
Road to becoming the wealthiest: Starting From Treasure Hunting in the Cabinets

What was in the container that nobody wanted? What could be found in an abandoned warehouse? You thought there was only junk? No, no, no! Antique jewelry, limited edition racing cars, aerospace instruments, helicopters, cattle'... be creative so that you'd come up with a lot more! With the ability to turn waste into treasure, Zhu Yu, who had awakened the heavenly eyes, collected unlimited wealth from the unclaimed containers, and walked step by step on the road to success!

Street And Breeze · Urban
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892 Chs

Chapter 6 Joanna Davis Arrives

Translator: 549690339

When they got to the Seven Axes Pub, John saw Sean Knight coming and exaggeratedly said:

"Oh ho! Our lucky boy is back, come, let me take a look... Hahaha, your complexion looks good!"

There were not many people in the bar at this time, all familiar faces, who laughed when they heard John's words.

Old sailor Bondi Davis raised his glass to Sean and said:

"Sean, I heard you made a fortune. Well done! I always knew you couldn't stay in the bar forever, see!"

Another sailor teased him:

"Didn't you say Sean's introverted nature made him more suitable for working in a bar?"

"Screw you!"


Everyone laughed uproariously.

Sean Knight smiled and greeted these people one by one before coming to the bar.

"John, this is a gift for you." Sean handed over the pipe, "Thank you!"

In the pipe's box was also the one thousand dollars John had lent Sean yesterday.

When John took the box and opened it, he showed a surprised expression:

"Wow! What a beautiful pipe! I love it!"

"Thank you for your help!" Sean said sincerely.

"No, no, no!" John winked at Sean, "Do you know? I made 500 dollars in referral fees from Nathan, which is more than my daily bar revenue!

So you see, it was an investment!

Your performance now proves my eye for talent was good! Hahahaha!"

Old John wasn't one to take credit, which made Sean even more grateful.

If it weren't for Old John, he might have indeed ended up dead on the streets.

"Alright, have one on me! If you have any goodies in the future, just remember to contact me."

Old John knew what Sean was thinking and smiled as he poured him a drink:

"This is beer from China. You must be used to drinking it, right?"

Sean looked at it and didn't expect to see an "NSNM" beer here!

What a miracle!

He picked up the glass and took a sip. The bitter taste filled his mouth, but it brought back memories of a familiar taste.

Now that's the taste of home!

"Come on, pour me one too!"

A female voice sounded beside him, and Sean turned to see the beautiful Joanna Davis.

Joanna's black hair was relatively rare among white people, with big eyes and no freckles as common in white girls. She was slightly shorter than Sean, and she was looking at him with a smile.

"Oh, look who's here, our beauty!" Some people in the bar immediately started teasing them.

These regulars all knew that Joanna had feelings for Sean, but he never accepted her affection.

In their eyes, it was a characteristic of Sean's Chinese personality.

But Sean knew better than anyone that now was not the time for romance!

John poured Joanna a glass of beer, and she took a sip before frowning and then relaxing:

"Hmm, it's a strange taste!"

After saying that, she finished the glass and pushed it towards John:

"Give me another one!"

Sean wanted to persuade her but couldn't find the words.

However, John was more than happy to see the two of them together and laughed as he handed the bottle to Joanna:

"You help yourself. This is beer from Sean's hometown!"

Joanna's eyes lit up when she heard that:

"Only one bottle? How could that be enough?"

"Joanna, you're still in school, you shouldn't drink too much." Sean felt compelled to say.

Although the beer wasn't very intoxicating, it had a slightly higher alcohol content than usual.

"Don't you know it's the weekend?" Joanna hiccuped, exhaling her beer breath towards Sean, "Mmm, it does taste good!"

"By the way, I heard you gambled on a container today and made some money. Aren't you going to treat me to a meal?"

"Of course."

After all, in addition to John's help at the bar, Joanna's presence made things a lot easier for Sean.

Besides, eating was always better than drinking!

However, Sean miscalculated. What Joanna meant was to eat at Sean's place, so he could cook for her!

"I've heard a lot about your cooking skills, so if you really want to treat me to a meal, go ahead and make one for me!"

Sean felt like he was being tricked.

However, it wasn't a big deal. He led Joanna to the container where he lived.

He wanted her to see the place he lived in and, perhaps, change her mind.

Now, all Sean wanted to do was to make money quickly so that he could have the strength to take his revenge!

When Joanna left, she held a bottle of "NSNM" in one hand and winked at Mr. John.

Mr. John gave her a thumbs up, wishing her success.

Sean didn't even notice.

When they arrived at the container, Joanna was genuinely surprised.

However, the surprise wasn't that Sean lived in a container, but that it was incredibly clean.

"Wow, Sean! I didn't expect you to be able to keep a house so tidy!"

Joanna would never admit that none of the rooms in her villa were as clean as this place!

"For Chinese people, this is completely normal," Sean replied as he began to prepare the ingredients for cooking.

Since he was going to cook, he decided to make his specialties; thankfully, his supplies were sufficient.

He took out some rice, washed it cleanly, and put it into a rice cooker. Then, he began cleaning a fish.

He planned to make simple scrambled eggs with green peppers, steamed sea fish, Mapo Tofu, and seaweed egg drop soup.

Sean had to thank the container sales business for making this possible.

There were many containers for sale here that had items from China, some belonging to people who couldn't pay their rent or had abandoned them.

Many of these items were seasonings.

Most of the treasure hunters didn't understand the value of these items, so they often threw them away.

Sean had bought and collected many of these items.

Otherwise, it would have been much more difficult to enjoy an authentic hometown meal!

Joanna didn't sit idly by and asked Sean:

"Where are the cups?"

Sean pointed to the cups' location and continued cooking.

Besides the steamed fish, the other two dishes didn't take much time, so they were quickly finished.

Joanna poured herself a drink, sniffed the aroma, and was very eager for the meal to begin!

It smelled amazing!

She couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

If they were at her own house, she probably would have already started eating!

Here though, she decided it was best to wait and maintain her image.

Damn her image!

Sean saw Joanna's expression and chuckled as he handed her a pair of chopsticks:

"Can you use these?"

"Yeah, I've learned," Joanna said, but she didn't seem very confident.

"Then, use this instead," Sean offered her a spoon and a fork.

"No need, I'll wait for you to start together."

"Alright, just ten more minutes."

10 minutes later, the two sat down at the table with a portion of rice each.

"Let's eat," Sean picked up his chopsticks and served Joanna a piece of fish, "Try my cooking."

Joanna politely thanked him and began tasting the food.

Although she was prepared, she didn't expect Sean's food to be so delicious!

Next, she turned her attention to the mouthwatering scrambled eggs with green peppers.

And then, onto the Mapo Tofu...

"Oh wow!"

This was Joanna's first time experiencing such spiciness! Despite the fierce heat in her mouth, she couldn't bear to spit out the tofu!

It was still tasty even though it was spicy!

"Drink some beer to cool down!" Sean tried to hold back his laughter. He hadn't intended to play a prank on Joanna, but seeing her greedy expression, the idea had come to him.

Joanna drained the beer in her cup in one gulp, then immediately reached for another spoonful of Mapo Tofu!

It seemed the spicier it got, the more she wanted to eat!

In a short time, they had finished two bottles of beer along with several more bottles that Sean had stored in his container.

And then...