citizen was traitorous.

"I can't go back right now." Sean might have already been booking a ticket if not for Sky Eye.

But retrieval of the Black Jade Pendant is related to Sky Eye's cultivation method, and Sean becomes determined to succeed!

Moreover, since he has been hurt, he should take revenge.

Hiding is not the tradition of the Knight Family!

Mark knew of his son's stubbornness and advised:

"Be careful. If you need money, just say the word."

"No need, it's pretty easy for me to make money here." Sean said with a laugh.

However, Mark thought his son was trying to put his mind at ease and sternly responded:

"The poor in the house; the rich on the road. It's never as convenient as being at home; this is not the time for politeness... Your mother is here; talk to her for a while..."

His mother, Ruby Johnson, had a tearful voice. Sean had to spend considerable effort comforting her.

After hanging up the phone, Sean knew he needed to recharge his account.

Originally, Sean wanted to buy a second-hand car, but after calculating the money he had, he decided against it.

He'll just wait until he earns another wave of cash before deciding! (New books are not easy; please consider adding to your collection and voting for recommendations!)